And tomorrow I will labor really. Among the incidents have seen, outings (tiring and irritating) in the capital, calls in Rome, Milan, Bologna and Chiasso (Switzerland pleasant place) tomorrow I raise the curtains for that of Bodrum.
Son of few words tonight. It 's weird, I know, how strange to go without pain, without a vote of women from having to remember "... I did not head for the women of course, but it makes me a bit storge 'the mouth that I have not left anything behind and still have much to do here, and he decided to leave. Cowardice? because that is not like that? because I can not deal with it? or because I do not want to face?
In a fit of nostalgia, fear (a little '
And I'm only four months. Four months is not a lifetime. And I seem to go forever. I know I'll be back already, with nothing resolved, with everything to do ... Bodrum is this, if not a long period of non-thought? I hope that at least serve me to mature and to act more mature. To help me manage and cope.
is now part really (I'm lazy, I do not think being able to store a few posts scheduled to be published, except perhaps something for the first year of my blog
As a final pledge I leave this suggestion also of a cake suitable for Summer and the insistent evidence costume ... maybe late June, because now the sun has begun and with it the days at sea. And the proof costume already gave its findings, which were painful or unsatisfactory.
But more aspect (of course, forget that I can not actually wait ORA) will have less meaning that you propose to water my cake ... if not for its actual goodness. Yes, you heard right, I called "water pie". Originally its title was "cake without eggs" in a recipe Tuya76 Cookbook of the White , but "water pie" is the expression in the family seemed more appropriate.
E 'cake interesting because it does not use eggs or milk or butter: it has only the fat and oil as a liquid requires of sound, clear, fresh, healthy mineral water. And that makes it light, and extremely versatile.
More than a recipe, in fact, this is a base that can, indeed must, be customized at will ... I think that is really eaten so tasteless, or who does not deserve all the praise that I'm doing
Excellent all three, although my preference goes to the one with the apples.
It's strange to go without pain,
without a vote of women from having to remember.
But it was different on your dying
want to give in love that outputs to April.
What's different in your dying.
(Fabrizio de André: " Non al denaro, non all'amore né al cielo ")
Torta all'acqua
Ingredients ( for a tin of 20 cm in diameter )
- 225 grams of flour
- 2 tablespoons baking powder cake
- 150 g of sugar
- 6 tablespoons sunflower oil
- cinnamon if you like
- 250 g of water
Procedure : Put in a bowl the dry ingredients: flour, baking powder, sugar, and if you want you can also add a sprinkle of cinnamon. In another container put the liquid ingredients
: water and oil.
Using whips unite a filo gli ingredienti liquidi a quelli asciutti fino ad ottenere un impasto omogeneo che ho versato nello stampo unto e cosparso di pangrattato.
Infornare in forno preriscaldato a 180° C per 30/35 minuti.
Con una preparazione brevissima e un procedimento ancor più banale, vi ritrovate così ad avere una versatile, ma vuota, torta all'acqua
Versione con Mele e Mandorle

Ingredients to add to those of the base
- 2 or 3 medium sized apples
- the juice of a lemon
- two or three handfuls of almonds
- brown sugar to taste
Bake for the usual 30-35 minutes at 180 ° C but premunitevi to do the toothpick test to the fact that the apples release water and may need to bake the cake a bit 'more
Ingredienti :
per l'impasto bianco
- 125 g di farina
- 80 g di zucchero
- un cucchiaio di lievito
- 125 ml di acqua
- 3 cucchiai di olio
per l'impasto nero
- 113 g flour 80 g sugar a tablespoon of yeast
- 125 ml of coffee left to cool (a little over two cups)
- 3 tablespoons oil
Procedure: Prepare the two bodies separately.
On the one hand, stir together the flour, sugar and baking powder. Then mixed with warm coffee spoons of oil. Then add the liquid ingredients to dry ones and mix thoroughly until all the dough omogeneo e non eccessivamente liquido. Versate nello stampo unto e cosparso di pangrattato.
In un’altra ciotola in cui avrete già pesato i 112 grammi di farina dell'impasto bianco, lo zucchero e aggiunto il lievito. Mescolate l'acqua e l'olio e unitelii a filo agli ingredienti asciutti, per poi versare il composto nello stampo sopra a quello “nero”.
Usando il manico di un mestolo di legno disegnate dei circoli nel composto, perchè gli impasti bianco e nero si mescolino per dare l’effetto marmorizzato.
Se piace spolverizzate la superficie del dolce con poco zucchero di canna e infornate in forno preriscaldato a 180° C per i soliti 30-35 minuti (vale la prova stecchino)
Lasciate raffreddare e sfornate.
Versione con albicocche secche e cioccolato fondente
Nata un pomeriggio che volevo approntare uno sfizietto e non avevo niente in casa se non un po' di cioccolato fondente (che non manca quasi mai) e delle albicocche secche; ho voluto sperimentare ed è stato un successo niente male
Ingredienti da aggiungere a quelli della base
- qualche manciata di albicocche secche
- 100 g di cioccolato fondente
- zucchero di canna per spolverizzare la torta
Procedimento: Mescolare da una parte gli ingredienti asxciutti e dall'altra quelli liquidi. Agli ingredienti asciutti aggiungere anche il cioccolato tagliato a pezzettini
Versate nello stampo unto e coperto di pangrattato e spolverizzare con lo zucchero di canna. Infornate in forno a 180°C per i soliti 30/35 minuti (sempre prova stecchino).
E così, adesso, come ultima ricetta in realtà ve ne ho date tre