Friday, March 26, 2010

What Does High Alt And Bilirubin Mean?

include "rai", politics, censorship, belonging and hope: a virtual toast accompanied by a recipe for donuts Marsala. And a prize.

E' ardua aggiornare il 26 marzo e non parlare di "Rai per una notte", a-rule for the defense of press freedom and information organized to Paladozza Bologna to denounce the work of complaint made by Italian Prime Minister with the excuse that we are campaigning. Of course, in line had to be quiet even programs that do not create problems, such as "Porta a Porta" ... but he silenced! He cut off the circulation of free information to an even more obvious than it already is doing for a long time ... And that is indecent, regardless of the programs that have silenced for me, for example, putting to rest the "door to door" does not mean that good Italian , but it is unseemly that the citizen, the people cheering as he loves the prime minister, let him ignorant of the facts, ideas, opinions, without being able to develop their own ideas, their own critical consciousness . Of course, those who want and who can look for news from other sources, but not everyone has the desire, training, developing the habit of critical consciousness, to do so. Often, and I say a little 'for experience, won the laziness, the desire to want to believe what the first says that screams louder, especially if screams reassuring news.
Sometimes the desire not to think, not to worry, to be stupid or pretend to be raised by a number of concerns that anyone would rather not have. Refusing to look is often very convenient ... sometimes if you do not look a thing, or if they deny the existence, you end up really being convinced that there is. And the prime minister - yes, let's give it a name ... Silvio Berlusconi knows I think.
Yesterday I was there to see Rai for a night "in a situation even more so with companions of agglutinating Literary Cafe (the group with which I find myself reading every Thursday night) we were on the big screen held in Pisa ... which helped him to make me feel that curious sense of belonging that reminds me so much a song Gaber ( 's membership is not a civilian effort to be together .... is not the comfort of a normal loving ... membership is to have the other inwardly ) and that maybe it's because humans are social animals: the feeling of sharing an idea or have a common goal, to be together even if we do not know ... That sense of belonging that I ran in the blood and heart last night, all united in the feeling for freedom of information, not just us students gathered in the classroom but also Fascetti all connected users to watch "Rai for a night" ... be a closer to each other, as if that would change something, give me more comfort, consolation, perhaps, that sense of belonging that is often served as the glue for dictatorships, which has inflamed the protesters to St. John of the "party of love" that they just love the name, which may offset the ability to take clear and critical distance.
It 's a bit strange to note the nuance involved in the negative sense of sharing quell'inebriante . It 'strange bitterness, but equally exciting: the you feel when you want - or are forced, by force of circumstance or of thought-beyond the immediate reaction, usually in front of beliefs or assumptions always given for granted, that to reveal what they are, or it shows the many facets and perspectives.
The exact same reaction I always had bitterness yesterday in listening to the speech Monicelli when he spoke of hope ...
Hope is a trap: it is a bad word, you should not use. It 's a trap invented dai padroni. E' di quelli che ti dicono che... Dio... "State buoni, state zitti, pregate, avrete il vostro riscatto, la vostra ricompensa nell'al-di-là, perciò adesso state buoni, ci sarà l'al-di-là". Così dice quello: "State buoni, tornate a casa, sì siete dei precari ma tanto tra 2-3 mesi vi riassumiamo ancora, vi daremo il posto etcetera... sì sì state buoni", vanno a casa e stanno tutti buoni. "Abbiate speranza" Mai avere speranza, la speranza è una trappola, una cosa infame, inventata da chi comanda .

Mi ha fatto pensare questo discorso. Perché è vero. Con la speranza in un dopo migliore - che either earth or in heaven - how many people were nailed to an oppressive, exploitative, and they gave up fighting? The best hope for a future reality, what excuse the misfortune this ...
I do not want to condemn in toto sensation, natural, spontaneous, hope ... Like everything - or almost everything - even for her is a matter of degree, or use.
It may be (and has been and still is) used as a means of covert oppression and exploitation.
But it is also, if you do not stop to contemplate itself, a signal indicating the unsustainability of the present situation and impels us to change, to change, to create a situation different, better, good (or alleged ). Hope can also be a push for change, construction, improvement.
And to accompany that offer a virtual toast to you who read me, animated by the hope of improvement in agriculture policies and social conditions of the Italian, the Italians, of immigrants living in Italy, I offer these wonderful donuts to Marsala Recipe stolen from Bianca (but citing e ringraziando Iaia70 , l'autore... pardonne-moi, l'autrice  ) . Deliziose e aromatiche, ottime per ogni momento della giornata: a colazione, come spuntino, gustate con una bella tazza di té, o per addolcire la fine di un pasto o una giornata particolarmente cupa.

