I'm a disgusting, I know ... I'm back for more than two weeks, almost three
Back in a house that does not start sentivo più nemmeno tale, ho vissuto (per un periodo breve a dire il vero) la condizione del viandante, condizione che Friedrich Nietzsche privilegiava ma che mi rendo conto di trovare faticosa: ricca, florida, piena di esperienze e di confronti, ma carica del peso di non sentirsi mai davvero a casa propria. Adesso che di tempo ne è passato dal mio ritorno, so e sento che è questa casa mia, il posto del mio passato, dove sono cresciuta e mi sono formata, il posto del mio presente e del mio (almeno prossimo) futuro... ma il ricordo di Bodrum, della Turchia, della mia stagione estiva, mi resta saldo nella memoria e a volte batte in una zona vicina al cuore
It 'hard to salute a memorial a place and a context that was the place for 3 months and a half (and do not seem to me a few
It was not always like this ... I got really impatient and indifferent to my surroundings. The difficulties I have proved larger than I had figured I was presumptuous, perhaps, or maybe I had not expected to find it plunged into a context so foreign. I just get by with English everywhere, I thought to know better English than they actually knew, and probably on paper my English was good, but in practice is another thing ... and I did not come to terms with Turkey!
arrived in early June, the guests were nearly all Turks ... and very few spoke English! Not a word! It was suffocating spend 8 ½ hours of their day (ie my day job during the day, to stay in the club at the resort) with children (for reasons of age) did not speak a word of English and I do not understand, interact with parents who did not speak English but turkish and hear my fellow international animation ciacole in turkish with children and parents, senza che riuscissi a capirci niente.
L'animazione internazionale... Io facevo parte del team di animazione del Tour Operator Turban Italia, che come già emerge dal nome era italiano: eravamo quattro e italiani e affiancavano l'animazione internazionale, costituita in realtà da turchi e da una minoranza russa. L'esperienza con l'animazione internazionale (l'"internazionale-turca", come amavo descriverla agli ospiti italiani) è stata una delle più dinamiche che abbia mai esperito: qualcuno, un Grande Fratello dell'Animazione (internazionale)turca, gestiva i suoi componenti facendoli ruotare da un resort all'altro ogni volta che si comportavano in maniera scorretta; Thus, in a season, passing before my eyes I saw more fellow leaders than they would have never known. The team of the International and totally changed at least a couple of times, there have been appearances of new animators times the order of days, I had three colleagues several "long-standing" at the Mini Club, and a couple of fleeting appearances transferred within a few days.
The first time I was firmly convinced to return home to pay the penalty, pay my way back and compensate the outward and return to Italy. I could not really feel this way more than cut off, he does not understand anything nor turkish (for obvious reasons) or English ... because they already put into practice my English was not so good and did not allow me to understand everything. To say nothing of my partners ... because the English spoken by the Turks is something essentially incomprehensible. I was shut up (and I say, shut up! But where ever we have seen a Julia who is silent?
And if I hoped (illusione della presuntuosa, senza dubbio) di "consolarmi" (per quanto possibile) con lo spettacolo serale, anche qui mi sono scontrata con una sonora delusione: per motivi che ancora mi sono ignoti - perché non suffragati da evidenze empiriche, da prove effettive o simili - il capo dell'internazionale aveva optato per la mia incapacità totale sul palco, relegandomi ai ruoli più marginali. E' vero, sono una schiappa a ballare, ma credo sul palco, come "attrice", di cavarmela decentemente: e mi indignava - come ancora mi lascia perplessa- il modo in cui mi aveva catalogata come "incapace" senza avermi mai davvero visto sul palco. L'unica consolazione vera, è che alla fine ero diventata la "cameraman" del team
... in ogni caso, comunque, ruoli veri non ne ho avuti mai. E questo all'inizio ha rappresentato per me una piccola tragedia. Sembra stupido, lo so perfettamente, è stupido, è stato stupido; ma l'essere esclusa in questo modo dai giochi mi faceva sentire accettata a metà, o in parte, o mal tollerata, e incrementava ancor più il disagio di sentirsi linguisticamente tagliata fuori (almeno in parte) dalla vita del resort.
