As always, there would be a galore of things to talk about ... important things, of these tragedies, the national situation and the dictatorship that is slowly, gradually, almost inadvertently, by settling the so-called "decree save them" with which means everything and that has resulted. We would have to do a long disquisition on the 8 March, which is tomorrow, which is called "Women's Day" which, although based on a fixed true fact, and although in theory should recall the many steps that have been made on their empowerment, has become a party like all consumer and consumption, and an opportunity to reflect on the fact that there is indeed granted a "Women's Day," yes, because then the abuses, exploitation, the discrimination, violence, continuinino (not as in 1908, or just like 50 years ago ... but there is still discrimination, and even in our civilized, democratic, modern, Italy).
But today I am pleased and happy to make a post, a post that speaks of spring, which perhaps will come, that maybe is coming, and as every March that respects you shyly, reluctantly, sniff ...
Weather strange time in March ... a whole ball of changes in temperature, mood swings, changes abruptly from rain to hail to sun, wind ... Today and yesterday there was the sun, a sun real, lasting, which smacks of Cold Spring (because however, temperatures are low and no down is really bad!
But the spring, he feels, is coming. As every year, in a blaze of nostalgia and a shake.
When it comes to steps eternally returnees, as is the case of the seasons, lead to the melancholy ... sorry ... is that impresses me every time, see how I'm back here, like a year has already passed, as in less than a month of year it ho 24, per una coincidenza bizzarra esattamente il giorno di Pasqua. Non vi capita mai di fermarvi un attimo e chiedervi "Di già? è già trascorso un anno? e un anno fa cos'ero? cosa sono adesso? cosa sarò?"... a me capita spasmodicamente ogni anno, e quest'anno con ancor più spasmo del solito, perchè adesso è davvero cambiato tutto. Un anno fa stavo ancora dietro agli esami (ne avevo da dare ancora una marea
) e la tesi era una vaga idea nel mio cervello, figurati se pensavo all'averla già scritta e discussa ormai da più di due settimane!
Avevo da prendere ancora tante delusioni, l'altr'anno... o meglio, ancora da prendere la delusione sentimentale più bruciante, per ora, della mia vita. (bruciante a più livelli... sia per come si è mostrato essere lui - cioè un errore madornale del mio esistere - che per come mi sono comportata anch'io in quella situazione che per il modo in cui è finita...
E avevo ancora da capire tante cose che, ancora, devo dimostrare praticamente di aver capito (perché so, e lo so, di averle capite... ma manca la prova empirica).
Ma pensiamo all'oggi... all'oggi 7 marzo 2010 which has seen a wonderful, cold, sunny day. Where you really feel the spring in his nostrils, mixed with the smell of salt so that makes me love living on the sea ... When it's sunny, beautiful as now, the negative thoughts slip away as quickly, though remain - and remain confident that! - Seem less heavy.
This short post of reflection 'is worth very little more for me to wish all who read, those who read me, a life as sunny spring eternal
The first is recognition of the dearest Patapata , and this award has made me pouring out my riflessioncina mignon on the spring is really a sweet and colorful recognition , which makes me think of sunny fields of daisies orange (did not even know she existed before Patapata give me the prize
). Questo è speciale anche per il fatto che sebbene il regolamento preveda che lo si giri a 12 bloggers, Patapata ha voluto - sia per mancanza di tempo che per merito effettivo, come sottolinea lei
- riconoscerlo soltanto a me... e questo mi riempie di autentico piacere. Grazie, Patapata, non la finirò mai di ringraziarti per questo bel gesto!
And about this spring flowering four colleagues bloggers:
- the now attached (at least, I'm fond of the
) Tartini of Roseanne: always be there for her, for her intelligent-playful introductions ever-lengthy, for his imagination in proposing and link recipes ... because it is one of two fellow blog that I found more close-knit, and I immediately thought of her.
- Sabrine of strawberries Snack: because even if the comment in a while '(update too quickly!), Her posts are too dense and well suggestions, ideas, intelligence, wisdom ... and I always learn something from her ...
