TV is the main channel, no channel is better suited to handle large masses such as television, especially for prolonged periods of time. Radio, newspapers or the network, are of secondary impact on the psyche of the masses and training mode, cultures, opinions and consensus .
TV circumscribes the choices, limits us. The human brain can only choose between what he knows, then the large-scale control access of critical information you need to assess a situation means to control the mental processes themselves. The immense power of television in the long run is to determine the "ways of thinking base. Who has the power to choose this form does not submit such information. This essentially determines the mass knows that what is limited. And the contents are associated with attractive images, pleasant, desirable, listing in detail all that is positive. The thought of the mass is developed independently only between what is presented, while a large part of reality is omitted from the collective consciousness . Dreams, expectations, desires, role models and to identify with, to live and suffer, are chosen from this without effort. addition, it stimulates feelings of envy and inadequate to those who do not conform to the model that everyone should know whether aesthetic, political, lifestyle, economic.
The mass is primitive by definition. His behavior is driven by emotion and instinct rather than logic and reason. The crowd acts on the basis of the most primal feelings, those that from the point of view of evolution are the first stages of human development, as fear, anger, excitement and belonging to a group . Instincts very easy to control and manipulate, and these groupings in what is lost is the greatest achievement of modern men, namely the rationality and the use of superior intellectual ability.
To promote primitive then the dynamics of the masses and to control them, it is essential to bring as much as possible and stimulate thought patterns, which take root easily and naturally, elementary and impulsive such as those we find in the cries on TV. hysterical and crying, For example, a showcase where everyone is against everyone in expressing the lowest part of human emotionality, such as anger, aggression and envy, with the typical methods of the pack, arena or lynching live. Quite personally, I think that the format of reality, which is spreading unstoppable and shamefully, is the worst trash that from the point of view of 'information', it could happen to us. Unfortunately, it is also highly profitable and a giver of the benefits described above ...
Everything to fill your brain and clouded the minds of people. Not be long before the World Cup will take millions of people in suspense and this occupation will continue until early July, will take over the holidays and then of course we will meet again in September, even with the national soccer team with a World Cup more (which will serve to dmenticare shameful scandal of cheating, doping, gambling, drugs, prostitution and a system of metastasis that does not concern only the course scapegoats that well known). also because - let's face it honestly - if people lose faith in god-ball and not to go to church (stage) or not listening to the tele-evangelist (sports coverage ) and does not distract from real problems in any way, most people would accept a system like this? Football is undoubtedly a powerful social glue that can not fail the system. That's why everything will fall at any cost and by any means ...
That said, an "Ordinary" che riceve le notizie esclusivamente dal tubo catodico, come fa a sapere quello che la “scatola infernale” NON dice? Esistono certamente canali alternativi, ma questi implicano una ben precisa presa di coscienza e soprattutto voglia di conoscenza, di non accettare passivamente quello che ci viene servito nel piatto, ma di trasformare questa passività in azione per meglio comprendere cosa accade tutto intorno a noi.
Se « le religioni sono l’oppio dei popoli », « la televisione and media in general are the opium of the poor .
Of course I am referring to the poor in spirit, in the poor, at heart, who are content, because of this lack interior, so empty, what the boob tube and other information channels, "give" their day after day, without worrying about whether the messages kindly offered by System are true or not, and especially Is there any other news that are not known or that are obscured.
SAYS TEST : Teachings are important in themselves, commentators and interpreters can only distort them. It 'should draw directly from the source without going through any kind
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