I would like especially to publish today April 4 my own track, and for a couple of reasons.
Today is Easter ... for a couple of hours, as long as you Sunday, April 4, 2010, is Easter. You will say, but you're not an atheist?
Atea and with conviction, but the religious holidays give me a wonderful excuse to wish without seeming out of place. More than for the festival itself, the real meaning of which escapes me or that I feel, why I wish you to remember is that they allow others, to remind the rest of the bond that binds us to them, remember the mutual relations. In this respect my wishes are a plausible explanation ... can graduate as "secular," if not, do not make sense. And then there's that sense of sharing, event universal, all-encompassing that allows you to tie and tighten while brief reports with those who do not know or barely knows ... commanded the holidays, just as there is Easter, allowing the creation of a common language, which allows contact between strangers. And the exchange of greetings that in itself is never negative and that everyone can modulate prefer.
And for this, for the opportunity to make contact with you bloggers who read me, known or unknown that are, to remind one others, that I do my best and lay GREETINGS for this Sunday that is ending and that is Easter in the Christian world, best wishes for happiness to be attained or achieved, best wishes for a spring a little 'get to uncertain , for a total rebirth for improvement and personal development ...
Easter falls in early spring, and I do not think a case that celebrates a rebirth ... because spring this is also a rebirth of nature, the world of animals and plants after freezing and paralyzing the grip of winter. It will be stupid, but spring still to join the Disney film ... yes, the movies I watched as a child
... especially those in which the characters were animals and where their growth was punctuated by the transition from one spring to another: Bambi , Red & Toby ... those in which the return spring amounted to a total change, a new birth into a new dress. This association possibly stems from the fact that since the spring, the girl smelled like a resurgence, such as an explosion of living and vital forces remained buried in the cold.
It is not a case, I think, has chosen to resurrect Christ, to get him back to life, to the very dawn of spring
The second reason why I wanted to write today is that April 4th is my birthday. It sometimes happens, in fact, coincide with the Easter holidays ... was curious today to receive a series of double-wishes from friends and acquaintances (someone actually has deliberately omitted the Easter greetings
, and someone forgot the birthday
.. .), but obviously more stressed about the episode me personally, and not one that involves the entire nation (or the whole Judeo-Christian civilization).
April 4, 2010 ... do 24 years, almost one quarter of a century. For now no longer has the importance it had when I was younger, the birthday date is pitched, because it results in me melancholy reflections and varied, and as much as I do not tax leads me to look back a year that filled the gap between 23 and 24 and what I have done and achieved in that year. Although there was only this time, a vague feeling of malaise and melancholy, when I think that there is always the great skein of time I passed him, but I have not even thought for a moment to dwell for a moment the defeats and victories, so to say, the year that elapsed between 4 April 2009 and 4 April 2010.
And that, believe me, that's good, because usually when I do so I tend to emphasize only the defeats and what did not go as I wanted / needed as / as I would have liked, and not the good things that have lapsed ... and a little self-pity '.
And since in my revival project begun in 2010 by a little 'this tendency to self must disappear, it is all well and good to dwell for a moment that did not want to look back indulge too much on my recent past. He seized a moment of solitude a Magone and bitterness, but I do not think I remember it was due to the "good" old days
And now, before the recipe and you generously gave me for my twenty-fourth birthday, I leave you a sweet reminder of spring provieniente by Amber of The GattoGhiotto that thought is so nice to me for this wonderful award, which I thank you warmly and with gratitude, because I found her a really sweet and intelligent person who offers recipes and interesting, good and a very special touch
about this tantalizing promise of spring to co-blog:
- Vale to Eat and Drink
- Maurina of Comfort Food
- Patapata of Pies Patapata
- Lorenzo of Lorenzo The Lucullus
- Solema of Grandma's Kitchen Sun
- Laura of vanilla essence
- Manuela and Silvia of piecemeal
- Pagnottella of the gay world of Gaia
- Marsettina of Always in the kitchen with Joy
- Susy of Cooking with me
A console that does not come again in the spring (Easter this very rainy) and the years that unroll inseorabilmente on each other, however, came this wonderful recipe that has no connections with the themes set out so far if not its huge (for me) restorative power and refreshing, like a real "spring revival"
The original idea came from Spells Vegan, which I am grateful for this remarkable discovery a good and tasty way of using chestnuts. (First I did not go crazy, but since I discovered thanks to Vegan Magie this tart I was interested to discover the various ways in which I could use them, finding recipes and also uses ingenious).
Based on Magie Vegan recipe I put together an outstanding chestnut cream (also good to eat by myself, a spoon, or spread on bread) to a "pastry" anti-cholesterol without butter and eggs. copied almost verbatim from a recipe on Broscina 's Recipe White pasta ... that in fact has very little of the pastry ingredients canonical but that definitely equals in terms of taste, although it is crumbly and delicate, even more than the canonical one with butter and eggs ... so if you want to try treat it with kindness.
Note of November 30, 2010 : With this recipe for the collection Chestnuts: a collection of recipes de Paola's Kitchen Paola Brunetti.

