I already talked about how you love baker. Already said that the meaning of home-made bread was for me, and how much it costs now eat at home (except I can not do otherwise) of the bread baking is not the result of my work (or my mother). Re-reading my old post I came to smile at the line where I wrote " allowed us to arrive at this result which, for me, is final . "That naive
But perhaps for the bread I gave so much or assume that I would never have progressed in finding a good "every-day bread"
the fact that take as obvious that I would have stayed forever and ever sfegata fan of the yeast and very wary of the yeast.
- Il problema più pratico di tutti era che non avevo contatti che potevano darmi un po' della loro madre; ma questo, come si vedrà, era forse il meno importante o comunque quello che tenevo meno in considerazione. Lo riporto adesso perché, se per caso avessi voluto panificare in maniera Of course, I realize that I did not know where to find a mother ready.
- was too far above me and my abilities: bloggers and users of sites that talked about methods mythological cited as the mysterious "refreshment", thus creating, for me, a halo of mystery and reverence for something that apparently went beyond what I could do. In my little head sourdough became off limits.
- From what I heard about did not seem to be anything but cool and bake! Alas, and who had the time, desire and appetite for so many soft drinks and bread?
My story begins with the mother at the end of March 2010. Section Coop area frequented largely by my mother for the weekly shop held in late March and mid-April during a home baking. My mother was kind enough to let me present, and the modest cost of 30 euros in total, I spent 3 days of the gastronomically most instructive and interesting of my life.
I was the only person under 35 (also 40, is' ...
Baking practice was held in the Community of Pian di Rena , a community of recovering addicts to come to the final stage of a process of detoxification, recovery and reintegration into the world of work and relations that is quite close to my house and 15 minutes drive from Livorno ... but it seems to be in another world, another time! Sank and drowned in a dirt road with trees, we arrived after a walk of twenty minutes in the Community, in the green, framed by a view of hills and meadows apparently untouched by man ... even though it was obviously an illusion because it is mowed lawns, paths, and perhaps even grown, however, an antiquity that attracted our eyes colored bucolic urban romanticheggiante resonance.
photos unfortunately I did not even start because I had not thought about it for a report ... the only pictures that I post here, I am of April 18th (the last meeting where we baked in our wood-fired breads
E' in questa circostanza che ho ricevuto il mio assaggio di lievito madre... scoprendo le possibilità che spalanca e la semplicità della sua gestione! Come mi ero sbagliata in precedenza... gestire una madre non è così impossibile, considerando il frenetico ritmo di panificazione che abbiamo in casa e la possibilità di conservare la madre rinfrescata in frigorifero.
Utilizzando il lievito madre ho re-imparato ad impastare con le mani... ad immergere i palmi e parte dell'avambraccio nell'impasto, a sporcarmi le dita e a girare e rigirare con delicatezza il composto per intrappolare le particelle di glutine e favorire la lievitazione. Ho fatto una serie incredibili di sperimentazione, dalla riproposizione del pane fatto al corso (300 g di pasta madre rinfrescata per 600 g di farina e acqua q.b., con due lievitazioni) baked in a loaf shaped like flattened and pan as trunk, the Tuscan bread Sisters Such a Altamura bread, a bread Puglia, a sweet brioche bread with jam. Especially at the beginning I fought and struggled with cooking, I was always too moist inside while having a good flavor, I cooked, tighten, tested, and of course, eaten so many drafts and many loaves have come so so, still moist inside or overcooked and blacks and tough it out.
The refresh has been a continuous experimentation. For each preparation panos wanted by the refreshed sourdough that I used a dose that protected them for refreshments next. At first I just wanted a pin and adding water and flour in a case to obtain the desired dose (in my early days I came to have a little more than 300 grams) and then leave to cool a dodicina hours.
When he wanted to learn to work with the new rising, my mother has rebelled against my case "random", so looking and comfortable browsing the virtual pages of the Internet we found a solution that allows you to coordinate our Bakers and that meant that even my mother to convert to the use of yeast (sorry that pun, I can not avoid it if I want to be UNPO 'clear
The proportion is 100:100:50.
100 grams of sourdough + 100 grams of flour + 50 g water
