Gen.mo Prof. Galimberti,
allow me to write because I hope that you have in his library or in a book that my relevance, with luck always friendly to me, I could 'square' directly in his hands. We were, each on their own, in the lobby of Verbania on the occasion of the Congress 'IIBA 2001'. As I descended the stairs, she was preparing to climbing them and I remember with pleasure that I was easy at the time of the meeting, and saddled boldly introduce the booklet just published. (I'm convinced that going down the stairs always have an effect 'Wanda Osiris' positive).
My publication, which will be unique to how much effort it cost me, is titled "The teacher good enough", subtitle "motor activity for children ages three to eight years." Then I taught at the University of Rhythmic Gymnastics and Sport Sciences of Rome (I continued teaching until last year, despite not reached the age of 70 years), but which justified my presence at that meeting was the five years of attendance at SIAB course and the reading of all texts of A. Lowen.
Why sit down to write, although once again I feel my impudent gesture? Please do not judge me presumptuous, but I would investigate with you what the significance of the movement can not contribute to the "flattening of feelings" (v "The myths of our time" pgg.91/92). As also for the "Intelligence of the future" are fundamental motor experiences, in my opinion key to supporting the development of motor intelligence.
Please, do not unplug it, read on: I will try as much as possible to explain what a few college students have understood, given the humiliating results of our teaching, whether in school, both in sport fields. You are not yet understood that the movement may predispose the child adolescent emotional and personal involvement in experiencing joyful situations that permit: 1) to acquire the difference between reality and fantasy, "" Between truth and falsehood "(" intelligence discipline "), 2) to be able to resolve situations that are not readily predictable ("Synthetic Intelligence"), and 3) to live, with appropriate musical rhythms and different, with confidence in a personal and infinite possibilities of association and organization of motor sequences ("Creative Intelligence") Not only that: various situations can and should be the motor that stimulate creativity, 4) not to "entrench" in front of the "Difference" and "Otherness" ("clever than") because it is experiencing a real, real encounter playful exchange between peers and in a position to carry out collaborative mini-group projects, whether large or small, 5) the movement of live experiential group, the group that unites the hearts, because their interest with the interests of all its components: the active sense of belonging, a sense of civic duty ("Intelligence Ethics").
How is this possible in a 'miserable' hours of gymnastics? I try to explain it, but it is easier to state what it is good not to do during the few school hours available. A) The motor experience should not include the presence of mechanistic movements as must tend to 'flow' in order to amplify the perception of their own feelings. B) It must not be repetitive, both in terms of the experiential work (it would be a contradiction in terms) and for repetitive movements, since they must always be different and with different dynamics (the study of musical rhythm favors those years) . C) Do not be boring, because everything that is proposed in the research points to the emotional involvement of starvation, the 'new' of perpetual learning. D) Do not segmental, because the concept of 'holistic' of our thought-leadership, leading to the 'built-in motion', ie the balance of the three dimensions of human instinct, affectivity, self-conscious thought (the administration of 'pills movement' is an illusion which would make no efficient more than a 'body-wrap').
Wanting to be short, what one should aim, in my opinion, is the gradual acquisition of a sense of 'corporate' through the 'Fare': one that will always make more sense to Being '. This is the case in which the teacher in turn, is aware that the action 'may have effects on the process of developing inner balance only if the teacher has experienced the' Fare ', do that.
so as I speak today, after 50 years of field experience, live the relationship with my students, from three to eighty years, with enthusiasm and satisfaction, supported by the responses, sometimes unexpected, in their quest original and relevant solutions.
But I have not finished yet, wanting to now enter into the heart of the matter. When she says' we must regulate everything that their hemisphere Right produces imaginative in terms ... "(pg.53), hoping to be contained and therefore limited by teachers or parents' stress the spontaneity and freedom of expression because the children have come from that world" I am not consenting to this suggestion, let me, not practical, because giving up a "material" life-giving, not recognizing the real texture and charm motivating.
Indeed, in my opinion, you get the ability to 'get' them to this level or, better said, 'go back' at their world. Share, that is, through ambientazioni immaginifiche (parole sussurrate o urlate, musiche appropriatamente selezionate, maschere improvvisate ecc.) e soprattutto verosimili stimoli motori (‘…ora allacciamoci le cinture della tuta…mettiamoci gli stivali…il casco da astronauta…Siamo pronti (e non ‘siete pronti’) a scendere sul pianeta Marte!…E a questo punto, scesi su questo pianeta, capiremo come si può vivere la successione di passi leggeri e trattenuti, perché in assenza di gravità…”). Infinite possono essere le situazioni che avvincono loro menti e cuori e stimolano, senza confini, la drammatizzazione corporea che per ciascuno diviene, se pur suggerita, spontanea e inconfondibilmente unica.
It 's a great world that continues to move me because the children involved are truly and deeply grateful to those who allow them this type of motor experience of life itself. The presence of the adult who enters the zone of "proximal development" (LSVigotskij), proving to be truly involved, (which is why 'we' and not 'you') makes the occasion very effective, more identificatory and strengthens, so, " basic trust "(J. Bowlby). "It 's through the process of experiential learning that the student is asking questions, experimenting with solutions, solve problemi, assume un ruolo responsabile e sviluppa la sua creatività”. (Cfr. www.gliargonauti.net “ArgoExperience. Formazione esperienziale per lo sviluppo della Persona”).
Perdoni il mio ardire, lei è troppo in gamba per comprendere che quanto scritto non è saccenteria, ma frutto di una esperienza decennale altamente qualificante e motivante. Anche se, ripeto, non sempre sono compresa e seguita: un po’ per il poco tempo dedicato a un certo tipo di studi e un po’ perché la tendenza odierna è quella di apparire e non di essere. “Declinandosi sempre più nell’apparire, l’individuo impara a vedersi con gli occhi dell’altro. Learn the self-image is more important than his personality. " (Pg.108)
Thank you, if I was able to promote it. I own the movie, should be of interest ... if ... and then there's the school where I still teach ... face her, I am available ... face soon, however, I have 70 years!
It 'been a great pleasure to meet you.
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