Il Marsala dona a questi biscottini un'aroma tutto suo, tutto particolare... ma sono meravigliosamente e straordinariamente versatili (sapete, ormai, quanto ami la versatilità delle ricette e degli ingredienti ) , so if you do not have Marsala just round the corner and use your most extraordinary creativity dry white wine (the first time, before you buy Marsala, I made these donuts with white wine ... all another flavor, more delicate, but equally good ), or (a sudden moment because I just tried Marsala and white wine), red wine, Sambuca, Bayles, liqueurs, soft drinks may also like fruit juice and coffee ... Although I particularly like - more than any other change that may be suggested, the original version with Marsala .

hate the villains and noble thing, in hindsight is honoring the honest
Daniele Luttazzi citing Quintilian: "rai", March 25, 2010

Donuts with Marsala

Ingredients ( thirty donuts about 30 grams each )
  • 400 g of flour
  • 150 g of sugar
  • 160 ml of dry Marsala
  • 140 ml of vegetable oil
  • 150 g of sugar
  • brown sugar as needed to cover

Procedure: In a bowl mix the dry ingredients (flour, sugar , yeast) and set aside. In another container mix the oil with wine, and add the liquid mixture to dry ingredients, knead (if you want, help with hoses ... but everyone has their own technique for mixing and kneading and know how to behave, I use the hoses at the beginning, but with this dough, I have to give the final misceltura, to mix with your hands) until the dough is soft and greasy, pleasant to handle them.
Shape into pretzels the size you prefer ... after a few attempts, I standardized to produce pretzels of about 30 grams of weight: I recommend to make large buns, because swell during cooking and if you leave the little hole trope small when the ring Bake the hole closes and you get a donut-shaped indefinite that, although delicious, remember the little donut.
Dip the tops of the buns in the cane sugar placed in a saucer next to you and resting on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper.
Bake in preheated oven at 180 ° C and bake for about 18-20 minutes if convection oven, if you use a convection oven instead heat the oven to 170 ° C and bake 13-15 minutes.
Let cool and enjoy. They are good hot or warm and cold, and keep a long time in an aluminum (I actually use the plastic container of cake that my grandmother to buy Coop ).

Per concludere in allegria  , posto rapidamente un premio che la carissima Ambra de Il Gattoghiotto mi ha assegnato... quella donna è un treno, aggiorna a velocità fenomenale, e questo premio ormai sarà caduto nell'archivio dei suoi ricordi... ma non nel mio, che come potete vedere aggiorno con mooooolta più lentezza . La sua stima e il suo apprezzamento mi fan gonfiare il petto di orgoglio... è bello essere a little appreciated for that pco you give that little one is. Thanks Amber !

The offer to Fimère of Aux Delices des gourmets to Damiana sweet scents of to Tania Last but not of Furno (not'll never stop to thank you-but honestly I have not thanked you "in person", that had a comment - for the recipe an ultra fast bread that has been repeated several times to me here, because both my mother to me ... sooner or later I'll post here too, Giurin giurello ) and the new discovery (new to me of course) Rossairlandese of flour in her hands : I found your blog The report to the collection in your fruit plate and I liked very much ...
For once I am original and I have been involved Patapata and canapés that well, I think, have a very beautiful blog .. . but then their risk of being boring, I do nothing but flood of prizes! But my thoughts, let this be known, is also running to you .

And so ends a post in which, starting with politics, I ended up proposing delicious biscuits and comforters of all bitterness of our human and national existence.
Wishing you a wonderful Friday night, I renew the hopes expressed in its opening toast to the recipe .



Saturday, March 13, 2010

Scaly Skin On Back Of Bulldog

A flight along a cry in the hope of doing good: 99 doves for 99 taps

So Augias Le Storie , "The decision to close enrichment programs RAI is very serious, unprecedented in Europe. And 'as if there is fear that these programs will unveil illusions often passed off as fact: the miracle of L'Aquila. not true, L'Aquila dies. "
L'Aquila and the revival dies if one can speak of such, is slow. There must be, I think there will be, but is lenta. E certo non favorita da quel manipolo di delinquenti che abbiamo al governo, e che si pasce e ci pasce di belle e rassicuranti parole.

