Following the fateful day of Dec. 14, in which young people are troublemakers confused between the demonstrators and throwing into turmoil ravaging the center of Rome, the writer and journalist, interviewed by Michele Serra Dandini in the "Talk to Me" aired the same evening ( http://www.rai.tv/dl/ RaiTV/programmi/media/ContentItem-a3d09d9b-8bee-449e-8816-6bf3da19625c.html ) in respect of acts of vandalism of the black block, said quote: "Sport is a logical, are agonists of the black block. Some people snowboarders, there are those who play at the casino, there are those who loves to have a burning trash bins and his personal score, which is to be able to set a bit 'of a fire .. "(12 minutes, 20), and even "black block 10 .. enough to pervert the course of a day that was to be a political struggle, because it excites them, in various European cities, to have opportunities for sport .." (13.20 minutes).
Despite I agree with what has been stated by the talented writer and journalist in his interview, I can not accept the relationship between the violence of a stupid vandalism and Sport, in addition to not understanding the parallelism "messy" and not at all detailed in the discipline of Snowboard , gambling and burning dumpsters. I can not accept that a person's approach to culture as trivial, an expression of arrogance of an intelligentsia that still considers contempt always with what is expressed through physicality .. and who does not know that the body is the mind and vice versa.
As a sports teacher and I feel offended and outraged by this paucity for guilty of stupidity Culture Sports flattened on the "samples".
I am writing to reaffirm, promote and recognize the sporting spirit of all those guys who, in the event of December 22, have been able to take the field to play a game that is likely to be without history .. to have the satisfaction of being able to say I'm busy with my all, "to be able to feel brave representatives of their generation, to accept and deal with the risk in order to claim the credit as the basis for the development of our society, to try to all put in a position to be able to cultivate and express their talent, to continue to believe to be masters of their own growth and their own future.
commitment, courage, risk, merit, talent, growth, their values \u200b\u200bare dello Sport, the Sport of sound that can contribute to the recognition and consolidation of the principles that underpin any social process that makes the worthy ' individual member of society.
Sport is above all learn to deal with their own capabilities and limitations in order to assert themselves, whether it follows that! The term etymologically athlete brings to the fight, a fight within the rules .. and I want to see these guys as athletes.
The fight, the comparison can and should be corrected, respectful, ethical .. Sport teaches us, help convey this message to the Sport and regain its function.
Dear Michael Serra, do not confuse what is with what might Sport Sport, we are careful to not be so superficial .. for the sake of our youth and the "training" that we all have to be able to provide.
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