On November 25, 1960 Aida Patria Mercedes, Maria Argentina Minerva, Maria Antonia Teresa Mirabal - political activists in the Dominican Republic in the fight against the dictatorship of Rafael Trujillo (dictatorship of which little is known of which, however, very little has gone into our consciousness) under the nom de guerre Las Mariposas - were captured in an ambush carried out by officers of the military, tortured and killed. A tragedy which combines a clear political perspective and a (less obvious?) Perspective "sexist" (I can not think of another word to describe it
) ... or is it more evident still in the political perspective, the latter on sex? He does not remember hearing one of the many stories about girls or women assaulted, beaten, raped, tortured, killed, whatever the argument for these abuses?
And that is why I believe that November 25 has passed into history (or rather, calendar
) as the International Day Against Violence committed against women .
Although a day late, I could not ignore this age-old scourge , ancient ... This ineradicable sexist mentality that justifies, sometimes veiled and sometimes explicitly, the domination of male over female, man over woman. By virtue of the superiority of physical force, perhaps, or maybe the memory of the past almost unconsciously assumed male: a provision, once it becomes routine, almost assumes the status of "fair" and in any case, it becomes obvious, obvious, unquestionable.
How many stories of women beaten, abused, raped, physically, sexually, psychologically ... forced into marriage with strangers or living with husbands or partners have become violent, arrogant, oppressors to feel almost guilty because they want essere diverse, libere di realizzarsi e di realizzare se stesse anche e soprattutto a prescindere dal loro essere "illuminate"
da una presenza maschile; che subiscono per anni prepotenze e abusi e che magari riescono, a volte, anche a convincersi che sia bene, che sia giusto così. E questo non avviene solo in quei Paesi che, con un inopportuno senso di superiorità, ci piace chiamare "del terzo (o del quarto) mondo", ma anche nella nostra "civilissima" Italia, in quell'Italia in cui persino alcuni personaggi politici di spicco (non faccio nomi
) esercitano violenza sulla woman once the judge only on the basis of its outward appearances, his power to satisfy the sexual desires of "male".
We often, and rightly, afraid to go out alone at night ... because women are often victims of assaults, robberies, rapes. But not always - I say the obvious, I know - it is safer indoors
there are many examples of women / girls / girls are raped, beaten, killed by her father, brother, uncle, stepfather, possibly the grandfather ... the whole scale is involved in the spiral of parental domestic violence-families.
I wanted to highlight this day because I think it makes sense to remember in writing the status of women, still so uncertain, still too tied to old stereotypes (presumed) male superiority. I do not want and I can not say the opposite, female superiority, because I believe that men and women are but two different kinds of the same species, characterized by biological differences, yes, hormonal, that must not apologize to a different treatment and consideration, that not have to prove the superiority of one gender over and oppression of one ("upper") on the other (the 'lower').
The fault often lies with the men, of course, who believe they can overcome the female counterpart to beat her, rape her, kill her for the simple fact that "males are, of discrimination in the workplace regardless of the actual ability to ignore the possibilities and potential beyond being a "sex object" (or simply an "object"). But sometimes it is also ours, that we accept this attitude, that acquiescence to let it go, that excuse the behavior of their partner / husband to the limits of the improbable, we tolerate being reduced to mere dolls rouged ... and change must come primarily from us, if we want the situation to change, rather than accept it as a benevolent gift from the male. Not that I mean that contemporary women are not doing anything ... there are admirable fighting and struggling for equal consideration of rights, but also others who bow to the stereotype of "beautiful doll-and-for-this-non-intelligent" that is usually imposed ...
Any discrimination - including sexual - is offensive and demeans those who carries out that those who suffer and only brings humiliation, frustration, bitterness ... and pain. A pain for what may be veiled or masked cynically pain is and always has excuses.
A pain without shades. Pain and nothing else.
There's stupid statement (heard from who knows where who knows what an idiot) that women really like to be treated that way. As if the pain imposed on us could metamorphose into pleasure.
As the line between pleasure and pain is blurred to the point that sometimes tend to blur, I can judge this statement as simply a c azzate (sorry finesse
Ma è sulla scia di questa labilità di demarcazione tra il piacere e il dolore, di quegli stati ( ben diversi, badate bene!, dalla violenza inflitta alla donna !
Con la sua ipercalorica crema di cioccolato, essa muove dall'intimo del corpo, da ogni sua parte (cuore, cervello, stomaco, papille gustative, sguardo), una scarica di adrenalina e di libido straordinariamente sensuale, che tende però a cadere su una scia dolce di dolore (dovuto sia alla considerazione della quantità di calorie ingurgitate sia a quella caduta della parabola che, una volta raggiunto its peak, can only decrease

The lust of pleasure that leads me did it (even visually, I do not know why) approach to decadence , in which the excesses of pleasure went hand in hand with a faint subtext of pain. This is why I decided to name it (totally arbitrary choice), ' Tart Rimbaud ', in honor of one of its greatest exponents.
Originally the presentation of the tart decadent "was born in report a disquisition on the pleasure and pain and the difficulty of distinguishing between them ... but I could not keep silent on 25 November and it seemed obvious and just give the post a different approach
[...] and perhaps in revenge
and perhaps for fear
or just madness but always
you're the one that pays more
if you want to fly you pull down
and if the witch hunt begins
witch are you
Rimbaud tart with chocolate sauce, cocoa and chocolate curls
per la crostata
- pasta frolla (io ho usato la pasta frolla dietetica )
- 50 g di burro
- 150 g di cioccolato fondente
- 50 g di zucchero di canna
- 170 g di miele
- 3 uova
- 40 g di farina
per la decorazione
- cacao amaro in polvere
- 100 g di cioccolato fondente
- un cucchiaio di acqua o di latte
Procedimento : Impastate gli ingredienti della frolla e mettetela a riposare in frigorifero per mezz'ora/un'ora
Nell'attesa, una volta trascorso il tempo di riposo della pasta frolla, stendete la pasta frolla aiutandovi con la carta da forno (io uso la "tecnica hamburger"
Riprendete il composto di cioccolato, zucchero, miele e burro ormai tiepido ed unitevi le uova e la farina setacciata, lavorando con la frusta fino ad ottenere una pasta omogenea.
Versate il tutto sopra la frolla e infornate in forno preriscaldato a 180° C per 20 minuti.
Mentre la crostata raffredda preparate le scaglie di cioccolato. Su questo procedimento sono ancora incerta perché non ho affinato la tecnica in maniera da renderla impeccabile (l'ultima volta che ci ho provato ho dovuto buttare via tutto perché ho ottenuto un semplice disastro
Sciogliete i 100 grammi di cioccolato fondente a bagnomaria con un cucchiaio di acqua o di latte. Poi stendete la cremina così ottenuta su un piano di lavoro coperto di carta da forno, stendendola molto sottile (sulla scheda said, "forming a layer of 2 mm" I tried but it is not so easy, maybe I should buy a better quality of chocolate
Cool the chips / curly obtained in a manner that will harden and assume their final shape and finish the preparation of the tart sprinkle with plenty of cocoa powder and decorated with chocolate curls.
And with this I brought on my latest, greatest, carnal sin ... an experience so overwhelming that I have not repeated (I just tried to do even the chocolate chips, but I put them on other pies less "decadent").
Wishing una buona serata, vi abbraccio (virtualmente) con calore
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