To be honest I do not follow blindly and never strictly the proportion: often came to have more than 100 grams of mother and almost always add a little 'more water, until a fairly soft texture also if not liquid. But this is the exact proportion and I offer it warmly.
Bread made with the mother has a different flavor, as well as a broader and more nutritional value. I love the unleavened bread of course. Bakery now almost the only way, except that we are fond of sandwiches and involving the use of yeast ... but the daily bread, now, is made with sourdough or sourdough.
And it is this daily bread that I want to offer today. I discovered on the site of gold La Spiga, a promoter of organic farming in Treviso, among the thousands of recipes copied from the Internet and try it, and I adopted as the bread of every day because "fast" (relatively speaking of course) and great! In addition to the hours of refreshment, issuing only one rising long (8-12 hours) and cook for about 40 minutes. E 'became the substitute for "naturally raised" without the bread dough, though perhaps less honeycomb ... while presenting the sometimes large bubbles, this naturally leavened bread, loaves to a greater extent than in some than in others. I love this bread so that each loaf is a different adventure, with a different shape, different texture, a different (as I said above) large bubbles ... is not a mass production and each has its own bread because its identity, its particularity.
And to me, I love the contingencies, the differences, the personal individuality, this can not but thrill.
With this narrative, almost without thinking (almost a say in this blog unicuum
p.s. autobiografico : La mia partenza è stata rimandata al 4 giugno, per questo mi vedete girovagare ancora per il web. Al più presto rispondo ai vostri commenti delle ricette precedenti, oltre a quelli che spero di ricevere per questa... come sapete anche voi, sono i commenti e le osservazioni, oltre al reciproco riconoscimento, a dare una delle più grandi soddisfazioni per noi foodbloggers. Non scriviamo per essere commentate, certo... ma è meraviglioso sapere che il proprio lavoro viene visto e magari anche apprezzato da altri
Da bambino volevo guarire i ciliegi
quando rossi di frutti li credevo feriti
la salute per me li aveva lasciati
coi fiori di neve che avevan perduti.
(Fabrizio de André: "Non al denaro, non all'amore né al cielo")
Il mio pane quotidiano con la pasta madre
Ingredienti (per circa un chilo di pane )
- 700 g di farina (c he sia farina integrale, farina 00, farina Manitoba, farina di farro etc... oppure una combinazione di queste. A volte aggiungo un pochetto di farina di saraceno che gli da' a different flavor)
- about 120 g of sourdough refreshed
- 420-450 grams of water ( depends on the type of flour ... I weight 450 and then I will rule according to the consistency of )
- a teaspoon of salt
- tablespoon sugar (optional )
procedure : Twenty-four hours before baking sourdough bread refreshed: I have organized, for convenience in order to prepare more or less than 220 grams (I need the 120 and 100 grams for the recipe to use for refreshments) ... although usually they end up do more, about 250. Usually refreshing the evening if I want to mix in the morning or the morning if I want to mix in the evening, respectively, so bake in the evening the next day or following morning.
spent 12 hours of refreshments prepared the dough by the fountain with the flour you mix salt, sourdough refreshed and warmed the water in which sugar is dissolved (the addition of sugar is not necessary but that un'accortezza fairness index), up to have a sticky dough and easily laorabile. Knead it and mix it for about twenty minutes, until you have a soft and elastic.
Place the mixture into a bowl, cover with a cloth and let rise for 8-12 hours. It 'important not to let it rise too much (do not let one day rise, to clarify!
): the dough, with the passage of time, until you get all sour dough!
Resume leavened dough rovesciatelo on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper, compattatelo a bit ', with floured hands, and give it the desired shape: there condiglio to the surface of the bread lines so that, in addition to giving a 'more professional air
, improve the area and facilitate the rise.
Bake in preheated oven at 220 ° C for about 20 minutes, then lower to 180 ° C and cook another 20 minutes. To make sure it is cooked the "toothpick test" using a knitting needle (this technique to test the baking of bread, I discovered by chance a month ago), drumming or even the ground and hear if you have a vibrant noise, of empty (in this case it is cooked).

A baked bread last detail:

Bread open (note the large bubbles in the last two photos ... much more pronounced that particular bread has honeycombed fantastically

With this series of photos I conclude my sharing my new experience with sourdough ... is too amazing to have entered the club of natural leavening, which is unlikely now forsake
A hug and good Sunday to all
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