In our culture most of people suffer from identity confusion.
Many reached awareness, get frustrated when they created the image of the ego turns out to be empty with no sense: sooner or later, in fact, the identity based on the image no longer gives the desired satisfaction . The term "image of the self" A. Lowen refers to "mental conceptions" as opposed to reality, and writes: "An image is real only when it is connected to the feeling and the feeling [...] we only experience reality through the body [...] and if the body is relatively short life, perceptions and reactions are reduced. It is the body that yearns for love, chills of fear, trembling with rage [...]. Based on the reality of feeling, the identity has a solid conformation. Abstract from this social reality is an artifice, a skeleton without flesh "(a. Lowen - Fear of living - Astrolabe).
Lowen believes that the ego function is to verify the reality and not to dominate it.
In addition there is to say, referring to two authors also dear to me, and Lapierre Aucoutourier, that "I do not exist in relation to non-I" or I need the other to affirm my identity, permit comparisons necessary to oppose him. The other, different, outside myself, it is the reference of my identity. Is structured so the physical space: the Inside and Outside, the giving and receiving. Giving is projected symbolically inside the other.
According to C. Rogers, then, consistency is one of the qualities that must exist in relation to consistency and he intends to "any attitude and feeling you are experiencing must be accompanied by full awareness of it. "
To conclude this introduction, refer to as A. Lapierre and B. Aucoutourier define the concept of love: "The pleasure of being the place of the Other, its lack of complementarities, but also the desire of the Other to its completeness." (A. Lapierre and B. Aucoutourier - The body and the unconscious in therapy and education - Armand).
Having said that I can get to the heart of the problem.
In a culture that assesses the knowledge above emotion, the power above the pleasure of being, the mind above the body, it is unlikely that the person receives balanced. Kant defines person as "the relation of man to Himself, [it] is identified with his conscience."
Exaltation today to cancel a certain culture, more often than not, what should characterize the relationship with the Other. What is lacking within the family structure, education and mass media in society as a whole understood as an agent and fruente of authentic culture is the deep sense of the idea of \u200b\u200brespect for themselves and for the Other. Many people must learn that the other can not and should not be considered a "tool" of his own selfish pleasure, reducing the state's "thing" in the name, too, the prevailing consumerism.
and education, and family education (especially when the family fails to do so), having to throw in an effective basis founding the Person and hopefully one day! That the media are capable of conveying, giving the importance and the space they deserve, these values.
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