already a massacre I'll be back with my irreplaceable chewings ingredients and concepts ... I am not a strange mica hybrid "cook" and "philosopher" (or aspiring to be either one or the other) for the event!
The strange leisure-or at least the amount of time unemployed than to that occupied by shops that is wandering in search of employment and a reluctance to re-read 135 pages of argument - let me update the blog so quickly ... I let go a bit 'of days just to flatter my vanity and to read the comments every now and then there's ...
The break due to my being "-nothing" also allowed me to devote myself to one of the pleasures of intense study in recent years unjustly neglected ... reading. I have always loved to read, the books have accompanied my life in all my time, except perhaps in the period preceding my learning to walk and talk. Fairy tales and stories read by my parents (I still remember with affection a collection of animal stories and my favorite story, which claimed that my read me every time, and not the other!), The figures of "Mickey" studied in lowest terms nell'oretta dedicated to nap at school Contemporary (I have always opposed this practice of post-lunch nap, and I spent in the practice of pseudo-reading look at the pictures of the comic), and books of Bianca Pitzorno read the first few years of elementary ... since I can remember there have always been books.
The university has made me learn new ones, than others, but often has deprived me of time and energy to read ... Not that I stopped reading books for entertainment, of course, but I have not had the pace of the past.
The university has made me learn new ones, than others, but often has deprived me of time and energy to read ... Not that I stopped reading books for entertainment, of course, but I have not had the pace of the past.
years lying on the bedside table books that I have promised myself to read and that over time, instead of diminishing, increased. One of my "promises of reading", ie those books that sooner or later I'll have no laws, is War and Peace Leo Tolstoy, a book of such resonance that, even if only by hearsay, is known by all. In 2005 or 2006 War and Peace I had even started, and read for a part (not a few pages, although the magnitude of volume represented a nothing), and I was really enchanted, but urgent study readings for exams and the thesis had made me leave.
But what little ho letto (155 pagine su 1565...
) ricordo bene - a parte il picere e la meraviglia stessa del testo- l'impressione che mi fece e il sorrisetto che mi fece sorgere la descrizione della principessa Bolkònskaja, "considerata la più seducente donna di Pietroburgo", il cui labbro superiore era coperto da "una lievissima peluria scura"... c ioè da baffetti scuri, quelli che noi donne del XX secolo, una volta che ne constatiamo la presenza, combattiamo strenuamente con cerette o creme che schiriscono. Mi fece sorridere perché mi sembrava strano che una donna "baffuta", o di cui comunque si mettesse in evidenza la presenza di peluria sopra il labbro, potesse essere considerata seducente, bella, bellissima...
This made me, and I'm still thinking, the absence of absolute judgments about our beautiful ... on aesthetic beauty, of course, but also on the "good morals", that is what we consider good. It 's interesting is how often, in our thinking, καλός καί αγαθός memory of Greek [Kalòs kai Agathos, the beautiful and good (ie right) ... was the first Greek expression that I learned ... in high school, at the hour of Latin, the wonderful prof. coming from classical and states that the baths "Kalos kai Agathos"] , put the link between what is beautiful and what is good, right, morally desirable ... index was as if the beauty of goodness ...
I gave a review of aesthetics, years ago, and I know a little 'more about this concept of "beauty" ...
I remember reading (not in relation to the examination of aesthetics though!) that some traits are considered attractive, pleasing, preferable to "evolutionary reasons," because they point to other factors that provide the best perpetuation of the species and individual survival. But obviously not all the features ... I do not think the dark hair above his upper lip, o l'assenza della stessa, possa influire in qualche maniera sulla sopravvivenza della specie o dell'individuo.
E qui cadiamo nella relatività del bello, oltre che del buono, una volta escluse le ataviche tendenze a essere benevoli e ad avere cura dei membri del nostro stesso gruppo, la cui ampiezza varia, e pare estendersi, nel corso della storia evolutiva (Darwin docet
). Il luogo, la cultura, l'organizzazione sociale, influiscono tutte nell'elaborazione di quelle norme tali da stabilire cos'è bello, buono, giusto, sbagliato, in un affascinante ventaglio di diverse, curiose, sconcertanti a volte, concezioni.
E qui ci lies all the wisdom of proverbs, from "the world is beautiful because it is different" to "When in Rome, the Romans do"
But back to the history of the mustache, because that is my aspiration that connects the reader of War and Peace with the recipe that I want to introduce now, a recipe that already appeared here, though under a different guise and with different ways ... with some inappropriate narcisimo, I hope you also have the proven (and maybe because you've seen here ... to make sure that the foodblogger I end up big-headed
). Riproporvela under my new role, especially in new post, is due to the fact that I intend to participate in this context Eleanor of dEleciouSly "lick your fingers ..." , that the regulation provides for publication ex novo the recipe ... and so do I, because, on an already known, here to explain and to insert new pin.
