December passed almost without my noticing. It 's been Christmas , with all its load of rhetoric, souvenirs, greeting cards, gifts, of hypocrisy, which this year were actually a few (good wishes, gifts, hypocrisy) ... I will be for a drop in popularity or the fact that this year I've been really receptive to a little respect. In general, Christmas is a holiday that just touches me and I use perhaps more as a justified excuse to remember, through my cards, my own existence or the importance that others play, often without knowing it, in my life, but I've heard this year, if possible, even less than usual, nothing more than a day to spend with the family and struggled to gain some hope for an (obviously moral, but also
Maybe it's because so many things have changed, starting from early December, the holiday season, for me almost morally neutral, you need to pass much in the background: the beginning of the Master, the transfer in 'Pisa apartment which meant forcibly changing my pace / customs / traditions, a number of other changes in my situation, all elements that have married meant the achievement of an almost serene (the absence of a job that gives me that I do not really exist consente l'eliminazione di quel noioso "quasi"
Ma voglio festeggiare anche qui, sul mio blog - la mia nicchia ecologica, la mia culla, la mia fierezza, la mia consolazione - l'anno che sta finendo, che quasi è già finito. Credo di aver già detto (su certe questioni temo di essere maledettamente monotona
Il 2010 è stato, per me, un anno dinamico. Se devo pensarci, e ripensarlo, è questo il primo termine che mi colpisce il cuore: del 2010, con tutte le sue vette di rimpianti, rimorsi, pentimenti e delusioni (che non possono non esserci, che ci sono state), ricordo con piacere il dinamismo che l'ha caratterizzato. Nel 2010 mi sono laureata, thus concluding a path of study that has guided the nature of things my life in 2010 I faced the first experience that really put me, and practically, to the test, the experience in Turkey, in 2010 I changed to a swirling , awesome idea and perspective about myself and how to address and look at my life in 2010 I met so many people in ways not previously thought possible even for me, and outside the context of my usual home-faculty philosophy, literary cafes, in 2010 I had the opportunity to learn contexts, situations, characters, out of my ordinary (and not only the experience of the range of perspectives spalancatemi Turkey) in 2010 I realized so many things about me, I got so damn conscience, and for the first time I tried (in some way, probably wrong) to deal with myself that I do not like, maybe I can dare to say that, perhaps, at last , 2010 meant the beginning of my very real emotional and intellectual growth.
There were periods, of forced inactivity, the desire to cancel. But I can not think of the 2010 except in relation to the thrill of change that has gone through the (changes have not always and not only due to my choice, but often merely "captain" for a series of random coincidences or simply because the flow the time she wanted it).
Coming out of my small, narrow, personal and individual perspective, I do not know if the same dynamic has characterized the Italian situation, which I often unpleasant impression that tend to repeat themselves, distressing, stale, patterns of power and oppression. Perhaps for Italy as a whole has not been a year so dynamic, so special, so - when the chips - not negative.
To console (console and you also
Preparare questi gnocchi mi ha dato un'enorme soddisfazione: avete mai provato la gioia, l'ansia creatrice di vedere i vostri piccoli gnocchi salire uno a uno in superficie pronti per essere scolati e mangiati?
Bravo. Have you been lyrical.
Opera to orgasm.
Now go 'to bed. Sleep
blessed in your enthusiasm.
(Giorgio Caproni 'MORE insert ")
Gnocchi di zucca aromatizzati alla salvia con arancia e semi di papavero
Ingredients (per person)
for gnocchi
- 170 grams of pumpkin already cooked and reduced to a purée made Kindergarten ( I followed the procedure used in making the pastry tart with cocoa , but only because I had not read the indication of Artemisia to use the microwave method certainly faster )
- 20 g 00 + flour and knead flour as needed to give the right consistency to the dumpling
- a good grating of nutmeg (Artemisia use the mace, which is different from the nutmeg ... but only this I)
sauce for seasoning
- 20 g fat spreadable vegetable (or a similar amount of butter)
- few leaves of sage
- grated rind of an orange
- a pinch of salt
- a handful of poppy seeds
Procedimento : Mescolate la polpa di zucca con i 20 grammi di farina e la noce moscata grattugiata. Otterrete un impasto molto molto morbido, anche se lavorabile (una volta che accettate di sporcarvi e impiastricciarvi un po' le mani
Give each form part of a regular Rolin and cut it into small (small but not too much I recommend!
Toss the gnocchi in boiling salted water and pull them out when they are afloat, because they are ready: do not throw water all at once, you have the foresight to throw whenever small porzioncine, you cook the dumplings in various stages, but prevent from sticking together and so you have to eat a big orange gnoccone
Once the gnocchi are ready (or even while they cook ... this is a wonderful achievement to do more things at once), prepare the seasoning sauce by melting vegetable shortening (or butter) together with the leaves of sage, so that they will become crispy and tasty. Grated orange peel also: Use the large holes of the grater, you will get peel aesthetically appreciable.
's Transfer gnocchi into the pot and toss with melted butter. Then sprinkle with the breadcrumbs with the peels of orange and poppy seeds.
Eat warm beautiful, are a sensory spectacle, in which the sweetness of pumpkin is well dissolved dall'amarognolo of orange peel and poppy seeds.
And with this post and this recipe officially closes 2010 on my blog. To all those who want to stop and take a look - it's quick and thoughtful - I sincerely hope a magnificent view of 2011 and enjoy a wonderful start of the year.
In all, we love you, best wishes
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