Ebbene sì, dopo quasi un mese di assenza me ne torno qui... e con una nuova ricetta di riciclo
Ma come spesso- come quasi sempre- accade la causa e l'effetto si mescolano e non sono più arrivata a capire perché hesitating as to what to write and, also, influisse on my mental state. Maybe I would not write that bad, nor would you
For this, too, have joined the call "Easter eggs Recycle ... though more still has scratched my belief ubiquitous activity healthy, wise and necessary recycling
There has been a while since I have the gift of reason, which I did not think to recycle: I was always taught to separate paper from plastic, glass and the indefinable "rubbish" (and therefore not recyclable). I think I have to wonder adeirito recycling to elementary schools .
It is a habit that has stayed with me. It 'funny how often - almost always say - Forfeiture knowledge, attitudes and skills that are taught by their parents, or at least by the educators in the age in which we are more malleable and elastic ... or maybe not, is not it curious, just natural. So it was for my atheism, so it was for my attention to recycle recyclable ... attitudes taken, absorbed, forfeited without questioning, as absolute truths, and only then reworked, chewed, challenged and validated (or denied).
As a child I lived in absolute truths, that did not have a why or wherefore, but simply a ERANO. Mi viene in mente la citazione di un qualche filosofo * secondo cui la religione era "l'infanzia dell'umanità"... non so se è vero, ad essere sincera. Spesso i bambini sono così geniali nel rigirare le cose che noi adulti, ormai irrigiditi in schemi mentali fissi, diamo per scontato.
Ma forse, una volta che il pupo ha acquisito certi concetti, certe nozioni, certe disposizioni, allora quelle divengono pure e assolute verità. E solo un successivo lavoro intellettuale può seriamente, e nuovamente, metterle in discussione.
Comunque sia, questo successivo lavoro intellettuale ha confermato la necessità, la saggezza, la bontà dell'attitudine al recycling, even and especially in the current environmental crisis. Perhaps, if we recycle more (but still, if we wasted less
The human being is always imposed on non-human nature as it was the ruler, as if some super-human diktat would allow him to enjoy it till you drop ... I like to think that for the other animals it does not, they merely take what is returning the same. The human being - or at least the curious variation of Homo sapiens is the man who industrialized pompously describes itself as "Western"
We are in advanced technical and scientific knowledge ... but there was a similar development in our moral sensibility, in our knowing how to go beyond the immediate present, the development of intelligence not only technology but also, simply, forward-looking.
We cleared, excavated, exploited, extracted, torn, drained, feel entitled to do so, believing that everything, every animal plant bacterium, every sentient being living or was there simply to satisfy our needs. And we were not able to look a bit 'away, to make realize that this could not have exaggerated exploitation goes on.
would have been a simple account , time to consider the possibility that were denied to human beings future, our children grandchildren etc ... Did not involve a (in my opinion desirable) consideration of otherness natural non-human, non-human animals, plants, the biosphere and the whole ecosystem, is considered in itself and for the opportunities it can offer us in terms of cognitive and personal development, recreational opportunities, reflection, mergers and joy.
But the human being was not able to consider it or what (the otherness of nature), nor the prospect of involving himself as a species.
So now, for the unwillingness to look ahead and still made the short-sighted view and perhaps guided by the one ambition of the quick gain, we find ourselves in this situation of ecological crisis, in which resources are scarce, the planet is affected by human exploitation continues and human society, with all the pollution e il danno che comporta, si espande ancora di più.
In questo l'attitudine al riciclo è uno dei piccoli contributi che sento (ma per fortuna non solo io
Riciclare la carta, la plastica, il vetro, l'alluminio, le lattine... fino al cibo che li contiene
chocolate eggs can be used in any recipe that includes the use of chocolate, plum cake or whatever that everyone has filed in its recipe. I've used both the proposition and the revival of the sweet dove of recycling, as well as to embellish cookies and other sweets.
But the most spectacular use of chocolate Easter was advanced in a pudding, which is actually processing the pre-Easter period and that is it not to be ascribed to me but to my mother that if skilfully taking cues from the White Cookbook , archive of ancient disease. I stopped to repeat the recipe and I used white chocolate to one of the eggs that we received ... It 's a recipe tested many times and with different varieties of chocolate, but the maximum sensory enjoyment, and that I wanted to propose during the recycling of Easter, I have achieved with the use of white chocolate, which among other things, usually, very little excites me (I have already spoken of my ambiguous and conflicted relationship with white chocolate a recipe for plum cake with peaches and white chocolate
participate with this recipe collection de The Kitchen Blog " Recycle Easter eggs "
and I present giveaway organized by Rita de Things Rita for his penny post: the initiative is cute and the blog worth visiting
Many forests torn to the groundmassacredfiniterotativizzate
Many forests sacrificed to provide the paperbillion newspapers every year attractl'attenzione dei lettori sui rischi del
(Jacques Prévert: Poems of love and freedom)
pudding with white chocolate
- 1 liter of milk
- 100 g of thickener (flour or cornstarch or potato starch for this ... attempt in assenza di altro, ho usato la fecola, e il risultato è stato sorprendentemente migliore, ha dato al budino una sfumatura di sapore e una consistenza diversa e ottima
); usando la fecola o la maizena tra l'altro il piatto è accessibile anche ai celiaci .
- 100 g di cioccolato bianco (o di qualsiasi varietà voi preferiate)
- 100 g di zucchero (se usate il cioccolato bianco usate meno zucchero, è già abbastanza dolce e stucchevole di suo... io ho usato 60 g di zucchero)
Procedimento: In un pentolino del volume ovviamente superiore ad 1 litro
Heat the remaining milk, spezzettatevi the chocolate and let it dissolve completely. When it starts to boil pour it (the liquid well hard to be honest, there being 100 grams of melted chocolate
) in mixture of flour, sugar and milk, stirring well with whisk.
Put the saucepan on the fire, placing it on the small flame at the most. Keep stirring until it thickens, making sure to turn down the heat if it boils too violently. You have to get a smooth e denso come una crema. Quando è tiepido versare nelle coppette e lasciate raffreddare. Poi mettete in frigo e fate riposare qualche oretta (se riuscite a resistere
) prima di gustarlo.

Senza indugiare troppo (ho già indugiato abbastanza nella mia parentesi ecologista di introduzione
Buona serata e un abbraccio
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