Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Babies Footprints With Angel Wings

Scattered Thoughts on being feminine and syncretic (in keeping with the day itself) and the double meaning of the epithet "pig" (always consistent, on closer inspection, with the day today): its (the pig) in declination Vegetarian a triple proposition of seitan

On 8 March is not a party but a sad anniversary: \u200b\u200bMarch 8, 1908, in New York, was hanged in a fire in a factory where the workers (129 workers, to be precise), they were demonstrating against the atrocious conditions in which they were forced to work. Following this tragic event, indeed, was elected on March 8 International Day for Women's .*

* sifting through the Internet for detailed information about this story I discovered that is actually a fake. There was a fire on March 25, 1911 that killed 146 people, including almost all women, this is true. Ma non è in questo episodio che si spiega l'origine della "festa della donna", evidentemente: per approfondimenti guardate qua , qua e qua . Io lascio il mio riferimento all'8 marzo come incipit perchè lo gradisco stilisticamente  .

E' improprio parlare di festa. Ed è improprio pensare che ci sia qualcosa da festeggiare. In realtà mi sembra che, di fatto, le condizioni effettive siano di poco cambiate: non voglio ora che si pensi che non abbia consapevolezza delle conquiste - e tante - che ci sono state nel secolo passato e che ci hanno as well as the right to vote and to formal equality (enshrined in the Constitution itself), an awareness of our rights, needs and opportunities that were probably foreign to most women in 1902.
But now, under coverage that is merely formal and which enshrines the "equality", discrimination continues (at work, pay, promotions etc in). And the violence as well.
constitutionally weaker than the male, the woman has always been subject to violence. Physical violence that is exercised by the hands (or with some, any, blunt object); but also psychological violence, the most treacherous and subtle, penetrating into almost without notice and is perhaps worse than physical because they are less tangible, less "blame" (precisely because it leaves no marks visible to others) and equally (if not more) harmful. I think that often the two types of violence are associated in a deadly cocktails, such as in cases of domestic violence (I take this opportunity to see a little 'disappointed that most of the violence takes place in the home and that is why longer unspoken ) ...
Man (of course, mind you! as " essere umano " ) ha la naturale - spontanea - tendenza a infierire contro i più deboli, contro i più vulnerabili: che siano donne (nel caso dell'uomo-maschio), bambini, non umani, poveri e/o disoccupati (più deboli perché più facilmente ricattabili)... Ho messo "donne" in cima alla lista perché di questo sto parlando, della violenza che si perpetua verso la donna in quanto essere umano femmina: più fisicamente debole, ma più debole anche a livello "pubblico", in una società ancora fortemente improntata al maschilismo, dove ai vertici (anzitutto politici) ci sono quasi solo, e quasi sempre, degli esseri umani maschi. Dove per fare carriera è necessario lavorare e faticare il doppio, o scendere a compromessi a sacrificio di quella mi piace chiamare "dignità" e "rispetto di sé".

