The today's post will be quick ... the weariness of body and mind
But it was appropriate to leave my mark here today, why is May 9, 2010 a date that marks so many things: a part of Mother's Day, festivities that take little thought, much less the party of the woman who I had at least one of its historical significance. My suspicion is not only due to the stormy relationship with my mother, is a feast that I have always found rather far-fetched and I've never spent a moment's thought.
E ', however, another event that I want to talk ... rather, two. On May 9, 1978 the body of Aldo Moro, who was kidnapped by the RB, was found in Via Caetani: the Moro murder - so I learned what little I have taught history - has profoundly marked the country's political life, probably worse. Aldo Moro, a member Christian Democrat, was willing to opening to the PCI, towards the "historic compromise " proposed by Enrico Berlinguer, and that made him the subject of harsh criticism, but this probbilmente will know better than me, which at that time I was not even a thought in the minds of my parents
But May 9, 1978 has seen, ironically, even the death of another character who, although not reaching the political visibility of Moro, acted bravely against the crimes of his Sicilian Mafia: the case of Peppino Impastato, killed May 9, 1978 with a charge of TNT placed on the rails of the railway line Palermo-Trapani. Almost certainly, the crime is matrice mafiosa, ordito da quella stessa organizzazione criminale che Peppino, la cui famiglia era ben inserita negli ambienti mafiosi locali, aveva combattuto fin dalla giovinezza.
L'eccezionalità, la gravità e la necessità di ricordare la sua morte sono state oscurate dal delitto Moro; è buffo come il 9 maggio sia stato ricordato quasi solo per via Caetani e non per la vicenda di Peppino, una vicenda che, con le dovute contingenze, è ancora attuale, come è attuale il problema della mafia, del suo potere, dei suoi legami con il mondo politico
Sono passatui 32 anni e poco è cambiato... forse (ma lo dico solo perché io a quei tempi non c'ero e li ho studiati solo sui libri) la classe politica di oggi è anche peggiore di quella di allora e se qualcosa è cambiato lo è quindi solo in peggio.
Voglio però ricordare Peppino e la sua lotta contro il potere mafioso, una lotta che verrebbe da definire "persa in partenza" ma che appunto per questo è ancora più lodevole ed encomiabile; perché spesso le lotte più importanti sono quelle che sembrano impossibili, inarrivabili... perse in partenza appunto (questa è un'allusione che faccio a me, anche... a tutte le lotte che devo sostenere e che esito a portare avanti perché le giudico vigliaccamente già "perse in partenza"
the end it is just starting, to make the first of the famous 100 steps ....
The commemoration of Peppino Impastato, and more generally of the events of May 9, 1978, the crown with these cookies that taste of spring to the vivid colors and life .. . spring that, despite everything, seems to be coming
. And scenic effect, taken from the calendar Paneangeli (takes inspiration from everything ... blogs, sites, books, magazines, calendars also
), I offer it to the memory of Peppino and his struggle, aspiration of spring (which is changing in hope of summer ') and all of you who have had the will, patience, desire to read.
[...] Peppino is no more, has died, committed suicide. No, do not be surprised because things have gone really well. They say the police, the judge says. He says he found a note: "I want to leave politics and life."
Here this would be evidence of suicide, demonstrated. And for him to abandon politics and what life does: he goes to the railroad, begins to bang his head against a stone begins to smear blood all around, then wraps the body with dynamite and blows up on the rails . Suicide.
As the anarchist Pinelli flying from the windows of police headquarters in Milan as the publisher Feltrinelli, or jumping in the air on pylons Enel. All suicides. This will read in the newspapers tomorrow, you will see this on television. In fact you will not read anything, because tomorrow the press and television will address a very important case. The discovery in Rome Mr Aldo Moro, killed like a dog by the Red Brigades. And this is news of course, dwarfing everything else.[...]
Salvo Vitale , Radio Aut speech made to the night of the death of Peppino Impastato: "The Hundred Steps", a film by Marco Tullio Giordana
Biscuits bullseye reverse colored

Ingredienti (per circa 16-18 biscotti )
per la pasta frolla
- 300 g di farina 00
- 80 g sugar
- 120 g of butter
- half a bag of baking powder (about 7 g)
- a pinch of salt
- an egg
- sweets or cake decorations (decorations in chocolate or sugar like tails or devils, or use chocolate reduced grain, or dried fruit and pieces. The effect of colored and spring in this case, maybe you lose a bit ', but I bet he earns in taste
- 2-3 heaping tablespoons of apricot jam
Procedure : Prepare the pastry by mixing the ingredients quickly: start with flour, sugar, salt. Then add yeast also distributelo screened and well.
Add the butter cold from the fridge and then the chopped egg. As with any pastry you have to work little, and tip-toes, trying not to heat the mixture too, which must be compact, smooth and homogeneous. Put it to rest in refrigerator for at least half an hour.
Riprendetelo stendetene and a part (back to suggest the trick to stretch the pastry between two sheets of waxed paper coated with semolina flour properly, so that the dough does not stick too much to even baking paper) thickness of about 4 mm, cut the biscuits "basic", the largest, with a cutter of about 9 cm in diameter and bake in preheated oven at 180 ° C for about 8 minutes. Then do
cookies "above", the smaller ones, with a cutter of about 6 inches diamtro. Even smaller with a cutter (I used one of the nozzles of the sac-a-few, or a bottle cap) always make a hole in the center and bake at 180 ° C for 6-7 minutes.
For cooking times do still care and always check to ensure that cookies are dark ... I baked so many disasters
scuri sui bordi nell'affidarmi acriticamente ai tempi di cottura indicati, come se ignorassi che ogni forno è una creatura a sé e cuoce a modo proprio
Se non perdete pasta per strada o se non fate errori come la sottoscritta che ha infornato una teglia di biscotti piccoli senza averli prima bucati e se li è tenuti come semplici frollini, dovrebbero venire tra i 16 e i 18 biscotti (18 parti grandi e 18 piccole).
Aspettate un po' che i biscotti raffreddino, poi componeteli. Scaldate in un pentolino la marmellata fino a portarla ad ebollizione; mettete un cucchiaino di marmellata heated at the center of each biscuit large ("Basic") and cover with the little one, bringing out the hole and jam. Then brush with the jam advanced the rest of the biscuits and sprinkle with the decoration of your choice.
expected the jam, cold, blocks the decorations in place on the biscuit and eat at will.
can be kept in a cool, dry days.
And here the first floor of one of shortbread born "to my distraction, however, decorated and then eaten:
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