E' ardua aggiornare il 26 marzo e non parlare di "Rai per una notte", a-rule for the defense of press freedom and information organized to Paladozza Bologna to denounce the work of complaint made by Italian Prime Minister with the excuse that we are campaigning. Of course, in line had to be quiet even programs that do not create problems, such as "Porta a Porta" ... but he silenced! He cut off the circulation of free information to an even more obvious than it already is doing for a long time ... And that is indecent, regardless of the programs that have silenced for me, for example, putting to rest the "door to door" does not mean that good Italian
Sometimes the desire not to think, not to worry, to be stupid or pretend to be raised by a number of concerns that anyone would rather not have. Refusing to look is often very convenient ... sometimes if you do not look a thing, or if they deny the existence, you end up really being convinced that there is. And the prime minister - yes, let's give it a name ... Silvio Berlusconi knows I think.
Yesterday I was there to see Rai for a night "in a situation even more so with companions of agglutinating Literary Cafe (the group with which I find myself reading every Thursday night) we were on the big screen held in Pisa ... which helped him to make me feel that curious sense of belonging that reminds me so much a song Gaber ( 's membership is not a civilian effort to be together .... is not the comfort of a normal loving ... membership is to have the other inwardly ) and that maybe it's because humans are social animals: the feeling of sharing an idea or have a common goal, to be together even if we do not know ... That sense of belonging that I ran in the blood and heart last night, all united in the feeling for freedom of information, not just us students gathered in the classroom but also Fascetti all connected users to watch "Rai for a night" ... be a closer to each other, as if that would change something, give me more comfort, consolation, perhaps, that sense of belonging that is often served as the glue for dictatorships, which has inflamed the protesters to St. John of the "party of love" that they just love the name, which may offset the ability to take clear and critical distance.
It 's a bit strange to note the nuance involved in the negative sense of sharing quell'inebriante
. It 'strange bitterness, but equally exciting: the you feel when you want - or are forced, by force of circumstance or of thought-beyond the immediate reaction, usually in front of beliefs or assumptions always given for granted, that to reveal what they are, or it shows the many facets and perspectives.
The exact same reaction I always had bitterness yesterday in listening to the speech Monicelli when he spoke of hope ...
Hope is a trap: it is a bad word, you should not use. It 's a trap invented dai padroni. E' di quelli che ti dicono che... Dio... "State buoni, state zitti, pregate, avrete il vostro riscatto, la vostra ricompensa nell'al-di-là, perciò adesso state buoni, ci sarà l'al-di-là". Così dice quello: "State buoni, tornate a casa, sì siete dei precari ma tanto tra 2-3 mesi vi riassumiamo ancora, vi daremo il posto etcetera... sì sì state buoni", vanno a casa e stanno tutti buoni. "Abbiate speranza" Mai avere speranza, la speranza è una trappola, una cosa infame, inventata da chi comanda .
Mi ha fatto pensare questo discorso. Perché è vero. Con la speranza in un dopo migliore - che either earth or in heaven - how many people were nailed to an oppressive, exploitative, and they gave up fighting? The best hope for a future reality, what excuse the misfortune this ...
I do not want to condemn in toto sensation, natural, spontaneous, hope ... Like everything - or almost everything - even for her is a matter of degree, or use.
It may be (and has been and still is) used as a means of covert oppression and exploitation.
But it is also, if you do not stop to contemplate itself, a signal indicating the unsustainability of the present situation and impels us to change, to change, to create a situation different, better, good (or alleged ). Hope can also be a push for change, construction, improvement.
And to accompany that offer a virtual toast to you who read me, animated by the hope of improvement in agriculture policies and social conditions of the Italian, the Italians, of immigrants living in Italy, I offer these wonderful donuts to Marsala Recipe stolen from Bianca (but citing e ringraziando Iaia70 , l'autore... pardonne-moi, l'autrice
Il Marsala dona a questi biscottini un'aroma tutto suo, tutto particolare... ma sono meravigliosamente e straordinariamente versatili (sapete, ormai, quanto ami la versatilità delle ricette e degli ingredienti
hate the villains and noble thing, in hindsight is honoring the honest
Daniele Luttazzi citing Quintilian: "rai", March 25, 2010
Donuts with Marsala
Ingredients ( thirty donuts about 30 grams each )
- 400 g of flour
- 150 g of sugar
- 160 ml of dry Marsala
- 140 ml of vegetable oil
- 150 g of sugar
- brown sugar as needed to cover
Procedure: In a bowl mix the dry ingredients (flour, sugar , yeast) and set aside. In another container mix the oil with wine, and add the liquid mixture to dry ingredients, knead (if you want, help with hoses ... but everyone has their own technique for mixing and kneading and know how to behave, I use the hoses at the beginning, but with this dough, I have to give the final misceltura, to mix with your hands) until the dough is soft and greasy, pleasant to handle them.
Shape into pretzels the size you prefer ... after a few attempts, I standardized to produce pretzels of about 30 grams of weight: I recommend to make large buns, because swell during cooking and if you leave the little hole trope small when the ring Bake the hole closes and you get a donut-shaped indefinite that, although delicious, remember the little donut.
Dip the tops of the buns in the cane sugar placed in a saucer next to you and resting on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper.
Bake in preheated oven at 180 ° C and bake for about 18-20 minutes if convection oven, if you use a convection oven instead heat the oven to 170 ° C and bake 13-15 minutes.
Let cool and enjoy. They are good hot or warm and cold, and keep a long time in an aluminum (I actually use the plastic container of cake that my grandmother to buy Coop
Per concludere in allegria
The offer to Fimère of Aux Delices des gourmets to Damiana sweet scents of to Tania Last but not of Furno (not'll never stop to thank you-but honestly I have not thanked you "in person", that had a comment - for the recipe an ultra fast bread that has been repeated several times to me here, because both my mother to me ... sooner or later I'll post here too, Giurin giurello
) and the new discovery (new to me of course) Rossairlandese of flour in her hands : I found your blog The report to the collection in your fruit plate and I liked very much ...
For once I am original and I have been involved Patapata and canapés that well, I think, have a very beautiful blog .. . but then their risk of being boring, I do nothing but flood of prizes! But my thoughts, let this be known, is also running to you
And so ends a post in which, starting with politics, I ended up proposing delicious biscuits and comforters of all bitterness of our human and national existence.
Wishing you a wonderful Friday night, I renew the hopes expressed in its opening toast to the recipe

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