What does "change"? The highest expression of the term is represented by the influence of what happens to us every day.
We and our own cells we ever, ever changing, besides a purely physiological point of view in a metaphysical sense.
Although we are not aware, our daily existence, which I likened to a puzzle, being interfered with by other exogenous, disappointments, joys, failures or misfortunes.
go to bed at night and the morning we wake up with a new "light" for the more fortunate or wise, but certainly with more awareness than the day before. Not for nothing is said that the night brings advice ...
The certainties that we had, things we really want (or need) to do, suddenly - at least apparently - seem to have undergone a change of direction: as Gandhi said, the opinions we have formed and conclusions we reached are not final. We could change at any time if they were to see the reason.
Ii sorrow for the failures and failures leave their mark, we temper, but a failure is not always a mistake, just might be the best one can do in certain circumstances. The real mistake is to stop trying.
Here it is not relativismo, che è cosa ben più seria, ma semplicemente di accettare l'ineluttabile mutamento di tutte le cose, anche e soprattutto al di fuori del nostro controllo, mutamento di cui noi siamo l'espressione prima più naturale.
Un atteggiamento costantemente possibilistico e sperimentale nei confronti di ogni cosa – ecco ciò di cui abbiamo bisogno.
Da quest'atteggiamento derivano, in modo quasi miracoloso e automatico, i cambiamenti di cui abbiamo bisogno e spesso anche la soluzione di ogni tipo di problema.
DICE IL SAGGIO : In coscienza, non so dire se la situazione will be better when change, but I can say that must change if they are to become better.
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