Il finocchio, cosiddetto Foeniculum vulgare , è una pianta erbacea mediterranea appartenente alla famiglia delle Apiaceae e delle Umbelliferae , di cui fanno parte anche la carota, il sedano, parsley, cumin. Used in the kitchen with the use of all its parts (leaves, bulbs, fruits), has a somewhat sweet flavor and very aromatic.
For curious hardships they often relate to the words (of this "queer" is but one example), the term "queer" has been used to describe the male homosexual, or gay, or queer: this usage seems are fairly recent (so is attested to in the specific web page de The gaya science), since it is not written evidence before 1863, when he appeared in ' Vocabulary' use Tuscan ' Peter Fanfani (Barbera, Firenze 1863).
The use of the word "queer" as a synonym (in the pejorative sense) of "homosexual" is recent and originated Tuscan has spread to the rest of Italy in the post-unification (most North and South, Here's why you prefer terms like "fag" or "Recchione") thanks to some Tuscan writers (such as Prezzolini) who used it in their writings.
Today "queer" is a term that is identified with the homosexual person ... Today, as then (ie more than 100 years ago, when it was used for the first time), has not and will not have a moral value neutral but significantly, specifically, intentionally, used to denigrate, offend, discriminate.
In our eyes it's almost obvious that a homosexual is considered - at least - different and therefore excluded and that the name itself of "homosexual" is a brand with which the person has to live, but if you think for a moment the obvious is not so obvious (sorry for the repetition
orientation (homo) sexual orientation is of course not, spontaneously, automatically, of course, equivalent because of discrimination ... it came to be, perhaps, when it was imposed as the normal procreative heterosexual intercourse (sorry for the obvious and obvious references to ecclesiastical-Christian thought) and therefore as deviant, reprehensible, wrong, unnatural and any other report. (unnaturalness still much heralded by those who condemn homosexuality and which clearly ignores several ethological studies have shown that the presence of homosexual behavior in many different animals or from human )
Perhaps it is in human nature tend to create social a group of "similar" to "equal" in which members recognize each other and exclude to discriminate against those outside the circle: every aspect can be, in theory, cause and reason for discrimination, membership of a particular kind of color to sexual preferences. Giving someone the "queer" means to him that you want to exclude from the circle "normal" heterosexuals, making this his (alleged) estrangement from the group of "like" that is so comforting to be part of.
"Finocchio" I come from one of the first offense is playing on the mouths of children ... child is an offense, almost naive, almost tender, the child who, in time, will evolve even linguistically the same offense, passing the "fag", "gay", interjections judged more mature and less sweetened.
But the fennel is, first and primarily, a herb used in cooking: it is not primarily a way to label, exclude, offend, discriminate against a person before being homosexual is first and foremost a human individual with its own strengths and its faults, its virtues, its beauties, its merits and that after that, you love the people in your same gender and people of the opposite gender.
discriminate against homosexuals (fags, gays, queers) for their sexual preference is a serious and unprovoked as discriminating against women for their gender, as discriminating against black men because they have black skin, the other simply because they are different from us. Even after that diversity is based on factual evidence (is a given, for example, that humans are different from women), but even if it depends on individual choice, it is unacceptable that this warrants, funds or supports a some discrimination, a different opinion and moral treatment: the obvious mutual respect, it is necessary to affirm the freedom to do and be what we are or what we want to be
: no one can afford to deduct from my being a woman by my being a homosexual, by my being simply different from what you yourself are a difference in treatment. The difference in practice (or choice) can not and must not lead to moral difference.
why I am pleased to join the initiative launched by Gaia and Madama bavareisa in reaction to the nth statement of our Prime Minister who has the grins (I use a word because I think that makes Tuscan better than others the nerve to quell'energumeno) to equate his "act of love" (because he, you know, is one that helps those in need, especially if a minor girl and preferably
) To the Moroccan Ruby with the practice of homosexuality: "better to be gay lovers of pretty girls," said the same man who, faced with the question of a girl on the difficulties of temporary workers said "you will find a rich husband" ... that man is the very negation of politics, taste, tolerance and respect towards those who differ from their own ideas or visions.
" Put fennel dinner ... enjoy Mr. B.! ", wants to unite all (or most) bloggers in peaceful protest and a cry of indignation against the behavior openly and obviously offensive, discriminatory, sexist, racist (remember when the U.S. president Obama had this to say - thinking of doing one of his usual "hilarious" jokes - that he was "tanned"?