E 'curious life, right? Mnemonic for an error that a contest called "lick your fingers ..." and ended by taking the name "... mouth-watering (and I do not want Eleanor, it was a mistake in the middle good faith
) and for incidental and unconscious associations with the impression that I did that the comely princess had a mustache, I pulled out from the altar of memories (and the bookshelf at home ) one of my old "bookish project.
This made me, and I'm still thinking, the absence of absolute judgments about our beautiful ... on aesthetic beauty, of course, but also on the "good morals", that is what we consider good. It 's interesting is how often, in our thinking, καλός καί αγαθός memory of Greek [Kalòs kai Agathos, the beautiful and good (ie right) ... was the first Greek expression that I learned ... in high school, at the hour of Latin, the wonderful prof. coming from classical and states that the baths "Kalos kai Agathos"] , put the link between what is beautiful and what is good, right, morally desirable ... index was as if the beauty of goodness ...
I gave a review of aesthetics, years ago, and I know a little 'more about this concept of "beauty" ...
I remember reading (not in relation to the examination of aesthetics though!) that some traits are considered attractive, pleasing, preferable to "evolutionary reasons," because they point to other factors that provide the best perpetuation of the species and individual survival. But obviously not all the features ... I do not think the dark hair above his upper lip, o l'assenza della stessa, possa influire in qualche maniera sulla sopravvivenza della specie o dell'individuo.
E qui cadiamo nella relatività del bello, oltre che del buono, una volta escluse le ataviche tendenze a essere benevoli e ad avere cura dei membri del nostro stesso gruppo, la cui ampiezza varia, e pare estendersi, nel corso della storia evolutiva (Darwin docet
E qui ci lies all the wisdom of proverbs, from "the world is beautiful because it is different" to "When in Rome, the Romans do"
But back to the history of the mustache, because that is my aspiration that connects the reader of War and Peace with the recipe that I want to introduce now, a recipe that already appeared here, though under a different guise and with different ways ... with some inappropriate narcisimo, I hope you also have the proven (and maybe because you've seen here ... to make sure that the foodblogger I end up big-headed
E 'for some time that I had spotted the contest and that Eleanor was thinking about how and what to participate, but, and here we come to the point!, Until a few days makes me I was pinned in the head with the title "... mouth- mustache " ... then for some reason ...
And the thought of putting the blog to post the recipe for the contest "... mouth-watering" came to mind the description of the princess and his dark mustache. It was also thought to convince me to pull War and Peace from the library and to elect him to my next reading, once you finished the book Sciascia I'm dedicating today. E 'curious life, right? Mnemonic for an error that a contest called "lick your fingers ..." and ended by taking the name "... mouth-watering (and I do not want Eleanor, it was a mistake in the middle good faith
also pull out the recipe from an archive, that of the blog ... is versatile, light and tasty cake with chocolate and pears without added fat. In this version is no pears, with the use of a mixture of coffee and water instead of milk, covered with a delicious chocolate icing and filled with wonderful coffee cream-based custard lla light Lory Do ICI and Salt Temptations.
The addition of cream makes it a truly gorgeous cake, served voluptuously to the last crumb soaked in cream ... so lewd that it is impossible not finger licking (other than the mustache, metaphorically speaking
C'era anche la giovane principessa Bolkònskaja, considerata la più seducente donna di Pietroburgo, sposatasi l'inverno precedente e che ora, essendo incinta, non poteva frequentare i grandi ricevimenti [...] Il suo labbro superiore, ben disegnato e con una lievissima peluria scura, era un po' breve in rapporto ai denti, ma si apriva in modo molto leggiadro e con grazia si allungava verso quello inferiore. Come sempre accade nelle donne seducenti, quel difetto - labbro corto e bocca semiaperta- pareva la sua bellezza particolare, propria a lei .
( Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy : "War and Peace")
cocoa cake and coffee in the odor of Light Cream flavored Coffee
Ingredients (for a mold 20 cm in diameter )
- 200 g of flour 0
- 200 g caster sugar
- 70 g unsweetened cocoa
- 1 teaspoon cinnamon
- 2 teaspoons baking powder
- ½ teaspoon baking soda
- grated rind of 1 lemon
- a pinch of salt
- 3 cups of strong coffee + water needed to get to 350 ml of liquid ( I used water and the milk does not cover ' aroma of coffee, which in the end is a bit 'muffled by prepotente arroganza del cioccolato di copertura
per la crema ( i o ho usato la dose indicata da Lory, riportata sotto... ma la crema era troppa e me ne è avanzata un po'... per una torta simile penso sia sufficiente fare metà dose )
- 150 g di albumi
- 50 g di maizena ( o di farina, o di fecola, o di frumina... hanno il ruolo di addensante e, all going well, although each of these from 'the cream as a special feature noted Lory )
- 125 g sugar 3 cups of strong coffee + milk needed to reach a weight of 500 g
- 200 g of dark chocolate
- 6 tablespoons milk
Procedure: Prepare the first cake. Put the dry ingredients (flour, sugar, cocoa, salt, lemon zest, cinnamon, baking soda and baking powder) in a bowl and stir.