- welcome the new knowledge Amber de The GattoGhiotto: because as far as the discovery has just seems to me an interesting person, with an interesting blog that offers things (recipes, people, ingredients, reflections) of interest. His is a place that I will continue to look with interest
- and finally of Manu Manu Use the legs, because its comprehensive approach to reality is also reflected in his blog, where not only about food and recipes but a different way and be positive in the world.
The second prize reaches me from beyond the borders of Italy, the French blogger Fimère , which is the first blogger with whom I try to interact in French, having tried to react in their own language Its a wonderful recipe that I have only "vegetarianizzare" but that is outstanding (comment immense effort that has cost me, especially since the French do not grow from 4 years !
Thank you very much, because we know virtually so tragically short time that it is an honor to be regarded as already worthy of being rewarded.
This is dedicated affectionately to all those who read me and to those who want to stop to comment on (mind you it is not a move the media to get more comments!
But a special mention, with the obligation not to refuse, go to:
- again Tartini of Roseanne (now you take two for the price of one ... two prizes by reading a single post ... it is not convenient?
- Patapata of the beloved Pies Patapata , I could not reshoot the bloom that I had sent her ... but this is no exception ...
- to Micaela de The Hamster Gourmet
- to Maurina of Comfort Food
- to Eleonora of Deliciously
- to Rosmarina of Rosmarina
- and Francis of Vegetarian (because a male presence, you know, a necessary east ...
And now the recipe ... because the recipe, and that yes, always a necessary east. This connects the spring ... Perhaps the fact that, in its pouring vegetables, offers a blend of colors that refers to the life and primaverule awakening of consciousness, or perhaps because it represented the spring, or better yet the dawn of my love for tofu. Before I discovered this way of arranging, the nibbling rarely and without much conviction. Then, thanks to my mother, I found out about Bianca's Recipe Pessadani this recipe: how to cook simple and almost obvious, I know, but which for me was a real enlightenment!
After this, I discovered so many other ways to bastardize and give flavor to tofu ... but this has yet to taste different and special. In its simplicity, is incredibly good! The extra touch to say it to my 'spice, it should be, at least in this composition, the ginger. Although you can use any vegetables on hand (I once took me beet, sometimes - as you will see in foto- ci ho messo le patate), la combinazione ottima è quella che vede l'uso di carote, zucchine e cipolle. Anche se pure la versione che vi ho fotografato, in cui inserivo cinque minuti prima della fine della cottura delle patate lessate per pranzo e avanzate (e che ho così riciclato per cena), non era per nulla malaccio...
[...] Tempestando ai vetri
non potrà dal mio tavolo distrarmi la Sommossa,
giacché sarò sepolto nel piacere
di fare. Primavera con la my will,to pull out one from my heart,of cool air with the fire of thought.
(Charles Baudelaire: The Flowers of Evil ")
Tofu fried with vegetables
Upgrade today April 1 (and is not a joke for April
) with two new photos of the dish , chromatically personified and made more vibrant by the use of peppers and corn in an attempt to create a vortex and an orgy of colors, a storm that heralds the glow color of gustatory sense
Tofu fried with vegetables
Ingredients (per person)
- 1 onion 2 medium carrots 1 zucchini
- [ in the change in my photos, as I said, I put forward by the lunch of boiled potatoes , I omitted the zucchini and failing to provide ]
- a clove of garlic, soy sauce
- water 1 packet of tofu (160 g)
- oil to taste ginger powder to taste
Preparation: In a pan rather large sauté garlic.
Cut the vegetables into rather large pieces: once the garlic is browned, add the onion first, then carrots and zucchini.
Cook a few minutes, then add the diced tofu, and then a dusting of powdered ginger, a bottom of a glass of water and a couple of tablespoons of soy sauce.
Bake for 15-20 minutes on low heat, being careful that the ingredients do not stick to the pan (if this happens, add water).
variation with potatoes, I put the potatoes have boiled a few minutes before removing from fire, so that heat and flavor in the sauce of soy sauce and ginger.
Upgrade today April 1 (and is not a joke for April
With this addition I declare my participation with this recipe, the collection of Elena of GnamGnam The kitchen color
And after this long series of mutual recognition, reflections on the various and many springs, of thanks, regrets, aspirations for a future that will, I wish you all a wonderful evening and a Sunday (I hope) good start of the week.
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