Saturday, January 29, 2011
Chicagoland Banks That Dont Use Chexsystems
Feline Rabies Vaccine, Japan
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Diagram Of Stomach Infection
Exactly one month news blackout without even an apology ... I pensato, spesso, alle scuse da farvi, alle cose da dire, agli interventi da fare. Siamo già al 29 gennaio 2011... l'anno è iniziato da così tanto tempo che notarlo non ha più niente di sensazionale, l'Italia continua ad andare a rotoli (sempre di più, my friends, sempre di più...
Il trasferimento ha significato, tra le altre cose, un mio salire di nuovo in sella. Non in sella a un prode stallone nero
Whenever I move, now, I do almost exclusively on the bike: I have here the machine and the cycling saves me a lot of time compared to going by foot. It gives me a great thrill to experience the dual nature the rider.
Almost immediately is something that I catches the eye: the cyclist to be, or maybe it's better to say riding a bicycle, means wearing from time to time, depending on the situation, a different guise, to be "two in one", so to say
The cyclist is on the road, followed by machinery, must follow the traffic rules that apply to motor vehicles, but the rider can wear even, sometimes, the dress of the pedestrian crossing on zebra crossings, wedged in crevices in a way that no motorized vehicle is allowed to do. If at times be "in contradiction", the thing is not so outrageous as to a driver or a motorcycle, as it is for the pawn.
The rider acts as a driver of the car, at times, but is as fragile as a pedestrian and should pay more attention to many operations. The cyclist savor the joy of being able to deal with a cross like a car and be able to spend on bike paths located in streets shall be prohibited from access, go to the sidewalks wide (do not do it on narrow ones, you might do with accident 'happened to signed!
Andare in bicicletta mi ha permesso di prendere coscienza dei diritti e dei doveri degli uni e degli altri, delle accortezze, delle necessità che comporta l'essere l'uno o l'altro. Forse è così per ogni cosa che partecipa di due nature, che in sé le assimila entrambe: adottando sia l'una che l'altra prospettiva può assaporarle entrambe, con ciò che hanno di buono e di cattivo. L'ibrido che partecipa di due diverse prospettive can see, hear, and digest all but two having more than others, the ability to keep a distance, to launch - although there within - a critical eye, it is easiest, from a certain point of view, to understand the other , the different, because the hybrid is in itself two things and understands both.
Every time I get in the saddle (the bicycle
It is this same flexibility, this duality of vision, this ability to look and be either two different perspectives, I find as an ingredient in the pastry, and be able to offer a possibility is as sweet as salty. The hybridity in reality is perhaps more common in foods in humans or living things: think of the possibility spalancateci sweet and savory ingredients such as ricotta, tofu, beet (in this regard I would like a recipe narcissistic self-citations made by me, the chocolate cake and beet
In this invention that I'm going to suggest, in fact, the pastry (or better, its easy emulation), is still in full his duplicity, becoming totally dependent on filling that you choose di darle: io per ora l'ho usata (e credo continuerò ad usarla) comunque solo per preparazioni salate, anche perché non so effettivamente se e come renderebbe in caso di "dolce ripieno". In origine questa era una ricetta - non ricetta, perché dava più che altro un'idea di stuzzichini salati con pasta sfoglia, wurstel di tofu, carote e formaggio; poi ho scoperto su Il Ricettario di Bianca i fagottini e cornetti di ricotta e questa è divenuta a tutti gli effetti una ricetta. Per le composizioni degli stuzzichini, mi sono rifatta sia ai suggerimenti dati da Bianca nella ricetta stessa dei fagottini che ad un suggerimento di mia madre che ad un'ispirazione che mi è venuta sbirciando this video on You Tube.
The appetizers that I propose to take the form of both triangular and rectangular dumplings and tasty croissants: excellent and very nice for an aperitif or for a quick appetizer, tasty and pleasing, were discovered a Christmas (as a hint in the title) that I proposed to end party photography course. And now they propose to you
I believe that my own destiny is deeply [...] hybridization,
split. Italian, but jew. Chemical, but a writer. Deported, but not
(or not always) willing to complain and the lawsuit.
appetizers pasta with ricotta mini-croissants with sausage tofu, dumplings with carrots and cheese
Ingredienti ( per una GRANDE quantità di stuzzichini )
per la pasta di ricotta
- 200 g di ricotta (che può essere ottimamente sostituita con una medesima quantità di tofu)
- 500 g di farina 00
- 100 g di burro ammorbidito
- un pizzico di sale
- water as needed
For dumplings: Roll out the dough into a thin sheet from which we squares. Prepare the filling
grated carrots (I use that side of the grater with the larger holes) and cut the cheese into small cubes.
I have here two versions of dumplings: Version "bundle square "wants poniate the center of each square a bit of grated carrots, cubes of cheese and a sprinkle of salt. Then concentrate on the corners of the square and add them to the center. To seal the welding of the sides help you with water.
Bake in preheated oven at 200 ° C for 15-20 minutes (keeping quell'accortezza who already did this for the croissants).