Non sono né aquilana né abruzzese, e non so pertanto come stiano effettivamente le cose là, se non per quello che leggo su Internet, quel poco che riesco a capire in televisione.

Il 6 aprile 2009 era il giorno prima dell'esame di Storia del pensiero economico, esame per cui avevo sofferto fisicamente e moralmente. Ed in queste condizioni tormentate mi colse la notizia del sisma abruzzese.

Quasi un anno dopo, le rovine ci sono ancora.

Questo post, e il contest di cui si fa veicolo, vuol dare, per quanto possibile, un suo piccolo, minuscolo, insignificante contributo alla questione abruzzese... come si dice, l'oceano è fatto di tante piccole gocce .

Aderisco e faccio presente il progetto-gioco di Lydia di Tzatziki a colazione e di Artemisia per aiutare, promuovere, incentivare la ripresa della storica azienda dolciaria abruzzese Sorelle Nunzia , fondata nel 1835 e famosa per i suoi teneri torroni natalizi ( anzitutto il Torrone Nurzia tenero al cioccolato ) but which also produces Easter eggs, doves, biscuits. In my total ignorance, I admit that I did not know before reading the post that day flourish in various blogs about this initiative but it is also true that, not going crazy or nougat nor doves for Easter, and not overly concerned of Easter eggs (keep only the childhood memory of Kinder eggs ... ), I was never informed of confectionery companies that produce it. And by the way as I seem to have understood (but not sure it is accurate ...) it is well-known company in Abruzzo, but less known in the rest of Italy.
And perhaps scusata  .

L'idea di Lydia e Artemisia ha preso piede sulla base di una lettera inviata da Mara Marinangeli dell'azienda Sorelle Nunzia in cui la donna fa presente la comprensibile difficoltà a riprendere e a risollevare la propria attività in territorio abruzzese, ambendo quindi ad estendersi al di là del territorio aquilano ed abruzzese. La lettera è densa e ricca di contenuti, a tratti commovente, vi invito a leggerla tutta quanta al link che ho riportato.

E sulla base di questa lettera Lydia e Artemisia hanno pensato di indire un contest che coinvolga 99 bloggers - nella speranza che questo "99" is a symbolic number and that ef beyond the hundred member - why publish April 6, 2010, a year after the day of the earthquake (and, coincidentally, the day after Easter Monday), a recipe that uses a the company's products or who can help accompany one of them (well I can not frame effective "recipe accompagnatura" ... luckily I have some 'time to think).
the hope - or illusion - that this contest might serve some purpose, at least to raise the largest number of people about the actual condition of Abruzzo and those who work there, April 6, 2010 - two days after my twenty-fourth birthday - I will join this chain of bloggers. I invite you, you who pass, to publicize the initiative.
And thank you for having the patience to read this far

A hug and a heavy weekend to all

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Llog Trailers For Sale In Canada


What does "change"? The highest expression of the term is represented by the influence of what happens to us every day.
We and our own cells we ever, ever changing, besides a purely physiological point of view in a metaphysical sense.
Although we are not aware, our daily existence, which I likened to a puzzle, being interfered with by other exogenous, disappointments, joys, failures or misfortunes.
go to bed at night and the morning we wake up with a new "light" for the more fortunate or wise, but certainly with more awareness than the day before. Not for nothing is said that the night brings advice ...
The certainties that we had, things we really want (or need) to do, suddenly - at least apparently - seem to have undergone a change of direction: as Gandhi said, the opinions we have formed and conclusions we reached are not final. We could change at any time if they were to see the reason.
Ii sorrow for the failures and failures leave their mark, we temper, but a failure is not always a mistake, just might be the best one can do in certain circumstances. The real mistake is to stop trying.
Here it is not relativismo, che è cosa ben più seria, ma semplicemente di accettare l'ineluttabile mutamento di tutte le cose, anche e soprattutto al di fuori del nostro controllo, mutamento di cui noi siamo l'espressione prima più naturale.
Un atteggiamento costantemente possibilistico e sperimentale nei confronti di ogni cosa – ecco ciò di cui abbiamo bisogno.
Da quest'atteggiamento derivano, in modo quasi miracoloso e automatico, i cambiamenti di cui abbiamo bisogno e spesso anche la soluzione di ogni tipo di problema.

