I write this post very quick to apologize to the entire blogosphere (both my "loyal" - who has always
- that anyone who passes through here wandering and unaware) of my long absence from the blog, without me even excluded from the standard of good initiative, " rid of the pig," which I would definitely participate.
February is almost over and I did not leave tracks, despite your - still present - Reviews and awards that fill me with honor and pleasure. The transfer Pisa has meant a change of pace, habits, customs, this meant a necessary accountability of all that I do during the day (that big word ... .. responsabilità.
) that the time remaining to me is really little, I must add to this engagement with the master's degree while taking care that only two days a week I committed far more effectively than 48 hours, and the search for a internship at any agency / company / firm in relation to the Master himself.
the more so since I moved culinary experiments there were significant amounts, and were often fruitful: I would therefore say that, of that talk, to show that Philosophically and Sustainable my blogosphere in general.
do not think I can make one of my real, philosophical, thoughtful, redundant, powerful post until next week
, but I wanted to go and leave a trace on the last day of February 2011, posting also, as a must, a recipe that part, perhaps, can bind to the initiative of Standard I mentioned above: it's my last, successful, artistic creation, which are very fair ... I was inspired a bit 'all over the web that rotates them once again with different finishes and fillings, but my true muse was Flap py on Wired New York with his Piglets Brioches , some of which tie to the now (I think) ended usually begin because although there is a pig "of flesh" briochine these take the form of pork ...
I used the yeast of beer, as the recipe, without making the (now usual) conversion with yeast, because my roommate had given me half a packet of yeast lying sadly in the fridge .... but will soon be a version with yeast
place them anyway, a bit 'cause I'm a personal satisfaction for myself (it seems impossible that things out of my hands are so beautiful!) and because even if Norma's initiative has been completed, the pig that produced it is, unfortunately, still alive, living and reigning in Italy (the reflections on the meaning of "pig" in a logical sense, epistemological, moral and etymological, will But in fact, in another forum, and making another recipe
I take this opportunity to remind almost a month after the deadline, my collection " Madeleines mon amour" (they are always welcome and appreciate new contributions
E 'better be a man discontent that a pig satisfied, be Socrates unhappy than a fool satisfied, and if the fool and pig are of another opinion, this is because they see only one side of the issue.
(John Stuart Mill, "Utilitarianism")
Piglets croissants with jam and hazelnut cream extradark
piglets With this amount you get will be a dozen, as pork pork less ... if you forward a bit 'you can cook pasta as the basis for pseudo-tarts or sandwiches. I actually have done eight pigs and the remaining dough I made a great dessert for breakfast paninozzo
- 250 g flour 00
- 90 ml of milk
- 40 g of sugar
- 30 g butter, melted (or 15/20 g corn oil)
- half cube of yeast (13 g)
- a pinch of salt
- zest of half a lemon
to fill and decorate
- jam to taste (I used orange marmalade and plum)
- extradark cream-like Nutella (if not actual Nutella
) q.b.
- cioccolata fondente q.b. per gli occhi
- zucchero a velo q.b.
Nella ricetta originale è previsto anche mezzo uovo (quanto sarà mezzo uovo?
Procedure: Dissolve the yeast in the milk (50 ml taken from a total 100 should be good
Let rise until doubled: in the case of yeast stimulated a time between the hour and half to two hours (but it is always the case to check, during the evolution of the yeast so that it can assess ;
). Once the fermentation has taken place the dough to a thickness of 3-4 mm and begin the preparation of piglets
. Do not worry if you'll look at this recipe and more architects or engineers who cooks ... you need to measure the size of your circles and calculated per millimeter length of the ears, then will be required at this juncture, if possible, the interaction of different disciplines, the intersection of your creative cooking spirit with a soul more mathematics, technical and technocrat
sheet obtained from 20 discs of 7 cm in diameter (I fortunately, ruler in hand, found a glass with a diameter of just 7 cm) of 2.5 and 10 cm in diameter (for the shape I used the cap of a bottle of water). Armandovi then knife (or cutter) and, if you will, the ever-present ruler, taken last 20 triangles height of about 2 cm, which will serve as the ears.
Put ten of the large disks on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper: Place the center of each a spoonful of cream or jam extradark and overlay on each one of the other 10 discs left. Seal it with the help of a bit 'of water.
Take the smaller disks on each of them and make two small holes (the holes in the nose) con una cannuccia: poi attaccate ognuno dei dischetti sopra i dischi grandi già farciti e sigillati. Per "incollarli" meglio ho spennellato un lato di ogni dischetto con dell'acqua. Fatto questo sigillate anche le orecchie (i triangolini) ai dischi grandi.
Mettete all'interno dei buchi del naso un cono di carta da forno per evitare che durante la lievitazione i buchi stessi non si chiudano
Fate lievitare un'altra ora, ora e mezzo e poi infornate in forno preriscaldato a 180°C per 25 minuti, o comunque fino a doratura (io in realtà li ho tenuti un paio di minuti meno perché erano già scuretti).
For the eyes I made on each pig two holes with a toothpick and I filled each hole with a little 'of dark chocolate melted in a water bath: the result was not bad but it is a technique that I must improve
With this track-culinary arts, I greet you, hoping to organize themselves better in times to come, and to be able be more and more present in my and your blog. A hug and good night
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