L'altra versione, "fagottino triangolo", prevede invece che individuiate la diagonale del quadrato, tracciando su di essa un solco (mentale).Ponete la carote, il formaggio e il sale vicino ad uno degli angoli e chiudete il fagottino sulla diagonale, così da ottenere un traingolo. Anche in questo caso aiutatevi con l'acqua per sigillare.
Infornate sempre a 200°C per 15/20 minuti.
Sono ottimi sia caldi che tiepidi che freddi e si conservano per giorni in una scatola di metallo o di plastica... mentre cuociono si spande per la cucina un odorino delizioso
And with my return to inaugurate the end of January 2011 in my blog and I send you warm greetings and best wishes for a good night
Monday, January 24, 2011
Broken Or Sprained Pinky Finger

The philosopher John Rawls (1921 - 2001) in his 1971 masterpiece "A Theory of Justice" wrote: "the moral standards should apply to all possible worlds." This tenacious scholar at Harvard had set about a Herculean task: to define the outlines of a just society that respects and all of its components. He says that no one has certainty about their own life project: we only know that it will still take some basic resources (Rawls calls them "property main ") such as health freedom, economic security and also (even small) dose of personal satisfaction.
The two principles of justice that the U.S. has defended with passionate discussion (as it is reported in an article in Corriere della Sera 25 11 de 2010, signed by Julius Giorello 2010/novembre/25/Rawls_rivoluzione_dell_etica_co_9_101125047.shtml )
are: 1) the principle of reciprocity so everyone has an equal right to the most extensive liberty compatible with that of others, 2) the difference principle admits that only if these inequalities can produce benefits for the disadvantaged.
What is most stimulates my thinking is the notion that as a "primary good" that there should be the resource base in each of us "a (even small) dose of personal satisfaction." And here is that even the thought of Jon Rawls gives me the chance to come back for us to insist on what the teachers movement body is the best way to help the person to win the right of enjoyment of life. Allow me to provide further reinforcements to what has already been expressed: it is through the body that comes in contact with the world and is expressed through movement, says Reich, Lowen and so, his own character.
Our task is to ensure that young people entrusted to us to maintain and consolidate the sense of their body, so that consciousness becomes one with the spontaneity of the gesture - do not lie to -. yourself
today there realizes that the weakening of perceptions leads to a cooling of emotions: Do not you realize that losing touch with their feelings, breaks off the relationship with your body. A greater awareness of what is happening within us and outside of us is above all a greater awareness of their achievements: You can see how there can be a source of persistent and new challenges, as we understand the conquest as the result of a change of heart, an enrichment of the person.
What we consider valuable to the young student to perceive the value of winning is to build small (but fixed) organize workshops and collaborative sharing of experiences motor "no talking and lots of facts" is the delivery and the group must create a structure in a given time through the creative combination and interaction of their bodies (a design previously made, a photo of a monument, etc..), this example can be self-explanatory, but can be many different strategies that engage and provoke interaction.
The child / boy must understand, first, that freedom can only be instinctual, but must fall in a rational order and relationship.
Each member of the group must assess its capacity to stand listening to others. The dialogue becomes perception and communication becomes meta.
In these experiences, no one knows with certainty what "action" will made adaptation of each one, when reasoned and respectful, will be spontaneous and immediate. This makes the situation for all components will emerge highly creative and, hopefully, the knowledge that, in collaboration, you agree to be proactive (self-determination), and receptive (listening to availability) to give completeness to the nascent project.
The Boys are so accustomed to face life's challenges and take into account the important and sometimes crucial, are the others: they should not replace him in the choices in solving problems, but may represent a and a great resource help.
To seal the better the importance of what we report that the final sentence of the article in John Rawls: "Rawls has not always convinced his critics, but it is (especially in times of global crisis) the importance of Its goal: to design institutions at international level that does not erase the differences between the parties involved but would lead to mutual benefit through cooperation. "
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Benzonatate Does It Contain Sulfate
Monday, January 17, 2011
Does .925 Have Diamonds

service that starts at about 3:16 minutes .
Monday, January 3, 2011
Colors To Go With Brushed Nickel Prof. Galimberti,
allow me to write because I hope that you have in his library or in a book that my relevance, with luck always friendly to me, I could 'square' directly in his hands. We were, each on their own, in the lobby of Verbania on the occasion of the Congress 'IIBA 2001'. As I descended the stairs, she was preparing to climbing them and I remember with pleasure that I was easy at the time of the meeting, and saddled boldly introduce the booklet just published. (I'm convinced that going down the stairs always have an effect 'Wanda Osiris' positive).
My publication, which will be unique to how much effort it cost me, is titled "The teacher good enough", subtitle "motor activity for children ages three to eight years." Then I taught at the University of Rhythmic Gymnastics and Sport Sciences of Rome (I continued teaching until last year, despite not reached the age of 70 years), but which justified my presence at that meeting was the five years of attendance at SIAB course and the reading of all texts of A. Lowen.
