Sunday, November 7, 2010

Can Removal Of Polyps Increase Pregnancy


Sestina circolare anomala caudata

Pensavo che tu fossi la mia pietra

filosofale per trovar la vita

che mi sfugge flottando in questo mare

d’un marasma, in cui navigo la notte

a vista: nel naufragio dell’amore

daffodils iniquity that is sweet to me.

course, because that little bit of greed,

that little 'that is enough, I reduces stone

inane and dried: and certainly a love

v'alligna not then, nor life

bearded s'apprende you! because it is night

thought then that I cast into the sea.

What to love, remember who was in sea

that, trembling in the summer, the gloom

took me d 'absence, a shadow of night,

ghost like a stone thrown at me -

not molded - and hurts, that life

vi s’abbaglia. E si biforca amore.

Ovvio, perché non è cosa l’amore

da ritrovar sulla spiaggia del mare

come un ciottolo liso dalla vita,

perché, come un quesito di letizia,

il bivio d’Ercole t’addita. Pietra

che chi presume sol proietta in notte.

Mentre l’incerto giunge giorno e notte

e ne trattiene il nocciolo d’amore,

interdetto esitante, con la pietra

ancor in mano, per sfidare il mare

che di grazia soverchia, e a far primizia

the shadow mean calling for life.

And even today, hands on life,

I scanned the horizon. It is night

on the shore, but I see that m'inizia

a pitch of joy that is love,

that alarmed me slightly on the high seas

astraendo il superfluo dalla pietra.

E sogno che l’inganno si fa pietra

di paragone e carne della vita,

intriso nella cosa che in un mare

corporale coagula la notte,

finché s'effigia dawn in my love

clear that the shadow knows TRAR expertise

possible by the generosity of its wisdom,

that dear and sweet always m'è.

MVIS! Cagliari, June 2008

The last lie


course is also found that end,

they say, and maybe illusion

that brought it in the hands of the current

of life, and the true nature

should include to her appeal:

but the fact is also that life dreams.

should be made to everything you need,

this is some point in the end.

Yes, but it point of order, and recall

is more than one, the love that m'illude

for example, and the time in nature

it points out transcurrent in fury.

Now I am here with you need,

and it seems that I put in the pillory.

What I think - almost degenerates -

me everything remains stationary, and all end

end moves around me, em'illude

dazzled in the light of a recall?

saw as bias in the recall

a mirror of my face competitor

face with that of sole disillusioned

little by little even shame.

But it is also right that there should be ended.

I come to say? So in my nature

I'm going to tell the nature

of what has happened, and recall

a word that pairs fine

and is enough to harness the power

of all that this story longs

suspended on a wire in which deludes

this catastrophe: why, who deceives

the thread, depending on the nature

no time that only a carrion

I am? Ventriloquist rummage recall

el'istanza that inside lawyers,

speaks to me from the doorway, on the border

where the crux of the impending love 'end,

alien grace that orders and illusion,

as a shock of living current

electricity, and collecting nature

of desire that makes me recall

and says "I (...?)." the last lie.

m! Vis Cagliari, July 1, 2008.


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