DICE IL SAGGIO : In coscienza, non so dire se la situazione will be better when change, but I can say that must change if they are to become better.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

How To Treat Vaganismus

You know the saga of "Star Wars"? The explosion in recent decades, more and more outlandish forms of New Age religiosity has led many people around the world to embrace the philosophy of Star Wars Jedi as if it were a kind of new faith.
In Italy since 2005 is on nothing less than an Italian diocese of Religion of the Force which aims to fuse the teachings of "Star Wars" with those of Padre Pio in 2005 was even inaugurated a statue Yoda alongside that of Padre Pio in Bologna.
Everything is based on a number of similarities between the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Force and the boldest and most significant theories of modern quantum physics, according to some authors, would address the main concepts of Eastern religions, primarily Buddhism and Taoism.
Force has been described in the film as an "energy field" that permeates the universe, present in its entirety, by living beings, trees, rocks. In the Star Wars the Force is not limited, however, provide a link to all the different parts of the universe, it also gives the Jedi the ability to interact with it to the point of change reality through phenomena typically known within the pseudo-sciences as "extrasensory perception" or ESP, telekinesis and telepathy in the first place.
Quantum mechanics supports the principle that the observer, far from putting itself in a way detached from what is observed, a major contributing factor to the construction of reality that observes rather than observer is referred to participate, or sharer of Reality. Sums up the extraordinary experimental findings in this regard, quantum mechanics to state that there is not even a reality already predetermined, but the reality would result from the presence observer-part sector that contributes to create it. This amazing theory, then decades later confirmed by several experiments, makes clear the assumption that reality is "constructed" by observers. But what is transmitted through the non-locality, ie the effect Entanglement? The theories are different and have all been opposed by much of the scientific community because of their promotional use in favor of the practice of "transcendental meditation", and their basic assumption, however, declares that the substrate of reality, that field would be described through the Theory of Everything that brings together the fundamental forces of the universe, being with the properties of consciousness. It would not be the product of our nervous system and brain, but it is a fundamental and universal physical property belonging to each particle then living.
hypothesis is suggestive that can explain the mysterious relationship between the conscious observer and the universe, which is a constant ratio paradox in theories of quantum mechanics. In other words, the deeper level of human experience, the pure consciousness is the subjective experience of the unified field that is currently being explored by fisica teorica moderna».
I sostenitori della meditazione trascendentale ritengono che intorno al soggetto che medita si venga a creare una sorta di campo, definito “campo Maharishi”, capace di produrre effetti positivi sul prossimo. Nella sopracitata saga, il regista Lucas cita chiaramente l’insegnamento del taoismo di affidarsi alla Forza/Tao che scorre dentro di sé. Uno dei più grandi maestri del Taoismo, Huai Nan-tzu disse: "Colui che segue l’ordine naturale fluisce nella corrente del Tao".
La somiglianza con l’insegnamento Jedi "senti la Forza scorrere in te" è più che evidente. Sulla scorta delle tante tesi che sono state formulate, seguire l’ordine naturale delle cose vorrebbe means to ensure that our mind is founded with the universe of which it is party, leaving the reality and we flow with it.
The teachings of Taoism and quantum mechanics are very close, would it not be appropriate to instead rely on the "transcendental meditation?" I believe that we should never separate the reality from fantasy, this does not mean that some of the arguments very bizarre above all be fantasy, or rather, I will have a fervent supporter.
But religions are dogmatic and not accept more than one point of view, and for this reason that I chose to smile to the philosophy of Tao.
As it is true that the Jedi philosophy could not therefore never be a religion, at most, a teaching based on universal solidarity on the basis of the maximum of Jesus Christ, too often ignored by Christianity, "Love your neighbor as yourself "....

SAYS THE WISE: ... Why not a reality we were given and there 'is, but we must do it ourselves, if we want to be, and never will be one forever, but continuously and infinitely changeable ...