Why sit down to write, although once again I feel my impudent gesture? Please do not judge me presumptuous, but I would investigate with you what the significance of the movement can not contribute to the "flattening of feelings" (v "The myths of our time" pgg.91/92). As also for the "Intelligence of the future" are fundamental motor experiences, in my opinion key to supporting the development of motor intelligence.
Please, do not unplug it, read on: I will try as much as possible to explain what a few college students have understood, given the humiliating results of our teaching, whether in school, both in sport fields. You are not yet understood that the movement may predispose the child adolescent emotional and personal involvement in experiencing joyful situations that permit: 1) to acquire the difference between reality and fantasy, "" Between truth and falsehood "(" intelligence discipline "), 2) to be able to resolve situations that are not readily predictable ("Synthetic Intelligence"), and 3) to live, with appropriate musical rhythms and different, with confidence in a personal and infinite possibilities of association and organization of motor sequences ("Creative Intelligence") Not only that: various situations can and should be the motor that stimulate creativity, 4) not to "entrench" in front of the "Difference" and "Otherness" ("clever than") because it is experiencing a real, real encounter playful exchange between peers and in a position to carry out collaborative mini-group projects, whether large or small, 5) the movement of live experiential group, the group that unites the hearts, because their interest with the interests of all its components: the active sense of belonging, a sense of civic duty ("Intelligence Ethics").
How is this possible in a 'miserable' hours of gymnastics? I try to explain it, but it is easier to state what it is good not to do during the few school hours available. A) The motor experience should not include the presence of mechanistic movements as must tend to 'flow' in order to amplify the perception of their own feelings. B) It must not be repetitive, both in terms of the experiential work (it would be a contradiction in terms) and for repetitive movements, since they must always be different and with different dynamics (the study of musical rhythm favors those years) . C) Do not be boring, because everything that is proposed in the research points to the emotional involvement of starvation, the 'new' of perpetual learning. D) Do not segmental, because the concept of 'holistic' of our thought-leadership, leading to the 'built-in motion', ie the balance of the three dimensions of human instinct, affectivity, self-conscious thought (the administration of 'pills movement' is an illusion which would make no efficient more than a 'body-wrap').
Wanting to be short, what one should aim, in my opinion, is the gradual acquisition of a sense of 'corporate' through the 'Fare': one that will always make more sense to Being '. This is the case in which the teacher in turn, is aware that the action 'may have effects on the process of developing inner balance only if the teacher has experienced the' Fare ', do that.
so as I speak today, after 50 years of field experience, live the relationship with my students, from three to eighty years, with enthusiasm and satisfaction, supported by the responses, sometimes unexpected, in their quest original and relevant solutions.
But I have not finished yet, wanting to now enter into the heart of the matter. When she says' we must regulate everything that their hemisphere Right produces imaginative in terms ... "(pg.53), hoping to be contained and therefore limited by teachers or parents' stress the spontaneity and freedom of expression because the children have come from that world" I am not consenting to this suggestion, let me, not practical, because giving up a "material" life-giving, not recognizing the real texture and charm motivating.
Indeed, in my opinion, you get the ability to 'get' them to this level or, better said, 'go back' at their world. Share, that is, through ambientazioni immaginifiche (parole sussurrate o urlate, musiche appropriatamente selezionate, maschere improvvisate ecc.) e soprattutto verosimili stimoli motori (‘…ora allacciamoci le cinture della tuta…mettiamoci gli stivali…il casco da astronauta…Siamo pronti (e non ‘siete pronti’) a scendere sul pianeta Marte!…E a questo punto, scesi su questo pianeta, capiremo come si può vivere la successione di passi leggeri e trattenuti, perché in assenza di gravità…”). Infinite possono essere le situazioni che avvincono loro menti e cuori e stimolano, senza confini, la drammatizzazione corporea che per ciascuno diviene, se pur suggerita, spontanea e inconfondibilmente unica.
It 's a great world that continues to move me because the children involved are truly and deeply grateful to those who allow them this type of motor experience of life itself. The presence of the adult who enters the zone of "proximal development" (LSVigotskij), proving to be truly involved, (which is why 'we' and not 'you') makes the occasion very effective, more identificatory and strengthens, so, " basic trust "(J. Bowlby). "It 's through the process of experiential learning that the student is asking questions, experimenting with solutions, solve problemi, assume un ruolo responsabile e sviluppa la sua creatività”. (Cfr. “ArgoExperience. Formazione esperienziale per lo sviluppo della Persona”).
Perdoni il mio ardire, lei è troppo in gamba per comprendere che quanto scritto non è saccenteria, ma frutto di una esperienza decennale altamente qualificante e motivante. Anche se, ripeto, non sempre sono compresa e seguita: un po’ per il poco tempo dedicato a un certo tipo di studi e un po’ perché la tendenza odierna è quella di apparire e non di essere. “Declinandosi sempre più nell’apparire, l’individuo impara a vedersi con gli occhi dell’altro. Learn the self-image is more important than his personality. " (Pg.108)
Thank you, if I was able to promote it. I own the movie, should be of interest ... if ... and then there's the school where I still teach ... face her, I am available ... face soon, however, I have 70 years!
It 'been a great pleasure to meet you.