physical suffering and spiritual ..
time or because of the emotional life is characterized by a persistent state of violent emotion ..
Feelings that can lead to determination of application.
La passione è un sentimento raro, oggi, e se pervasivo è un sentimento “adulto” di persona capace di reggerne il peso e la durata perché la sua caratteristica principale è la persistenza. È un sentimento raro perché la società odierna, tenendo a quantificare tutto in termini di redditività, non permette di nutrire speranze, di coltivare “sogni” impegnativi e fondanti, di tendere verso ampi orizzonti. La monetizzazione a breve termine non permette di investire sul futuro e l’investimento che is bereft is emotional: the risk is to be removed forever.
Aristotle writes, "young people are those who live in view of future hopes."
This quote is reported by journalist Anna Chiara Sacchi's Corriere della Sera, which is working to put in evidence in a user-friendly and accessible to the problems of youth.
"Passion Wanted" is the last article I read and I find it deeply serious, focused and, as already has happened to me, inspiring.
When you say that young people are "emotionally illiterate" you must try to understand why and I give my contribution. The 'distress' of the family, the "no respect" a TV banal, vulgar and violent, "precarious" teachers in a school is not adequate .. we can expect from our young people? So what do we do?
Ingrid Betancourt, in an interview of Dandini in "Talk to me," he said to remember that, like this: "we must change within ourselves, we must learn to be respectful, humble, not to transfer the other problem solving, we act on us, because only then can the world change. " Magical thinking, revolutionary, today more than ever .. I see it hard, especially for the example that comes to us from above, and the rate of corruption is "high" (the corrupt and corrupting today, in Italy, are very "relaxed" so are in practice, we are in the ranking among most corrupt countries in the world and we are too few to be ashamed!). So what? What can you do if the so-called "adults" are so very reassuring and can be emulated?
is certainly true that every human being possesses resources unknown: it is an energy secret which is used in times of difficulty. Now is the time when we come out, we do not love the noise, the vulgarity, the elbowing .. assured us, we who love the young and we know that the future belongs only to them . We dedicated teachers must be aware that through our attitude, our authentic participation, our words, our example, we can affect in a durable on the minds of young people.
The words may be basic, can be rocks, boulders and at the same time raise suffering souls .. the written word, now with the web, may disclose, as never before, our faith, our beliefs.
teachers must return to us the dignity and professionalism that were once the only ways in which each of us based its strength. Always, Italy, teachers are underpaid, but first, we were underestimated because the gratitude gave a sense of fulfillment that compensate for the inadequate remuneration.
Now this speech is no longer taken, we think, as an example, the artisan of the past: what he wanted was the chance of success through his work. His commitment was hardly ever in relation to a remuneration. You over that time, it is true, but we must continue to recognize that what counts most in life is the feeling and we need to get away from the pervasive cynicism and indifference.
tell young people that "the world is wonderful" is not a big lie, it's a good way to strengthen basic trust, is an unfounded optimism, the important thing is to show to believe it though, we know The experiences can affect a pessimistic budget.
As a conclusion I would like to support my reflections citing the thought of Marcello Bernardi, a pediatrician lit. He writes in a of his many books and tenderness born with life, if not fed dries off and nothing will revive it.
is a warning to us that teachers must accompany us in our existential journey.
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