Poi le cose hanno cominciato a cambiare. Non ricordo bene quando... anche se forse è stato semplicemente quando siamo entrati nel vivo della stagione, quando gli ospiti sono stati tanti, quando ho avuto italiani a cui badare, e non più tempo per farmi certe "seghe mentali". Non ho più pensato (se non di sfuggita) alle parti che non ho avuto mai, più pensato alla voglia di tornare a casa, che in realtà non c'è più stata; non che mi trovassi sempre e comunque bene, il mio umore era se possibile ancora più volubile del solito, alternando giorni di serenità a giorni di noia di sconforto di disorientamento di rabbia.
Ma ero comunque là, a Bodrum, a Yali Ciftlik , al Latanya Beach Resort; e non avrei voluto essere in altro posto, o quanto meno non ci pensavo minimamente, ad essere altrove. Nei periodi più bui ho più che altro pensato e/o desiderato di "Not" ... but my real position, however, always remained in Turkey.
And as I learned to love it! Turkey, I mean, after all, and even my life there, with what he had good and bad, pleasant and unpleasant: the alarm clock in the morning at 7:30, then moved to 8 or 8:30 to then become the standard 7:45 to do so in time the staff breakfast in the restaurant (that we animators could not have breakfast and lunch in the main restaurant but the staff, ie those working at the resort: the waiters to the cooks to the house -keeping the photographer etc ....), the many meetings that day at the end had lost part of the sense, the opening of the mini club at 10, lunch at 12 and 30 tests at 13 - when there was no evidence the afternoon opening of the mini-club and the coveted closing, dinner in the main restaurant, the show evening, the tragic and universally hated now in the resort's disco from midnight in the night.
Once there were Italian guests, time of closure of the mini club as well as the forty-minute dinner, they were my favorite ... that of contact, for the animators' Day "(not the mini-clubber, so to speak) was routine, was working, it was the duty, and even at times when I felt professionally and humanly incapable un'inetta per me ha rappresentato la più bella attività e la migliore consolazione: la conoscenza e la chiacchiera con gli ospiti (anche con gli stranieri potevo parlare, ovviamente, ma i miei preferiti, per motivi linguistici oltre che professionali, erano ovviamente gli italiani
Ad agosto ne abbiamo avuti anche 200, di italiani (cifra che non fa certo girare la testa, ma che era alta per un resort che aveva la capienza di più o meno 500 persone), ed è stato il mio momento preferito, anche se in teoria doveva essere il più impegnato, stancante e impegnativo (ma di bambini italiani, che dovevano essere i miei "obiettivi" prediletti, In August there were not many), I loved wandering around the beach, despite the fatigue of eight hours and a half of work (yes, it was children's club, but I want you to bear with me for hours vedervici screaming children who usually spoke a language I unintelligible), look for the green bracelets (in fact guests of the All Inclusive adults had bracelets of different colors depending on the nationality of belonging ... and the Italians were green), to engage in presentations, chats, discussions, or talking with those I already knew.
The weeks have flown at the end ... but every week was an eternity for me. I had a false and distorted perception of time, because a week was a life, it was usually the time when and where each guest had remained with the new Italian create new knowledge, new balance, new ways of being together. The weeks have chased one after another, but when a week was over, and I had to accompany a visitor all'aeroporo Italian (and / or welcome somebody coming ... it was the commitment of the week Monday, the day's arrivals and departure of Italians were "mass" and where we accompanied the four Italian animators asssistente Turban and we helped him in his task), it seemed that an eternity had passed since I accompanied the last, or when I had having to leave. It could be really depressing ... I managed to survive cogliendo e conservando di ognuno quello che di buono mi ha dato, i bei discorsi che ho fatto, le risate che mi hanno suscitato, le cose che ho imparato .
Tutti mi hanno dato qualcosa di bello, un bel ricordo da conservare, belle parole da ricordare, belle storie e suggerimenti letterari. Ho un ricordo dolce dei bambini che ho avuto... pochi a dire il vero, perché pochi sono stati i bambini italiani sotto i dodici anni in tutta la stagione: si vede non era un resort gettonato per famiglie; un ricordo bello di Sara, Giulia, Giulia, Chiara, Ilaria, Vladi, Giulio, Riccardo, Camilla, Giorgia, e anche di Giuseppe e Lorenzo che non sono never been in the mini club but I did visit every day. Vladi who taught me to do the aeropolanini paper. Sara and Joseph, in two totally different periods (one in July and another in August), I was taught and perfected the production of paper boats. Giulia with his shyness and his imagination and his confidence reminded me of myself at her age. The couple Giulio Riccardo-who I've helped to form and with which they form a trio of which I still have nostalgia.
