post I have planned this well before you leave (no, do not say stupid things ... in fact part of the house in half an hour
) for a brief interlude at the end of August but I can not fail today (ie the day on which the post will be published) my Philosophically Sustainable is one year old !
How strange to think about ... a year ago I began this enterprise telematics and cooking, without knowing where I would bring in terms of gastronomic enrichment, social, cognitive. The experience of the blog was one of the fundamental building blocks of this year: I've known people - only in virtual form, yes, but still able to fill my life's lessons, pleasure, a talk and interact on a basis of common interests-and I met new techniques and new ingredients to cook ... and I hope to have a little 'too rich, in my own small world of foodbloggers.
you read this post-what bizarre, is not it? I am writing on June 4 but I say "today" as of August 22 ... Convention and its weird that that is the time (bulldozing the broader thinking that would be the case that there is because I lack the time, in fact, to do it, I have a train in an hour and leaving home in half an hour
)- farà caldo e starete stremati tra mare, forse vacanze, costumi e il pensiero che in ogni caso l'estate volge al termine. E io sarò in Turchia, ormai pienamente dentro al resort e alla sua vita, ormai pienamente animatrice (con quello che di buono e di brutto comporta). E forse non avrò tempo di accedere al blog, o forse nemmeno le possibilità tecniche.
Ma voglio salutarlo questo primo anno di vita di Filosoficamente Sostenibile , anche se da lontano, con l'inaugurazione della mia prima raccolta... mi è venuta alla mente ieri (ieri 3 giugno
do with his mémoire involuntary that, according to Wikipedia (I do not have time to cite sources more educated), is "That [memory] prompted by a casual feel and we plunged back into the past with a alogical procedure, which allows you to 'feel' contemporary with that past, to see him in his environment..
My collection, Madeleines mon Amour , wants to assemble recipes that have a high value for you a memorial, to remember, and of which only the smell (in addition to sight, touch, flavor), leads to memory and to raise some kind of brain limbro past memories: that of childhood, adulthood, adolescence ...
Poche semplici regole:
- Si può partecipare con più di una ricetta, purché sollevino tutte una simile intensità emotiva, anche se ovviamente non lo stesso ricordo.
- Non si vince niente per questa raccolta se non la gloria eterna (e ti par poco?
) e la pubblicazione della ricetta in un grande pdf finale.
- Per partecipare alla raccolta basta linkare your recipe in the comments below
- Place logo with a link to this page of the collection and reporting in the post the recipe (and if you also want the heads of your blog)
- apply ad hoc recipes and recipes that have already been published
- can participate who does not have a blog, sending an email to giulia.danslenoir @ by location: "Madeleines mon amour"
- The deadline is April 4 2011, in occasione del mio venticinquesimo compleanno .
Recipes participants :
- Alessandra of ViaggiandoMangiando with The Bread Pizza
- Alesssia The biscuit à Soupe de Peaches stuffed with
- Amber de The Cat Ghiotto with polenta cakes sapa
- Angelica of 5 ° deadly sins: Gola cake with Love
- Anna Lisa of Gluten ... for everyone with rice and cauliflower
- Barbara of Recipes Barbare Corolla with Grandma Fernanda
- Daniela Daniela of Diocletian & Spaghetti with sbiraglia: my recipe for happiness
- Elena de The clumsy with celiac Pizza with olives, beets and gluten-free
- Elena of Zibaldone culinary with Polenta superpasticciata
- Federica of with hints of chocolate bundt small ... (of all ages!)
