Heraclitus, Pythagoras, Hegel ... when I think of the opposites, the opposites, the contradictions, a kind of professional bias makes me names resound in the minds of these thinkers, perhaps the most famous, or more banal, who made opposition to the focus of their thought, have made it as the main constituent of reality. But it is enough to look closer - in terms of both temporal and cultural - in ourselves, in our current and contemporary society, because it is obvious that we are used, all of us tend to think for pairs of opposites. Good and evil, white and black, light and dark, up and down, the beautiful and the ugly. Is it not true that this is often the perspective from which we view the world from which we interpret it?
Sometimes it makes me think of the idea that maybe all these conceptual constructions of opposites, of opposites, a contradictory, are nothing but tricks ... Construction, in fact, made by us to make us fit the reality, to put it in a pattern that is somehow capibile. 'S understandable, perhaps natural, because the reality is it really so difficult, so complex, that to want to capture in its entirety would lead to madness.
We've always done ... simplify reality to explain, I mean. I believe that full understanding of what surrounds us is far beyond our actual capabilities and possibilities of understanding. We have always tried to imprison her in conceptual schemes, in the grids that we did "see" with clarity ... What is the logic, it is natural for (only?
Finding reality in those characteristics that define "opposite" perhaps we need to better in reality, serves more than we think an indeterminate, confused, mixed, characteristics, properties, looks, sounds, colors, flavors, lights, perceptions, distinct. The last year of high school I remember having "discovered" the ineffable complexity of the real ... a complexity that haunted me to the point of seeing her uncomfortable, disconcerting, but at the same time, wonderful, hilarious, a must ... a sort of "sublime", if we want to be educated, serious, literary quotes, and then thought others
Adesso che di anni, bene o male, ne sono passati, è passata anche quest'ansia intellettualoide dei miei 19 anni... nonostante sia rimasta, anzi sia più consapevole, la coscienza della pluralità di prospettive da cui si guarda la realtà, la molteplicità dei suoi modi di essere. E all'interno di queste, non vedo pertanto coppie di opposti... bé, sì, mi viene quasi spontaneo opporre il bello al brutto, il caldo al freddo, il buono al cattivo etc... e forse tendo anche a dare un valore morale o moraleggiante ad ogni coppia di opposti ("buono" e "cattivo", naturalmente, sono in sé morali, senza che sentano il bisogno di lasciarsi attribuire da me un valore morale
Se anche esistono due estremi di cui si può predicare la totale opposizione (ma esistono davvero?
We take only the human reality. E 'genetically, biologically, that each individual is tested - by force or by love - unlike any other ... maybe it's different for identical twins, but I'm not so sure. The whole humanity is beautiful (in a strictly moral) because of the variety, the diversity that characterizes us, each with its own different from that of other in terms of character, tendencies, potentials, opportunities, circumstances that modulate and influence the action. A society of equals can only exist in terms of a company which gives every person the same opportunities for growth, development, implementation, would be unfair to want to create a society of equals in the strict sense of the word. A company of photocopies of all individuals are identical to each other in their aspirations, in the will, even in appearance ... perhaps of totalitarianism - or some totalitarianism - has tried to unify people in a single mass. And perhaps today's society, so "totalitarian" consumer, is trying to flatten on an average standard of mediocrity, tastes similar if not identical, of similar models, in a place where there are no points for "originality" of differences, of distinction.
But I think I can say with some pride, that you can not stifle the diversity of all individuals, to get fully "a kind of mass without the individual." This is true, to think of it, even for many non-human animals: who has a dog or cat - or better still, more than one - can not deny that each has its own personality, your tastes, abilities, skills, repulsion and fears. E 'individual to make a difference so exciting contact with the other (human or animal that is).
It is the same difference, although color this time, to make the pie so special that I present to you today: I took inspiration from tart spicy of Petra of Vegan Blog during the holidays Halloween, in which triumphed pompous recipes made with pumpkin sauce in each, I was enchanted by the clear color differentiation between the cream of pumpkin and chocolate pastry. Once out of the oven, before you even taste it, I praised the aesthetic success of a pie that has proved too good in taste
I do not like the global market
which is a paradise for every multinational
And tomorrow you can be assured
there will always be the poorest and most rich
all but the most stupid
And I imagine a future
no remedy
A kind of mass
without individual
(Giorgio Gaber " Race Against )
chromatically contrasting tart with pastry cream and pumpkin chocolate
for tart
- based pastry: I used "my" pastry diet replacing 30 grams of cocoa powder in a similar quantity of flour in 2000 (270 + 30 g flour 00 g cocoa powder)
- 500 / 600 g of cooked pumpkin e sgocciolata (più o meno un chilo di zucca cruda)
- 4 cucchiai di farina di mandorle (o mandorle tritate molto finemente)
- 3 cucchiai di zucchero di canna
- 2 cucchiai di yogurt bianco
- un uovo
- zenzero e noce moscata q.b.
per decorare
- 100 g di cioccolato fondente
- 1 cucchiaio di acqua o di latte
Remove from the pan and let it drain in a colander.
Prepare the pastry in a canonical (remembering to subtract 30 grams of flour by adding 30 grams of cocoa powder). While the pastry in the fridge (that half hour, hour likely to need
) give us in the preparation of pumpkin cream: whip the egg mixed with sugar and spices (to put in the desired amount, depending on how you like to experience the flavor), then add almond flour, pumpkin, and yogurt. Mix well until a creamy mixture of density.
At this time the rest of the pastry will be expired or about to expire: roll it out on a greased and floured pie pan or covered with parchment paper and pour the cream of pumpkin.
Bake in preheated oven at 180 ° C for 20-25 minutes and let cool.
As the tart cools, prepared with 100 grams of chocolate and a tablespoon of water curls of chocolate as I described in Tart recipe Rimbaud
... Take care! Before you decorate the tart with the curls make sure that the cake is cold, otherwise the curls of chocolate melting on the mixture of pumpkin and decorative intent is undermined.
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particular slice |
The bitterness of the cocoa shortbread melts in a pleasant Dolcino of the pumpkin, in what - denying what I said in the preface - I am naturally be defined as "harmony of opposites "
Now, Wishing you a lovely appreciation of differentiation - whether an individual color, flavor - the same way I offer my warmest wishes for a good evening.
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