Put your coffee and weighed three cups, adding water until you get to 350 ml. (Which in reality are 350 g, to be precise precise
Warm coffee and water and add it slowly to dry ingredients, stirring with a Frist Up to obtain a homogeneous, smooth and without lumps.
Warm coffee and water and add it slowly to dry ingredients, stirring with a Frist Up to obtain a homogeneous, smooth and without lumps.
Pour into greased and floured mold and bake in preheated oven at 180 ° C for 35-40 minutes (I usually cook for 40 minutes ... but next time I try for 35 and see what happens
Let cool and when cold, divide it in half.
While cooling - or when you split in half, do a little 'you- prepare the cream.
Weighing three other cups of strong coffee and add milk until the weight of 500 g. Put it to heat until it is almost boiling.
Weighing the egg whites into a thick-bottomed pan (it will then the same pot on the fire) and, using a whisk, mix sugar and cornstarch. Then add the hot milk.
Mix well and put the pot on the stove for a minute, so that the cream will thicken and cook the thickener.
Remove from heat and let it cool or warm, so that the cream is manageable and can be used to stuff the cake. Using a spoon, place the cream in the amount that best suits you, in the bottom half of cake, then cover with the top.
At this point you just have to prepare coverage d the chocolate. This is easy
... melt in water bath 200 grams of chocolate with 5-6 tablespoons of milk, in order to obtain a creamy sauce quite thick, not liquid, but not hard. Particular must be able to slowly from the spoon and slipped on.
Once ready coverage chocolaty have it poured over the top of the cake so that it can cover it all. Adjusted, if necessary (and it is usually 'the case), cover the sides of the cake, then let it cool so that the cover to solidify.
's wonderful setting, but it is tastier when eaten the day after it prepared, since all the flavors mix and are able to spread
Almost concurrently with "lick your fingers ..." I found out the prize to a charity organized by Chef Sans Frontières , non-profit association in order to recover street children and integrating them into the adult world with the acquisition of a permanent job, the best recipes made with coffee.
creamy cake of the post was created for this contest here, but I found it so "will lick your fingers" that I had to set aside the other selected for the pie contest Eleanor and get this. Will send it to the competition, however, even for the fact that it was "created" just for that ...
NERONERO The contest requires that the most deserving 50 recipes will be compiled into a book whose proceeds will be donated to charity after expenses, the association Chefs Sans Frontières for teaching the craft of catering to street children around the world.
Participants must send one or more recipes at not later than April 30, 2010. The mail must be presented as a subject of "Award best recipe. " The recipes must be full of ingredients and preparation methods, should provide for the use of coffee.
P rowing for the best recipes :
• 1st prize: coffee machine EP 800 / LB 800 (choice) + 500 Lavazza;
• 2nd prize: 90% off coupon on the coffee machine LB 800 + 300 Lavazza Blue;
• 3rd prize: 300 Espresso Pods Point;
• 2nd prize: 90% off coupon on the coffee machine LB 800 + 300 Lavazza Blue;
• 3rd prize: 300 Espresso Pods Point;
• For the first three recipes: inclusion in the menus of the restaurants Chefs Sans Frontières;
• For the first 50 recipes, book publishing, with proceeds donated to charity.
The judges are
NERONERO • Team • Elga
Cappellari of Semidipapavero
• Laura Casaldi of BlogdiCucina
• Laura Gioia of vanilla essence
• Sonia Peronaci of GialloZafferano
• Elsa Serpico of Dolcemania
Cappellari of Semidipapavero
• Laura Casaldi of BlogdiCucina
• Laura Gioia of vanilla essence
• Sonia Peronaci of GialloZafferano
• Elsa Serpico of Dolcemania
For information about the competition, the machines and coffee Lavazza for grabs
A year ago, February 9, 2009, the shell organic Eluana was extinguished 17 years after the accident which had deprived her of the ability conscious and feeling. I could not remember it, even if the words I would be too many to summarize in a post that is already long enough in itself ... because the "case Eluana" has meant so much, has sharpened the debate on the DAT ("advance directives for treatment) and made evdiente the urgency of a solution that, for the folds which took the political discussion, will be negative and harmful than ever.
write two short lines to remember vcienda of Eluana forced to vegetate unconscious, against what was his will for 17 years, and once again pay homage to his father and mother, and Saturnia Beppino Englaro, which for 17 years fought to respect the wishes of her daughter.
ultimately enclose the beginning of a fine article by Chiara Lalli, Eluana, life is not only breath , published today sull'Editoriale:
You A year has passed since the death of Eluana. Eighteen years after the death. Two killed several, often overlapping, that of consciousness, death or mental biography; one that makes you stop thinking and feeling and understanding. And that body, absolute and total. Two other deaths if one accepts the premise that biological life is a necessary but not sufficient for personal life. Two other deaths: a fortuitous and accidental, the other wanted, claiming it to freedom and right to choose. And death is something that will not be forgiven. Because life is sacred and they are all good to tell you that you will not leave you, but then maybe think again if you are directly involved. Because life is sacred and your will not count.
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