- Federica of Notes of chocolate with Rice soup with peas and chicory
- Felix di UncuoredifarinasenzaGlutine- le ricette di Felix e Cappera con Blitz di mele
- Felix di UncuoredifarinasenzaGlutine- le ricette di Felix e Cappera con Crispeddi C'Anciovi o Ca Ricotta
- Francesca de I paciocchi di Francy con Tortine leggerissime alla ciliegia, anzi no, alla mela
- Luciana di Dal dolce al salato con la Pasta con il cavolfiore
- Maetta of What fun you know?? ravioli with my mom
- Marifra79 of Peppermint and Liquorice with Madeleine with olive oil, honey and pomegranate
- Giulia dans le noir ( same me in person) with Simit, bread buns with sesame seeds
- Giulia dans le noir ( same me in person) with the strudel mémoire
- Miciovolante de cuisine with a mustache with The cookies grandmother
- Miciovolante de cuisine with a mustache with Pastiera
- Miciovolante de cuisine with a mustache with pudding
- Miciovolante de cuisine with a mustache with Zeppole potato
- Patapata of Pies Patapata with My village cake (variations on a theme)
- Roberta of Cooking with Roberta with Skewers vegetables
- Sara of knead dough with Apple strudel with amaretti
- Serafina Luisa of Mamanluisa biscuits with banana and cocoa
- Speedy70 of A whole kitchen Meatloaf stuffed with pumpkin
- Valerio of the kitchen like you've never seen it - take them by the throat with Casatiello (timeout)
- Zori of Dreaming in the Kitchen with The hot soup my mom
- Zori of Dreaming in the Kitchen with Life urbanization
[...] But as soon as the sip mixed with cake crumbs touched my palate, startled, attentive to the extraordinary phenomenon that took place in me. A delicious pleasure m'aveva invaded, isolated, with no notion of cause. And now, m'aveva become indifferent to the vicissitudes, the harmless showers, deceptive brevity of life ... I no longer felt mediocre, contingent, mortal. From where I had that joy could be violent? I felt it was connected with the taste of tea and the madeleine. But infinitely surpassed him, was not to be of the same nature. Where was it? What was the point? Where to stay?
Marcel Proust: "Alla ricerca del tempo perduto"
Il mio strudel della mèmoire
for pasta crazy (my version)
- 300 g flour 00
- 50 g butter ammordito
- 30 g of sugar
- a pinch of salt
- an egg
- water as needed
for filling
- 3 apples rather large
- a couple of handfuls of raisins
- frutta secca tritata grossolanamente (noci, nocciole, mandorle... ho risolto così rispetto alla versione classica non avendo pinoli)
- 50 g di zucchero di canna
- il succo e la scorza di un limone
- un pizzico di cannella (se piace)
- pangrattato o biscotti secchi q.b.
Il ripieno si può personalizzare a piacimento : spesso ci ho aggiunto albicocche o prugne secche, a volte qualche cucchiaio di marmellata (di limoni e di arance); una volta non avevo mele e ho usato le pesche.
P rocedimento : Preparate la pasta matta mescolando zucchero e farina setacciata con un pizzico di sale. Poi aggiungete il burro lasciato ammorbidire a temperatura ambiente fuori del frigo e l'uovo; bagnate il composto con acqua fino a che non si ottiene un impasto morbido che non si attacca al piano.
Mettelo a parte, facendo attenzione a coprirlo con un canovaccio, e lasciatelo riposare mentre preparate il ripieno: sbucciate e tagliate le mele e bagnatele nel succo del limone. Aggiungete la scorza grattugiata, l'uvetta precedentemente ammollata in acqua tiepida e la frutta secca spezzettata. Mescolate e amalgamate bene.
Take the dough on the filling and place it on a cloth (as used to cover it during lunch break, for example) roll out quite thin rectangular shape. Sprinkle the surface with bread crumbs mixed with sugar and crumbs of biscuits and pour the filling on top of this coverage. With the help of the cloth, close the dough to give it the classic form of the strudel.
Let the party closing down, so that it opens and the filling comes out during cooking. On top
do many small linear incisions with a knife. Bake at 180 ° C for 30-35 minutes. And 'better if you let it rest: Council will then prepare the day before and enjoy it the next day, the pasta has softened and the flavors have mixed and blended in an excellent manner. Remains soft and good for days, even more than a week.
Mon amour but memoire and the smell of strudel that spreads in the air while it is in the oven!
Note on sources: In my uninterrupted quibble about memories, memoire, the blogversari and libraries have culpably failed the necessary citation of sources. When I decided to make the strudel paste using the crazy and not the pastry I did extensive research on the Internet and various, there are many versions (the term "mad dough" seems to indicate a huge range of ideas and suggestions) become a matter of choice - a question then I would say almost "ethics"
And finally, a hug (for you) and August (for me) in June (while I finish this update in an Internet café in Rome). And to feel, really, real-time, soon.
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