Finding free information requires more effort, time and skills, is increasingly inhibited, while the information packed on TV does not require effort, are diffuse rather nicely. should be noted, that persuasion is more efficient than indirect, where the viewer feels he does not receive taxes or restrictions to freedom.
all know, I suppose, that this which is prohibited or required immediately raises rebellion and behaviors different from those desired. For example, if we control all television and most want to achieve a consensus as possible to our particular pattern of thought or another, the best strategy is always to bomb the model without opposition or alternative . If the viewer is a lack of other voices became suspicious and do something that may feel resistance to taxes and limiting his freedom, and the consensus is damaged. Often it can even be useful total freedom to leave those few items diametrically opposed to the model we want to inculcate ... Did you notice?
Ultimately, in a totalitarian system, in contrast to what one might expect, the power is maintained not only with violence, but is the result of mutual negotiations between the leaders and the masses which dominated donate if they were peanuts for the monkeys, fictitious information and attractive proposals for an easy fun. The mass and the crowds do not act in favor of what is hard, uncomfortable and "not well accepted by all, is not opposed to common sense. The consensus of the mass then it will always be towards the media.
Now I wonder: how can we create for ourselves a future? Staying on the simple things we can not even buy a car, because if we are put in rule no funding. And how do young people even think to start a family? What would live? What to feed their children? And how do all those graduate students to find a job? And the families? It vogliamo parlare? Con 1000/1500 euro al mese, se si pensa a tutte le spese fisse ed obbligate, non ci se la può fare. Ma i lavoratori ancora sono fortunati… E i pensionati con 600 euro di pensione? Stanno annientando tutti i nostri diritti, e NON privilegi, attenzione!
Non è questione nè di destra nè di sinistra: per noi non fa differenza, tanto lo prendiamo in quel posto a 360 gradi. Per loro, invece, conta solo che stiano al potere e possano accampare privilegi per sé e per i propri amici e discendenti.
Se vogliamo darci una speranza, dobbiamo capire, accettare e metabolizzare il concetto che le cose non cambiano, solo le persone lo fanno; noi dobbiamo diventare il cambiamento che vogliamo vedere negli altri e nel resto del mondo, attraverso un mutamento del nostro stato di consapevolezza poiché di solito gli uomini quando sono tristi non fanno niente o si limitano a piangere sulla propria situazione. Ma quando si arrabbiano, allora si danno da fare per cambiare le cose. Lo sappiamo, le cose che vanno cambiate sono tante e rappresentano dei cancri profondamente radicati nel corpo dell’Umanità; dagli armamenti alla devastazione ambientale, dalla sovrappopolazione alla fame che riguarda ancora troppe people, the mad and senseless arms race in the prevailing spread of the pharmaceutical business, which not only is not taking into account the health of people, but that work only and always in the name of profit, because apparently maintaining a constant level shortage of health.
Exist responsible for the deaths of hundreds of millions of people continue to die of heart disease, cancer and other diseases which could have been prevented and largely eliminated long ago.
The premature death of these men is not due to either a coincidence or negligence. It was deliberately and systematically organized by the pharmaceutical industry and its investors with the sole aim to expand a global drug market worth billions of dollars.
The market for the pharmaceutical industry is the human body and the return on investment that you are dependent upon sustained by the expansion and disease. Its profits make this industry the most profitable on the planet.
In contrast, prevention and eradication of any disease significantly reduce or eliminate the All the drugs market. Therefore, the multinational pharmaceutical companies have systematically prevented the prevention of diseases, including
the elimination of competition from safe and natural therapies, as non-patentable and with very tight profit margins. In addition, these natural therapies can effectively help prevent and eradicate the disease to their essential role in cellular metabolism.
L'pharmaceutical industry offers the "health" to millions of patients, but does not keep its commitments. In contrast, only offers products that alleviate the symptoms, helping the disease that causes them to ensure future business. In order to conceal this fraud, the industry spends to cover twice as much spent on research on future therapies.
In this regard, frankly, already seriously compromised, people should start thinking "backwards", ie that the disease is the activity that brings life balance in a compromised situation, it not 'to destroy or fight, but a program
biologico e sensato della natura e noi dobbiamo solo gestirla e modularla.
The knowledge of this fundamental and self-understanding of the nature we can not feel 'scared, panicked and powerless even to a definite diagnosis very poor.
But not enough to have and maintaining health requires above all a personal commitment to the search for the correct information, which means also abstaining from unnecessary diagnostic tests as well as harmful estimates, the proper use of supplements, hoping that in the meantime do not restrict severely the use and especially the adoption of a healthy lifestyle which is the basis for all wiser and effective prevention.
SAYS TEST : Awareness and health are the primary duties of life.
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