And the children of other nationalities! What sweet memories in the end ... sometimes I have comforted the days go so well. Turkish children, Russians and Poles which sometimes something clicked, affinity or sympathy of skin ... and some I still remember them with affection, even those known in June, and then sink into my early history.
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My kingdom, the Mini Club |
And with them I learned to love, Turkey, with its traditions, its uses his music and his habits. Each of the parties and with his way of (not) a Muslim, because so many held us to reiterate that Turkey is Muslim, even if 90% of its inhabitants profess that religion.
For Love (but I loved it from day one that I put my nose out of room), the beaches in front of me and in my ears every day and that day off gave me a good morning, even before the breakfast (it was customary for me to do in the bathroom day off just woke up, the first sweep of the laundry room breakfast):
this show that I believe was beating a thousand times that of water - crystal clear and equally wonderful, of course, but much more artificial - in front of the resort ... We slept in fact leaders in a motel just next to the resort but had divided the beach from the resort:
And still the wonder I could see the sea in the boat ride made with three of my colleagues or a small cove where I conducted my knowledge of Turkish ... knew that the sea is beautiful and wild, so wild that I was kidnapped in Turkey.
From the boat :

And here is a cat (or rather, the cat boss of the village ... there were many cats that were wandering in the resort but what I had photographed the domain and it was undisputed with great probability the father of many of those I met in June to September, small and romped in the middle of adolescence):
La Turchia, il paese delle contraddizioni, della modernità e della tradizione, il paese in cui la pillola del giorno dopo si vende in farmacia senza ricetta e in cui in certe zone le donne devono ancora coprirsi, dove le ragazze vanno all'università, si laureano, lavorano e vengono in vacanza e dove alcune matrone fanno il bagno vestite e velate, dove chiunque ha Internet ma non tutti riescono a essere consapevoli che il mondo non si ferma ai confini turchi, o che comunque il resto del mondo non conosce le usanze e le tradizioni turche. A metà, davvero, tra Oriente e Occidente (dando a questi due termini the incorrect meaning of "tradition, the closure" and "modernity, progress"), including closure and advanced. It is rich in history, traditions, cultures, a country that had never believed could be so beautiful, so rich, so intriguing in what it has to grinding ... Steeped in history, I actually enjoyed only once during the day sneak nmella free trip organized by the Turban in Ephesus, an ancient city where there are only ruins, city of culture, rich city, which had a huge amphitheater, a beautiful library, front of which I got pictures of my former professor of psychology at the University ... which had been to Istanbul and then to the rest Latanya, and had me as an entertainer! You play that makes us the chance ... do not ever see each other in Pisa (and yes, for a period I've shot a lot) and cross into Turkey.
With two photos for now I conclude my melancholy reminiscence: a I was taken on August 30th (the day which marks the foundation, so to speak, of the Turkish Republic) into my vestitura official entertainer and mini clubbers, with the wreath of olive branches artifact that I wore for a month (obviously retracing every 2-3 days), making people laugh and entertain the children but also adults and earn some strong identity, trying to escape the anonymity that I always saw him relegated to the mini clubbers.
And the other was taken to a 'maybe at the end of July, at the end of our great show on Saturday, Snowhite, where I had a miserable end, however, that I brought with pride: the priest (I'm so anti-clerical that!) that whip all with parsley dipped in the water ... a pleasure, you bet!
I close it without recipes, food without a hint, this series of recollections, which is not the first in a series (which actually may have only two posts: this is the next to be). Then I will far more references to the kitchen and dining customs in Turkey, I was able to enjoy for three months ... (Still enjoying my photo was not stolen from the internet ... but because it would disgrace cell phone camera will be broken in mid-July, forcing me to raise more photos by guests or miei colleghi italiani).
Vi do (e mi do altrettanti) un bentornato nel mondo del mio blog, sperando di riuscire ad aggiornarlo più in fretta e con goduriose e gustose novità.
Un abbraccio e un merhaba ("ciao" in turco) a tutti e a riaggiornarci presto con "Ricordi della Turchia: parte 2 (l'universo gastronomico)"
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