You know the saga of "Star Wars"? The explosion in recent decades, more and more outlandish forms of New Age religiosity has led many people around the world to embrace the philosophy of Star Wars Jedi as if it were a kind of new faith.
In Italy since 2005 is on nothing less than an Italian diocese of Religion of the Force which aims to fuse the teachings of "Star Wars" with those of Padre Pio in 2005 was even inaugurated a statue Yoda alongside that of Padre Pio in Bologna.
Everything is based on a number of similarities between the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Force and the boldest and most significant theories of modern quantum physics, according to some authors, would address the main concepts of Eastern religions, primarily Buddhism and Taoism.
Force has been described in the film as an "energy field" that permeates the universe, present in its entirety, by living beings, trees, rocks. In the Star Wars the Force is not limited, however, provide a link to all the different parts of the universe, it also gives the Jedi the ability to interact with it to the point of change reality through phenomena typically known within the pseudo-sciences as "extrasensory perception" or ESP, telekinesis and telepathy in the first place.
Quantum mechanics supports the principle that the observer, far from putting itself in a way detached from what is observed, a major contributing factor to the construction of reality that observes rather than observer is referred to participate, or sharer of Reality. Sums up the extraordinary experimental findings in this regard, quantum mechanics to state that there is not even a reality already predetermined, but the reality would result from the presence observer-part
hypothesis is suggestive that can explain the mysterious relationship between the conscious observer and the universe, which is a constant ratio paradox in theories of quantum mechanics. In other words, the deeper level of human experience, the pure consciousness is the subjective experience of the unified field that is currently being explored by fisica teorica moderna».
I sostenitori della meditazione trascendentale ritengono che intorno al soggetto che medita si venga a creare una sorta di campo, definito “campo Maharishi”, capace di produrre effetti positivi sul prossimo. Nella sopracitata saga, il regista Lucas cita chiaramente l’insegnamento del taoismo di affidarsi alla Forza/Tao che scorre dentro di sé. Uno dei più grandi maestri del Taoismo, Huai Nan-tzu disse: "Colui che segue l’ordine naturale fluisce nella corrente del Tao".
La somiglianza con l’insegnamento Jedi "senti la Forza scorrere in te" è più che evidente. Sulla scorta delle tante tesi che sono state formulate, seguire l’ordine naturale delle cose vorrebbe means to ensure that our mind is founded with the universe of which it is party, leaving the reality and we flow with it.
The teachings of Taoism and quantum mechanics are very close, would it not be appropriate to instead rely on the "transcendental meditation?" I believe that we should never separate the reality from fantasy, this does not mean that some of the arguments very bizarre above all be fantasy, or rather, I will have a fervent supporter.
But religions are dogmatic and not accept more than one point of view, and for this reason that I chose to smile to the philosophy of Tao.
As it is true that the Jedi philosophy could not therefore never be a religion, at most, a teaching based on universal solidarity on the basis of the maximum of Jesus Christ, too often ignored by Christianity, "Love your neighbor as yourself "....
SAYS THE WISE: ... Why not a reality we were given and there 'is, but we must do it ourselves, if we want to be, and never will be one forever, but continuously and infinitely changeable ...
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