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where to begin to undertake this new journey in the vast sea of \u200b\u200bthe culture of sports and motor?
From our name ... ..
Why the myth of the Argonauts?
The myth has always interpreted the metaphors of life, is a means of expression of the deepest truths that human beings are able to represent and understand, are a treasure that belongs to the whole ' humanity. Myths are "stories" expression of cultures and peoples, which, though different in their environments, through the meta convey universal values.
The choice of the name Jason and the Argonauts is based of course on the interpretation of this myth, and especially on certain aspects that characterize the deep meaning, as well as the ability to transmit the essence.
is accepted unanimously by all the interpretations (sometimes very conflicting) the significance of the initiatory journey to Colchis, Jason, leader of the expedition, is about to undertake with a handful of brave representatives of the flower of youth Greek reconquest of the Golden Fleece. Initiation, which occurs through the path that leads from experiential youth adulthood. Our methodology uses this metaphor to express the best experiential path which is the basis of our proposal.
Expand the perception of self, dispel fears, explore new areas, express their identity, our guidelines in the planning methodology, recall the metaphor of the myth through the path aimed at personal growth.
With our trip to the awareness and knowledge of the "self", the "Golden Fleece", a symbol of identity in the myth of Iolcus, the polis Tessaglia (città di Giasone), è rappresentato dalla ricerca del consolidamento dell’identità personale raggiungibile attraverso l’esperienza derivante dal vissuto emotivo – intellettivo – corporeo.
The crew of the ship Argo was composed of young people from different Hellenic polis, thereby overcoming the existing historical conflicts. In addition, each member had specific skills that allowed the same additional and specific functions within the team.
Nella nostra ricerca questa metafora si esprime attraverso la volontà di dare spazio ai diversi talenti delle persone permettendo di sperimentare la “diversità” nell'espressione del proprio “valore”.
Il mito della nave Argo è una storia che ci racconta di “un andare, e un tornare” vittoriosi. Il nostro “tornare con il Vello d’Oro”, è verso il recupero dei principi fondanti dell’Educazione Fisica e dei suoi valori nei riguardi della crescita e formazione della Persona.
In qualità di insegnanti o di futuri insegnanti, il richiamo alla cultura Greek is also linked to the function of "pedotriba", the tutor-teacher of young Greeks, who in his own pedagogical action puts the notional know the education of people who lived through the body. Similarly, our methodological proposal focuses on corporeality as a crucial key to learning to learn ", and all those that go on" our "ship Argo, are encouraged to perceive and to question the importance of" lived experiences ".
The structure of our ship Argo is represented by the Association that, in addition to being a place where you can share intentions, experiences and passions, is also a tool to open the beginning of each project finalization Argonaut, in which respect for cultural and methodological consistency of the laboratory, has the desire and willingness to develop ideas, initiatives and proposals.
nice trip to all the Argonauts
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