Monday, March 8, 2010

What To Use Wall Trowel

Finding free information requires more effort, time and skills, is increasingly inhibited, while the information packed on TV does not require effort, are diffuse rather nicely. should be noted, that persuasion is more efficient than indirect, where the viewer feels he does not receive taxes or restrictions to freedom.
all know, I suppose, that this which is prohibited or required immediately raises rebellion and behaviors different from those desired. For example, if we control all television and most want to achieve a consensus as possible to our particular pattern of thought or another, the best strategy is always to bomb the model without opposition or alternative . If the viewer is a lack of other voices became suspicious and do something that may feel resistance to taxes and limiting his freedom, and the consensus is damaged. Often it can even be useful total freedom to leave those few items diametrically opposed to the model we want to inculcate ... Did you notice?
Ultimately, in a totalitarian system, in contrast to what one might expect, the power is maintained not only with violence, but is the result of mutual negotiations between the leaders and the masses which dominated donate if they were peanuts for the monkeys, fictitious information and attractive proposals for an easy fun. The mass and the crowds do not act in favor of what is hard, uncomfortable and "not well accepted by all, is not opposed to common sense. The consensus of the mass then it will always be towards the media.
Now I wonder: how can we create for ourselves a future? Staying on the simple things we can not even buy a car, because if we are put in rule no funding. And how do young people even think to start a family? What would live? What to feed their children? And how do all those graduate students to find a job? And the families? It vogliamo parlare? Con 1000/1500 euro al mese, se si pensa a tutte le spese fisse ed obbligate, non ci se la può fare. Ma i lavoratori ancora sono fortunati… E i pensionati con 600 euro di pensione? Stanno annientando tutti i nostri diritti, e NON privilegi, attenzione!
Non è questione nè di destra nè di sinistra: per noi non fa differenza, tanto lo prendiamo in quel posto a 360 gradi. Per loro, invece, conta solo che stiano al potere e possano accampare privilegi per sé e per i propri amici e discendenti.
Se vogliamo darci una speranza, dobbiamo capire, accettare e metabolizzare il concetto che le cose non cambiano, solo le persone lo fanno; noi dobbiamo diventare il cambiamento che vogliamo vedere negli altri e nel resto del mondo, attraverso un mutamento del nostro stato di consapevolezza poiché di solito gli uomini quando sono tristi non fanno niente o si limitano a piangere sulla propria situazione. Ma quando si arrabbiano, allora si danno da fare per cambiare le cose. Lo sappiamo, le cose che vanno cambiate sono tante e rappresentano dei cancri profondamente radicati nel corpo dell’Umanità; dagli armamenti alla devastazione ambientale, dalla sovrappopolazione alla fame che riguarda ancora troppe people, the mad and senseless arms race in the prevailing spread of the pharmaceutical business, which not only is not taking into account the health of people, but that work only and always in the name of profit, because apparently maintaining a constant level shortage of health.

responsible for the deaths of hundreds of millions of people continue to die of heart disease, cancer and other diseases which could have been prevented and largely eliminated long ago.

The premature death of these men is not due to either a coincidence or negligence. It was deliberately and systematically organized by the pharmaceutical industry and its investors with the sole aim to expand a global drug market worth billions of dollars.

The market for the pharmaceutical industry is the human body and the return on investment that you are dependent upon sustained by the expansion and disease. Its profits make this industry the most profitable on the planet.

In contrast, prevention and eradication of any disease significantly reduce or eliminate the All the drugs market. Therefore, the multinational pharmaceutical companies have systematically prevented the prevention of diseases, including

the elimination of competition from safe and natural therapies, as non-patentable and with very tight profit margins. In addition, these natural therapies can effectively help prevent and eradicate the disease to their essential role in cellular metabolism.

L'pharmaceutical industry offers the "health" to millions of patients, but does not keep its commitments. In contrast, only offers products that alleviate the symptoms, helping the disease that causes them to ensure future business. In order to conceal this fraud, the industry spends to cover twice as much spent on research on future therapies.

In this regard, frankly, already seriously compromised, people should start thinking "backwards", ie that the disease is the activity that brings life balance in a compromised situation, it not 'to destroy or fight, but a program

biologico e sensato della natura e noi dobbiamo solo gestirla e modularla.

The knowledge of this fundamental and self-understanding of the nature we can not feel 'scared, panicked and powerless even to a definite diagnosis very poor.

