The philosopher Umberto Galimberti in an interview with the Express (October 12, 2006) states: "there is an acceleration towards ever stronger rules spasmodic efficiency, competitiveness, asking people to stifle every emotion, [ ...] to be anaffective ... "and reminds us that" only a long and emotional rehabilitation patient may bring an acceptable coexistence between the sexes. " Moreover, at the conclusion of his interview, he asserts that the best definition of love has found it in St. Augustine: "Flight ut sis; want you to be who you are, I recognize your otherness."
That said, I now want to address a subject that haunts me for some 'time. It will not be easy but I try.
In the previous paper I reported the definition of a person according to Kant. The rewrite "man's relationship with himself [it] is identified with his conscience." According to the dictionary is consciousness: the power of immediate experience, understand and evaluate the events occurring in the sphere of individual experience or in facing a future more or less close "(Devoto Oli). Feel, understand, evaluate terms are very demanding, could be serious ... riassumere in una sola parola: consapevolezza.
Dove sei , con chi sei, cosa fai, cosa stai per fare,…???
Sono tanti gli interrogativi che si fanno le persone consapevoli, ma la domanda più importante che ci si deve porre è “come ti senti?” facendo riferimento soprattutto a ciò che sente il proprio cuore, ovvero il centro di noi stessi. È nel cuore, infatti, che confluiscono la ragione e l’emozione (Lowen e altri).
Ed ora veniamo alle dolenti note.
L’esaltazione da parte di molti di una certa presunta cultura che rompe l’equilibrio tra istintualità, self-conscious emotions and thoughts in the relationship respectful of self and other, value-laden phallic instinct alone, is enough to lose, so devastating, self-mastery and the capacity for empathy.
What, then, that bitter and disconcerting is the attitude and utterances of those who, despite being aware of the distortion of certain behaviors, it is limited only to say that it was inappropriate to cross the border between the private and the public. Applicant is in fact that they say: "at home anyone can do what he wants." So saying they are not totally taken into account the consequences estreme di ciò in violenze domestiche e moltiplicazioni di stupri… Costoro sottovalutano che noi italiani, vergogna!, siamo tra i più numerosi frequentatori del turismo sessuale minorile!
Affronto un argomento così dolorosamente scabroso in quanto convinta che esso trovi le radici proprio in quella soprannominata “cultura”. È vero, tra gli antichi popoli (Greci, Etruschi, Romani… nostri antenati!) era praticato lo stupro, anche sui bambini, a conferma della mascolinità ma, nel nostro tempo viene d’altro canto riconosciuto il diritto degli animali!
Sembra impossibile che ancora oggi ci sia gente che giustifichi se stessa (“la flesh is weak ") and tolerates behavior vulgar eroticism and unpaid ...
Galimberti says:" We are in an age where sexuality is too exhibited by advertising in newspapers, on TV where a little boy free access to the lines erotic porno films. This exhibit requires a maturity that is not ... "and finally Galimberti again," every rape, every act of violence, whoever is the perpetrator, is the failure of the educational process, is not he taught to regard the other as a person and not as a thing. "
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