All'ultimo momento e approfittando subdolamente
The food-bloggers testify by their mere existence as the food is more than a mere food, but is also affected, involvement, tenderness, to many different levels: the possibility of sharing with others by offering food to the personal satisfaction that 'enjoyed seeing the results of their work together to evoke memories that certain dishes (such as that is "universal"
the famous episode of Proustian madeleines), the true pleasure, sensory, hedonic, is carried out.
The food is much more than mere energy to survive.
This cake is an emotion that I want to offer because it combines in itself, for me, a number of beneficial or pleasant sensations: the satisfaction of recycling, the body pleasure and morality (in this case inseparable) transmitted from experience " taster "
, the satisfaction of seeing widely appreciated unearthed a recipe from my mother of the poor to recycle leftover cake after the holiday season.
suggested to my mother Elisa69 Cookbook of Bianca, was developed to recycle the dove. My mother and I have used to remove the entire belief forms of cake ... getting a treat that I think is worth a thousand times more than the cake starting
like the dove in the house most of the cake, and I doute fight to take possession of 400 grams needed for the recipe .. . but the result has been very phenomenal! With Colombia and more Good, I say that with the cake, and much more fragrant and aromatic (do not know why this ... even the cake at the bottom has its fine ingredients and aromatic fragrant "
For the preparation that I photographed here I have not used the Dove Sisters Nurzia ... I contacted Mara and we have come to an agreement so they arrive in a couple of weeks (before I can be there to accommodate the carrier and withdraw), but I still give my real contribution also to the contest, and then I snatched from the jaws of my sister (who adores the Dove), the dose needed to do questo bel dolce. Non è un dolce del riciclo che svilisce il prodotto usato... anzi, lo rende ingrediente assoluto e principale della ricetta facendo sì che, grazie alla presenza della Colomba stessa, acquisti un aroma tutto particolare.
Ma mia madre mi ha vietato di usare allo stesso scopo anche la Colomba Nurzia, preferendo gustarla nature e senza riciclaggi o usi di un qualche genere...
Questa però qui vi lascio, anche come metafora forse ben collocata che, dalle "rovine", può rinascere qualcosa di ancor più buono ed eccellente.
A bells far ...
reddens the horizon,as fiery, to the sea;pitch black, upstream,rags clear of clouds:between a black house:gull-wing.
(Giovanni Pascoli: "Myricae)
Dolce Recycling with the dove
(again in the air)

Ingredienti ( per una tortiera di 20 cm di diametro )
- 400 g di colomba
- 350 ml di latte (o acqua o succo... è la quantità di liquido necessaria )
- 2 eggs 60 g flour
- a heaping tablespoon of baking powder
- optional: 80 g of chocolate (while we're on the subject of recycling, I used a bit 'of chocolate Easter egg
Procedure: Beat eggs with milk. Settacciata Add flour with baking powder and a little work 'using the whisk (by hand, of course
I have taken art from some of the almonds of the dove for cover then put them on the day of baking, top of the cake already put into the mold, so as best to emulate the beautiful and luscious cover of almonds and sugar grain (the party, I confess, is what I love most in the dove
Let stand fifteen minutes. (I do not know the function of this time of rest ... but I always followed instructions, including time for rest, and the cake has always come good)
At this point I added the chopped chocolate and mix well for me last time (using a fork, though, the beaters), because chocolate mingled very well with everything else, but perhaps the work of "chocolaty adding" it is possible even before the quarter hour of rest. The next time I try
already transferred into greased and floured cake tin and bake in preheated oven at 180 ° C for 35 minutes (before the actual cooking to bake make sure the toothpick test
Hoping to have a little 'sweetened this stormy Sunday spring (here, at least, there's wind and rain
And to all a good volo.
Aggiornamento del 2 maggio 2010 :
Let us be clear, not that she has visited the blog every day and enjoyed the rare visits to ... but I was so drowned commitments completed in half and I have organized so bad that I failed to add new recipes, making the month of April passed, and intervene as early as dear, sweet May
This update serves to conclude the journey that I started with the Sisters Nurzia. Monday, April 26, 2010 also from me now is the package containing the goods I have ordered the company Abruzzo
I ordered a Mara dove, but in the package were also added two pizzas Easter "Abruzzo", aromatic and sweet breads are excellent for breakfast.
The dove is perfect, excellent, really good for any time of day, and I support him for the Easter dove I have little sympathy.
Pizza Paschal
Concludo dando testimonianza del modo in cui finiscono le scatole di una certa ampiezza in casa mia... e anche questa delle Sorelle Nurzia ha fatto la stessa, identica, ineluttabile, fine
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