La colpa forse è anche nostra (di noi donne... oggi parlo "per genere"  )  che  a partire dal più basilare livello della vita privata  permettiamo che queste violenze, queste prepotenze, queste prevaricazioni, continuino a perpetuarsi. A volte lo facciamo senza nemmeno rendercene conto. A volte opporsi ad una solita abitudine fa fatica, fa paura, perché significa mostrarsi come non si è mai stati, wonderful all those who already know us, and first of all ourselves. Sometimes we live in caged prejudices, clichés social that there are questioning the status quo . Sometimes it seems easier to continue on the usual disappointing road.
But on the other hand, there are too: men, males. Let this distinction today, it seems in line with the speech I'm doing ... but I know, I know perfectly well that we are above all people, sentient human beings with thoughts, desires, passions, aspirations, plans, intelligence, disappointments, fears, weaknesses . Men la cui diversità biologica (che risiede poi tutta in una coppia di geni) si somma con una diversità assunta a livello culturale e che hanno fatto della loro forza fisica il perno della loro forza sic et simpliciter e della loro superiorità; che vengono, come noi veniamo, da un passato maschilista (per forza o per amore, o meglio per l'impostazione implicita della società prima ancora che per scelta) e che spesso faticano a liberarsi da antichi schemi ereditati e che agiscono a livello pre-razionale, forse addirittura pre-emotivo... così come agiscono in noi. Ma quelli che questi schemi li portano a livello conscio, emotivo-intellettuale, e che agiscono coerentemente alla loro presunta superiorità, senza chiedere permesso, they call them "pigs" (if not worse) ... those who beat, torture, discrimination, exploitation, rape. These are the "pigs".
call "pork" one of these, a person who takes advantage of the weakness (weakness of gender, money, opportunity) is real, not so much an insult to the category of man (human male) in question but the non-human mammal mentioned, namely the pig, that is the pig. The pig (Sus scrofa domesticus ) is an intelligent, curious, learns and learns that it is more intelligent than a dog and very smart and insightful, and for some weird metaphorical translation, the sense commonly called "pork" or "hog" a person disgusting, filthy, dirty, both inside and outside (we're talking about in this post of "pig inner" ). Perhaps it is precisely because we often see the pig dirty, muddy, bedraggled, and the association with "dirty" and dirty translation to the people at both external and internal. The pig is actually rolling in the mud, and it does so, for hygiene: Yes, exactly, to protect against insects and parasites of the skin, in addition the pig breeding CAN NOT ', why can not choose where and how to stand, since box is kept in dirty and can not be dirty. But the pig is dirty, or otherwise does not like dirt.
So there is an inaccuracy in the allocation of pork to the ethological humans dirty inside and out ... I'm thinking, with a month's delay, the "pork" cited by Norma, that is the President of the Italian Council. His being a "pig", that is dirty inside, I think it is obvious, is evident in every step that has moved recently: the things he does, his clear account of being female (considered "low" in all cases and in every way that you can think of) things he says and the way that denies them.
This also in data 8 marzo, e forse ancora di più, mi viene da pensare: "Liberiamoci del maiale", del nostro esimio maiale B. per permettere, forse, un'Italia migliore. Ma anche, gastronomicamente parlando, del maiale come pietanza, per proporre quello che surrettiziamente viene chiamato "surrogato della carne" e che in effetti tale può essere considerato, in quanto estratto proteico dal frumento. 

Parlo del seitan.

Non mi piace parlarne come "surrogato", perché fa pensare alla carne come alimento irrinunciabile che va assolutamente e irrimediabilmente sostituito: preferisco parlarne come di "apportatore di proteine", anche se è vero che il seitan si presta bene ad essere proposto in ricette che in origine prevedono la carne. Ormai mi è d'uso, quando trovo una ricetta che mi piace e che prevede l'uso della carne, sostituirci il seitan. Il sapore è chiaramente diverso, ma ritengo non abbia niente da invidiare all'originale "carneo" .

Oggi in realtà vi propongo non una ma TRE ricette: il trittico è dovuto al fatto che, fotogenicamente, sembrano la stessa cosa e possono essere scambiati per la stessa preparazione... but don't judge a book by its cover, ché il sapore, gli ingredienti, il procedimento sono diversissimi, ne godrete just reading the recipe.
Before you go to the culinary delight audiences with the Francis Award from the riconosciutomi Vegetarian Cooking for healthy this spring that, sooner or later, will ... because the sun here today but is accompanied by a polar temperature . It was not long before I received an award and that of Francis, who is one of my first knowledge of the network foodbloggers, filled me with pleasure. I have actually yet to be published Stilish Blogger Award Award Zori - whom I thank with equal warmth and gratitude - but for now the post is pretty crowded ... the one in the next update.
Francis and Zori Thanks for the accolades that you gave me ... is also what makes the commitment of the blogger so sweet (besides the pleasure of sharing with others their experiences and thoughts) .

The rules of the award are:

  1. Write a post for the prize (fact)
  2. Thanksgiving in the post who has rewarded us (fact)
  3. Pass the award to 12 other bloggers (I do below)
  4. Telling winning (I do it once published this tome post)
My winners are:
Ambendo Spring is a season, but also moral, political and social, I leave to the triptych of seitan and I wish you a good evening .