) of the Prime Minister that in the eyes of the world is the 'Italy (and thus, in a sense, people who live in Italy ... that is us). I liked to imagine that this initiative is the setting for Mr. B. a banquet in which the main ingredient is fennel
. In the absence of recipes in which the fennel turns out to be the main ingredient, I suggested to the President of the Council a relaxing, warm, pleasant, infusion of fennel seeds (sono chiamati semi... ma proprio oggi ho scoperto che in realtà sono i "frutti" del finocchio
): da qualche tempo ho scoperto la proprietà digestiva, distensiva, rilassante, dell'infuso di finocchio, che è per me una panacea nei giorni di disagio fisico-psichico. E per addolcire ancora di più la mia gentile offerta, voglio accompagnare la capiente tazza di infuso di semi di finocchio con dolcissimi, buonissimi, delicatissimi, golosissimi, leggerissimi (ma tutti gli -issimi che vi vengono in mente son ben graditi
) biscotti di pasta frolla immersi nel cioccolato fuso.
Una giusta conclusione per un'abbuffata di finocchi... nel caso che le eccessive pietanze abbiano nuociuto alla digestione del presidente del Consiglio, tenuto conto anche del fatto che non è più, ormai, un giovincello (cosa che lui malauguratamente tende troppo spesso a dimenticarsi).
I politici sono grandi uomini.
Berlusconi è alto 1 metro e 60.
Berlusconi non è un politico.
(from the Facebook group "The best syllogisms )
shortbread light to accompany the infusion of fennel seeds
nb sources : The recipe for shortbread I have fished from the archive of 's Recipe White , including recipes Troppunica. It 's a pastry "light" because it has the proportions a bit' different (and more "light") compared to the classic shortbread, where for x grams of flour is used half (x / 2) of the amount of sugar and butter.
for cookies
- 200 g
- flour 50 g sugar
- 75 g of butter
- 8 g baking powder (half a bag)
- an egg
- 150 g of dark chocolate to melt in a water bath
for the infusion
- a cup of water
- a bag of infusion of fennel seeds properly purchased in places where you usually supplied
Procedure: Sift flour with baking powder. Add sugar, egg, butter cold from the fridge and mix quickly, without heating too much (this rule that, as you know better than me, that is for all shortbread Of this world
). Once you have a smooth and homogeneous as possible form a ball and let rest in refrigerator for at least 30 minutes.
After this time, take the dough and roll it out to a thickness of 1 / 2 inch (or, if you want more cookies "chubby", you can dare to even the full thickness of 1 cm). For some time now lie down systematically roll out the pastry to use two sheets of baking paper: it lay on a work surface, dusted with semolina and the hill there to spread the paste, the other I put it over the pasta itself. The job of "laying" (performed using a rolling pin) then takes place in relation to the compound of pastry put a sandwich between two sheets of baking paper: so the dough does not stick to the work surface and rolling pin does not stick to the pastry and the lies, and the work is easier.
Once stretched the dough to the desired thickness given the shape the cookies using stencils (shapes suggest using "elementary" as the circle, because using more elaborate shapes - star, heart, etc - the cookie may to deform in a simple transfer from the working to the pan
): put them on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper and bake in preheated oven at 180 ° C for 8 / 10 minutes, or until golden brown. Please check carefully the baking of biscuits: when the edges begin to darken, make haste to remove them from the oven.
Let cool.
These biscuits can be enjoyed, "bare, white, as is, or sprinkle with powdered sugar, a stratagem that adds aesthetic appeal to the greed and biscuit.
There is also another version, so gorgeous that it is my favorite one I decided to propose to the President of the Council to accompany the infusion of fennel.
Una volta che i biscotti sono ben freddi (va bene anche il giorno dopo), prendete 150 grammi di cioccolata fondente e scioglieteli a bagnomaria con 4 cucchiai di acqua (o di latte, per avere un effetto ancora più cremoso); mantenendo il contenitore con la cioccolata sciolta sopra la pentola di acqua calda usata per il bagnomaria, immergete per metà i biscotti nel cioccolato fuso e metteteli a raffreddare su un foglio di carta da forno steso ed eventualmente appoggiato su una superficie metallica, così che la cioccolata si solidifichi più velocemente.

Ready cookies, it is enough to prepare the infusion: heat the amount of water needed to fill your favorite cup until the first bubbles begin to appear, remove from heat and put the tea in boiling water for the specified amount of time (usually 3 / 5 minutes).
Remove the bag from the water by now " fooled "and add, if desired, sugar or honey.
sorbitol slowly infused (slow due to the desire to look chic and elegant and the effective heat infusion, if wildly drunk, and cause painful burns injury to the tongue and mucous membranes of the mouth conclude by warmly thanking Gaia here for me involved in the initiative and she and Madame bavareisa for thinking, and I invite everyone (myself also) to reflect on what are really different, what we call "different" and what is fair, or justifiable, translate the diversity of facto (the diversity and effective) with the de jure diversity (diversity in the treatment, moral and giuridca).
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