But not enough to have and maintaining health requires above all a personal commitment to the search for the correct information, which means also abstaining from unnecessary diagnostic tests as well as harmful estimates, the proper use of supplements, hoping that in the meantime do not restrict severely the use and especially the adoption of a healthy lifestyle which is the basis for all wiser and effective prevention.

SAYS TEST : Awareness and health are the primary duties of life.

Sunfish Boat For Sale

mass information and information for

The mass media constantly bombard us with an enormous amount of information about disasters, natural disasters, wars and tragedies and family social. This information enter "silent" in our unconscious mind and are like a seed planted in soil that grows every day but you do not know that this seed has been planted, do not know what plant will come out, until you find the front ! The media keep occupied our minds and our lives with negative thoughts and we radiate the world around us with what we feel, we feel whenever we see those depressing news about "what happens in the world."

TV is the main channel, no channel is better suited to handle large masses such as television, especially for prolonged periods of time. Radio, newspapers or the network, are of secondary impact on the psyche of the masses and training mode, cultures, opinions and consensus .

TV circumscribes the choices, limits us. The human brain can only choose between what he knows, then the large-scale control access of critical information you need to assess a situation means to control the mental processes themselves. The immense power of television in the long run is to determine the "ways of thinking base. Who has the power to choose this form does not submit such information. This essentially determines the mass knows that what is limited. And the contents are associated with attractive images, pleasant, desirable, listing in detail all that is positive. The thought of the mass is developed independently only between what is presented, while a large part of reality is omitted from the collective consciousness . Dreams, expectations, desires, role models and to identify with, to live and suffer, are chosen from this without effort. addition, it stimulates feelings of envy and inadequate to those who do not conform to the model that everyone should know whether aesthetic, political, lifestyle, economic.

The mass is primitive by definition. His behavior is driven by emotion and instinct rather than logic and reason. The crowd acts on the basis of the most primal feelings, those that from the point of view of evolution are the first stages of human development, as fear, anger, excitement and belonging to a group . Instincts very easy to control and manipulate, and these groupings in what is lost is the greatest achievement of modern men, namely the rationality and the use of superior intellectual ability.

To promote primitive then the dynamics of the masses and to control them, it is essential to bring as much as possible and stimulate thought patterns, which take root easily and naturally, elementary and impulsive such as those we find in the cries on TV. hysterical and crying, For example, a showcase where everyone is against everyone in expressing the lowest part of human emotionality, such as anger, aggression and envy, with the typical methods of the pack, arena or lynching live. Quite personally, I think that the format of reality, which is spreading unstoppable and shamefully, is the worst trash that from the point of view of 'information', it could happen to us. Unfortunately, it is also highly profitable and a giver of the benefits described above ...

Everything to fill your brain and clouded the minds of people. Not be long before the World Cup will take millions of people in suspense and this occupation will continue until early July, will take over the holidays and then of course we will meet again in September, even with the national soccer team with a World Cup more (which will serve to dmenticare shameful scandal of cheating, doping, gambling, drugs, prostitution and a system of metastasis that does not concern only the course scapegoats that well known). also because - let's face it honestly - if people lose faith in god-ball and not to go to church (stage) or not listening to the tele-evangelist (sports coverage ) and does not distract from real problems in any way, most people would accept a system like this? Football is undoubtedly a powerful social glue that can not fail the system. That's why everything will fall at any cost and by any means ...

That said, an "Ordinary" che riceve le notizie esclusivamente dal tubo catodico, come fa a sapere quello che la “scatola infernale” NON dice? Esistono certamente canali alternativi, ma questi implicano una ben precisa presa di coscienza e soprattutto voglia di conoscenza, di non accettare passivamente quello che ci viene servito nel piatto, ma di trasformare questa passività in azione per meglio comprendere cosa accade tutto intorno a noi.

Se « le religioni sono l’oppio dei popoli », « la televisione and media in general are the opium of the poor .
Of course I am referring to the poor in spirit, in the poor, at heart, who are content, because of this lack interior, so empty, what the boob tube and other information channels, "give" their day after day, without worrying about whether the messages kindly offered by
System are true or not, and especially Is there any other news that are not known or that are obscured.

SAYS TEST : Teachings are important in themselves, commentators and interpreters can only distort them. It 'should draw directly from the source without going through any kind