All citizens have equal social dignity and are equal before the law, without distinction of sex, race, language, religion, of political opinion, personal and social conditions.
is the duty of the Republic to remove obstacles to economic and social nature which constrain the freedom and equality of citizens, prevent the full development of the human person and the effective participation of all workers in the political, economic and social development of the country

(the Italian Constitution: Article 3 )

Triptych Seitan: Seitan con cipolle, Seitan all'Antica con cacao e carote, Seitan Alle mandorle

1. Seitan In Padella Con Cipolle (o, meglio, Cipolle In Padella con Seitan)

Ricetta rapida e gustosa (se amate le cipolle ) ispirata dal  Seitan E Cipolle di Ale65 de Il Ricettario Di Bianca

Ingredienti (per una persona)

  • 100 g di seitan

  • 2 cipolle medio-grandi

  • un cucchiaio di salsa di soia

  • un cucchiaio di aceto balsamico

  • il fondo di un bicchier d'acqua

  • olio extravergine d'oliva

Procedimento : Tagliate a pezzetti abbastanza grandi le cipolle  e fatele soffriggere nell'olio. Una volta che sono appassite aggiungete il seitan e fatelo insaporire per qualche minuto. Poi aggiungete la salsa di soia, vinegar and water. Let thicken the sauce and serve hot.
Do not worry about the banality of the recipe ... in its simplicity is a pleasure cosmic !

2. Ancient Seitan with Cocoa and Carrots
taken almost unchanged from morsels Antica Seitan with cocoa and carrots Peeking in the kitchen ... a strange combination for a long preparation. But patience pays off!

Ingredienti (per una persona)

  • 80 g di seitan

  • uno spicchio d'aglio

  • 65 ml di vino rosso

  • un cucchiaio di aceto di mele (l'originale voleva "aceto rosso aromatico" che io, ahimé, non possedevo)

  • 4 chiodi di garofano

  • un cucchiaino di cannella in polvere (oppure un pezzetto di cannella)

  • un pezzetto di noce moscata

  • un cucchiaio raso di zucchero di canna

  • mezzo cucchiaio di cacao amaro

  • half a tablespoon of chopped almonds
  • 150 g of carrots
  • oil and salt
  • rosemary
  • few tablespoons of flour
Procedure: Cut the seitan in stew small-medium size flour and brown them in oil with garlic, rosemary and salt. While browning, boil the seitan in a fairly large container (even if the spot will seem excessive and inappropriate to the task) wine with spices, sugar, cocoa and vinegar (as I had lowered the levels to a minimum terms boiling will happen in the blink of an eye ). Seitan dipped in hot wine and let it cook for at least 40 minutes as I had enough time I did as recommended by Isa Peeking in Kitchen and let cook for half an hour, adding hot water from time to time until to cover.
half cooked, add the carrots and cut into cubes, so that together with glassine "pot roast". When cooked add salt, sugar and vinegar if you feel necessary (I do not and I thought I left as it was).
Do rain fall to helping little flour and mix quickly with a strainer to thicken the sauce. Add the almonds and serve warm if not hot .

3. Seitan Almond
reproducing almost literally Seitan Almond of Simply Vera, Vera : an easy recipe, fast, spicy and tasty, especially almonds and wine pairing Red

Ingredients (per person)
  • 125 g seitan
  • onion
  • a handful of almonds
  • 2 fingers of red wine
  • a tablespoon of soy sauce
  • rosemary
  • nutmeg
  • sage
Procedure: Finely chop the rosemary and the sauce. Take a chopped very small (essentially chopped) onion and add to the chopped herbs together with a generous grating of nutmeg. Not too finely chopped almonds (and if you want toast, I omitted that step), keep aside some for garnish.
Brown the seitan cut into pieces with oil in a pan, not just begins to brown add the chopped aromatic, then wet with wine and soy sauce. Take a gentle heat to evaporate. Finally, add the almonds, stir and serve the dish garnished with almonds kept aside (pictured decorative almonds are not seen because they already nibble ).

And so, voila, this triptych with seitan instead out of a chaotic reflection in which I mixed discussions of gender, feminism, society, politics and ethology. I embrace you and wish you a good evening, hoping to read soon.



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