[...] and when I burn the stars in the sky;
I say to myself, thinking to
that many torches?
making the infinite air, and that deep
infinite serenity? What means this immense solitude? And what am I?
(Giacomo Leopardi: "Song of a Wandering Shepherd in Asia")
Tart with chestnut cream
- 300 g flour 100 g of oil
- 70 g of cold water
- 80 g di zucchero
- 1 pizzico di sale
- la buccia grattugiata di un limone
- 1 cucchiaino colmo di lievito per dolci
per la crema di castagne
- 200 g castagne secche (o 300 g di castagne)
- latte q.b.
- 2 albicocche secche
- 1 manciata di uvette
- 1 pizzico di sale
- una mela grattugiata (oppure 2-3 cucchiai di zucchero di canna)
per cover the pastry
- 100 g of dark chocolate
Procedure: Prepare the pastry by mixing all the little ingredients (flour, oil, water, lemon rind, salt, sugar, yeast ) and placing it in the refrigerator for at least half an hour.
Then roll out the dough the size of your pan, tent, however, by a good 50-70 grams (I make eye to tell the truth, but it seems to suggest a dose of dignity).
Thanks to my mother, I discovered a great way to stretch the pastry without too mad. Without dubbio è un espediente che voi conoscete già, ma lo metto comunque, nella speranza che possa essere d'aiuto a qualcuno: si tratta di stendere la frolla tra due fogli di carta da forno, uno sotto su cui avrete preso la misura della tortiera e che userete anche per avere un'idea di quanto ancora dovrete stendere, e uno sopra che serve semplicemente a non far attaccare il mestolo alla pasta frolla (o a non farlo scivolare, in questo caso... dato che la frolla in questione è piuttosto unta).
La pasta tenuta da parte serve per creare il bordo: componetelo suddividendola in palline grosse quanto una noce, che collocherete ai bordi della tortiera e che poi stenderete e modellerete in modo tale che si uniscano e cheformino un bordo.
Coprite la base di frolla con un foglio di carta da forno (quello che avete usato per stenderla e che le stava sotto) e versateci sopra una buona dose di ceci secchi (almeno, io ho usato i ceci secchi... ognuno ha la sua tecnica per la cottura in bianco della frolla
I miei tempi sono però indicativi... regolatevi come meglio credete e, letteralmente, andate ad occhio, perché la frolla non deve scurirsi e se lo fa, significa che il suo tempo di cottura è decisamente finito.
Una volta sfornata la frolla, mettetela da parte e lasciatela cool and begin to prepare the cream of chestnuts.
If using dried chestnuts (as in need of these days, since there are not fresh), put them to soak with a pinch of salt for 4-5 hours after the soaking time (time that you dedicated to making pastry) cook in same water used to soak for 50-60 minutes, then drain. If
prepare the tart with fresh chestnuts (I think I can say, therefore, "if prepared in another season
At this point, when you have your chestnuts (which are dried or fresh) cooked and peeled, put them in a saucepan and cover with milk, add a handful of raisins, two dried apricots, grated apple or sugar. Boil the mixture for about ten minutes, then whisk together until creamy smooth and homogeneous, free of lumps.
Let cool.
At this point, melt the chocolate bath with a 2 or 3 tablespoons of water, you will get a thickish sauce (but obviously not too strong!) Of chocolate you use to line the inside of the crust, which is the foundation on the edges. Once coated with the melted chocolate crust, refrigerate about ten minutes for the chocolate to thicken.
When the chocolate has clotted cream and chestnuts will be adequately cold, fill the tart with cream. Un'accortezza gastronomically and aesthetically successful and dust on the surface of the pine nuts: in an effort that I photographed here but I did not have pine nuts in the house and wanting to maintain the aesthetic nice effect, I used chopped hazelnuts. Cake equally phenomenal
Remember: let it rest for at least two hours before eating. More rest than the ingredients are all mixed up and becomes more tasty
With this first floor of the tart, I greet you in a last gasp of the day of Easter (and the day of my 24 years
A hug and good night
Update April 6, 2010 : Today is the day of the contest Lydia and Artemisia in favor of the Sisters Nurzia. My dove has unfortunately lost the round and stayed back ...
I had every intention to participate and I had also carved out a simple but tasty recipe, but I woke up too late March 29 I sent an email to Mara Marinangeli to order a dove, and she quite correctly, he said that given the difficulties made by the couriers to bring the products, could not guarantee their arrival at Easter. And so for the 6 I have not had my "treasure" of Nurzia sisters and I had to give up participation in the contest.
did not seem right to post the recipe, however, not prepared for the contest using the product Nurzia agency of the Sisters, and so I preferred to stop ... but I thought it proper to say, since I myself had advertised the initiative.
I am going to order something from the sisters Nurzia however, but because of my slowness and the extraordinary accuracy of the Sisters Nurzia ( that makes me even more positive assessment of the company in question) I am due to bring out the contest.
I have seen among others around the web really intriguing recipes and ideas for this initiative. .. I almost returned to peer
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