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some time toyed with the idea of \u200b\u200bwriting a book, on the other hand my first forty years had passed and I thought I had gained a sufficient amount of experience that we can do it. But then, after starting, I realized I had no sense to write on topics of intimacy, because from a spiritual point of view it is in eternal evolution of knowledge, every day is an anchor in place while another one off, giving you doubts and uncertainties that, in hindsight, are the engine of any further search and conquest of his own consciousness.
Like most people I lived until a few years ago in complete disregard of certain aspects of life, let me live that life, not the other, as should be done without the least control over events, and currently live a life almost exclusively made up of introspective solitude, good and careful reading, the sports and very few people around me.
This would almost say of misanthropy, especially from the outside, is causing me many problems especially in the family, due to the fact that people, as related to me by deep love, remain faithful in their own right, for me a misconception of the meaning of life and how it should be continued, casting live without beginning a vivere affermando la Forza della Vita, invece di esistere soltanto.
Ci vuole un innegabile coraggio per affrontare le difficoltà che il Cambiamento porta con sè. Ad esempio, l'uso del televisore è diventato x me quasi pari a zero, ma se e quando mi permetto di dirlo alle persone, apriti cielo!! Sembra quasi creare più dipendenza di una droga e quel che è peggio è che fino ad oggi relativamente poche persone hanno aquisito familiarità e manualità with the network, from which you can get excellent results as the objectivity of the information. The salvation of the correct information and achieving the ability to solve, from time to time, common problems, find their fulfillment in the intelligence Collective. That's it. I hope it happens just that more people aquisito expertise in how to use the network as to information and disseminate it, how to find the best solutions.
The network is an innovative concept, a different point of life. However, the human mind, channeled into patterns and categories very hard, is still struggling to cogliene some very beneficial to their development. The TV is the main channel, no channel is better suited to handle large masses such as television, especially for prolonged periods of time, it restricts the choices and limits us, has the immense power to create models thought base.
Sure, it's only a matter of time and the solution will come, it's up to us, if we believe, take action to bring that moment, the future is in our hands.
SAYS TEST : The lessons are important in itself, commentators and interpreters can only distort them . It 'should, where possible, draw directly from the source without going through any Authority.
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