Making family entails a responsibility that can only be considered private, because the purpose of the family is essentially to educate their children, let them grow up healthy, serene as possible, through their free choices, in cultivating their interests ... their dreams, but also gradually accountable for their actions, because they one day become citizens of a country, hopefully, more and more civil.
All right, not! Is that an obvious, trivial ... I would say we are in 2011! in Italy and we are considered a source of civilization! ...
So what's going on!
If it is true that development is considered "the promise that each child will have a better future of the father" how come we is not the future of young people because, certainly, for the vast majority will be worse ?! Why are so many people who, having educational qualifications, they decide to go abroad to find employment opportunities?
Young brains are on the run, caught by other countries that do not lose this opportunity because allettane: 1 did not have to invest resources to train them, 2nd Italians are considered creative or even brilliant.
"Youth unemployment has become the common preoccupation of the nation otherwise Italy will lose the game of the future," said President Napolitano asked that clearly adequate funding for culture, research, training and especially the University ... hope in him, big old lights, and those who must implement these measures seriously.
But while we're waiting, what can we do, knowing that if we improve our society, we must first improve ourselves?
Vittorino Ambrosoli, renowned psychiatrist, says that to understand a student must know how the "experiences" in the world where it is. For Ambrosoli is not as important as being the 'being-there ", or being in the world here and now and adds, today it is, be in the digital world here and now. In his article in Corriere della Sera "The loss of meaning of the Digital Generation" http://archiviostorico.corriere.it/2010/novembre/24/perdita_dei_sensi_della_digital_co_9_101124085.shtml asserts that "the main feature of the digital world is to be an analog world, unlike the rational world that is random and progressive. The analog world is that of yes or not, leaves no room for doubt, which is rather the force of the scientific process and enter the dimension of time that passes, because the search is progressing, then projection into the future. All the world is analog instead of this .... " As a subtitle that Article is interesting to read and to note the following "a growing view, but disappears without touch real life" and then "... the digital generation seems to have abandoned the interpersonal relationship for the benefit of digital is that visual and auditory ".
Non si può negare l’importanza di essere il più possibile a conoscenza delle scoperte tecnologiche e appropriarsi delle tecniche è oggi una necessità, ma ciò che è assolutamente indispensabile, per una crescita equilibrata è far sì che il virtuale non si sostituisca al reale. Il fascino del “video-gioco” non può e non deve togliere spazio al “gioco-vissuto”, a regole condivise, al gioco che coinvolge tutti i sensi, che suscita emozioni, che scatena imprevedibili reazioni sia biochimiche che comportamentali. Ciò mette il giovane di fronte alla realtà che a volte può anche non essere gratificante: imparare a considerare i propri No limit is inhibiting and frustrating, and training.
If the rules are the same for all precise and motivating, are content to a sometimes too-powerful vitality that characterizes the adolescent. It must be said that the burgeoning of desire, the narcissistic self-centeredness, disobedience planned (the "no" to the bitter end) behavioral expressions are common to almost all teenagers and especially today, because they created an urgent need to break away from ' fusional love that until recently, although feeding them, made them dependent, you have to experience "new adults" and cutting the cord is traumatic but necessary. The responsible adult and facilitator of this posting should take into account the common horizon of values, of listening, dialogue, understanding of the reasons of the other (empathy) and should ensure that deliveries are not cool behavior, general, impersonal but cut to fit the young man in training and changed with advancing age. It should be borne in mind that absolutely rules must be such as to provide for appeals in cases of disobedience proportionate and justified, but mainly clarifications and refinements.
These require great care, sensitivity and time to devote.
Authentic share playgrounds by the adult, whether for children is largely no longer is recommended for adolescents: a comparison for them to be mostly among peers.
So the question arises: but the "playgrounds" where are they? The parishes, associations, scout? It is a little 'do, but for all? Unlikely! "But there's school!" You say ... "but where?!" I say. Physical activity in schools, let's be honest, most of the time is disappointing experience, a chance mancata. La cultura del movimento è ancora sottovalutata e il senso di perdita di una possibilità appare, a volte evidente, ma oggi neanche tanto, nelle lamentele dei ragazzi della scuola media, mentre i bambini più piccoli soffrono senza poter dar voce, data l’età, al loro bisogno disatteso (ora ad onor del vero, anche in relazione all’esperienza stessa della nostra associazione, alcune scuole dell’infanzia e primarie chiedono un intervento professionale di specialisti in Scienze Motorie). I più grandi, i ragazzi delle superiori, si adattano perfettamente alla carenza della situazione, trasformando l’ora di educazione fisica in momento ricreativo o come prolungamento della lezione successiva. L’insegnante in front of such abuse is often acquiescent and sometimes helpless. Almost always a shortage, in addition to structures often missing is the role that teachers of physical education in school institutions cover: their weight is low if not zero and, alas, this corresponds to the lack of attention, consideration and support for their actions ... and so it often sits in a criminal victimization ... and uproar!
know what my dream? That in each ward to organize small spaces both outdoors and indoors used for youth groups on the basis of the differing needs of educational development, and that every space has its qualified teacher and professionally prepared to meet the specific needs of that age.
Maybe one day we realize that the movement is the most authentic and essential nutrients.
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